Procuring of i. e. c. materials for fgm escapees/girls


Kisii/mlimani Passed St.rita's Academy., Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

October 2015

On-time repayments

5 installments  •  0%

About Me

I grew up in a rural place/set up and later moved to urban centers in search of green pastures after completing my both primary and secondary education. I have been so instrumental in so many avenues of life that will take more than 100 pages to fully describe myself and i have management to achieve goals though not all as set up in life.
I came to start up my business simply because of the reason of wanting to contribute more to the community than individual/or myself by starting up a training programme wherein FGM ESCAPEES pay some money/fees and get professional skills that will improve on their lifestyles as in the picture uploaded.
The land is fertile but in terms of acreages, it has greatly reduced to the extent that one has to think twice over her/his survival. Equally, the cultural aspect of the community really condones the outdated practices which i want to discourage by offering skilled training at a fee for my sustainability. However, in general the community's cultural believes accepts all sundry.
Concerning the issue to do with my children, it would be a bit difficulty for me to tell as even myself did not at any given time imagine of doing what am engaged in now or rather that i would be doing in my future times. So what one anticipates to be once fully grown up actually does not come to reality as life has its own dynamics and challenges. So it is not easy to tell as that is ones' choice.
Truly, my hobby isn't be of much difference as i commit much of my time in the skills training of the FGM ESCAPEES. However, when i have that time of relaxing i at times enjoy sporting activities.

My Business

Fine. To start with i would be very categorical that the services that i would provide would be paying as it will involve in, in the training of the girls who run away from undergoing female genital mutilation (FGM) at a fee agreeable.
The services is in demand because of the reason that the community rampantly practices the outdated practice like FGM and for those who have seen others running away from the same and opting for the training have interestingly increased and so needs much money and attention, which makes me feel that if given an opportunity of getting a loan shall definitely improve on my business or services.
Because of the increasing number of girls who are opting for a different rite of passage that want to be disassociated by having something skilled for their lifetime lifestyles.
Because of the economic hardships and lack of resources/or money from the girls, i really do make it at a very reasonable costs so as to encourage many from undergoing the outdated practices thus act as an inducement. But, however, that does not mean that i can't be able to repay my loan once approved. Much of my revenue comes from the training i do offer, which actually sustains all my needs.
After all the expenses thus school fees, rent, foodstuff, clothings, etc, i still remain comfortable though not to the required standards which i feel that i should get an added income such as this loan from you to supplement on the training, so as to make my life be a bit not straining and worked up.

Loan Proposal

a). 1 Sewing machine = US$ 291.3,
b). 5 pieces of scissors each at US$ 49 = US$ 245,
c). 1 roll of cloth material = US$ 146,
d). 2 pieces of electric iron boxes each at US$ 54 = US$ 270.

These will better me in form of making more money from my trainees as i will be able to get a big number of interested trainees. This will at the same time better the community by having a big number girls having undergone skilled training for self sustaining instead of relying on their parents, guardians, and many of the same.
Obviously there shall be an improvement in my business in terms of making profit which for sure i can not be able to quote right away here. But for sure it is an overwhelming business.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 24, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks



Sterling, United States


Bob Fitzjohn

Fontvielle, Monaco, Yemen


Alexandre Genereux

Gatineau, Canada


Roxane Milot

Gatineau, Québec, Canada


Wendy Emlyn

Devon, United Kingdom






Los Angeles, California, United States

Elise E

United States

Ask Nyabuto a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Nyabuto    May 2, 2018

    Am so concerned that we can not apply more than kshs. 12/= and yet my previous loan is fully settled.
    What do i do in order to request for more than kshs. 12/=?
    Please help.

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  • Nyabuto    Dec 11, 2015

    Most welcome my dear lender.

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  • Nyabuto    Dec 4, 2015

    Well, i now wish to inform lenders that my 428 KES that i received from Zidisha has been repaid and so feel happy for the same, as i now stand not indebted at all with the Zidisha. Let all my membership fees be retained in order to cover all my applied loan without further demand of them from me.
    I completely, don't want to hear anything to do with Zidisha any more.
    Thank you.
    N.M. Onyambu.

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  • Nyabuto    Nov 20, 2015

    Thanks madam. I shall immediately communicate once i get the outcome from the Zidisha please.

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  • Elise E    Nov 19, 2015

    Sir, please contact Zidisha directly and tell them what you want to do. We are simply lenders who are trying to help and support businesses and do not make the rules. Only Zidisha can help you at this point with your loan. Please email them directly in the 'contact us' section and keep us lenders posted on what the outcome is. I feel badly you didn't read the terms and conditions and I hope you can resolve this with Zidisha.

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  • Nyabuto    Nov 19, 2015

    Thank you, thank you for your long explanations upon my queries or rather concerns, in which i now humbly tell you that because of the circumstances upon which i had wanted that loan do not confirm with your loaning procedures, i categorically state that am not willing to continue with the same, as i don't want to be bothered all the time over what i can not afford to in future.
    Kindly, accept my withdrawal from that loaning fund of yours and clear me as i make plans of repaying your 428 KES soon. Please bear with me on that, because the kind of work that am doing or involved in can not and will not accept that kind of arrangement. Lastly, my humble request to you concerning the procedure of loaning, is that you should slowly deduct the registration fees with a proper explanation to your client instead of taking or doing what you are doing. In fact, that can't give the interested applicants heart of wanting that loan at all. Please design a way of getting the registration fees that is amicable to you and your clients as well if at all you want to progress further than where you are.
    God bless you all in Jesus Name i pray. Amen.

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    • Roy    Nov 19, 2015

      It is my understanding that borrowers are told on a number of occasions through out the process about the fees involved, and that borrowers agree to these terms. Even so, borrowers who do not understand and contact Zidisha immidiately after the funds have been have had the opportunity to cancel the loan and return the funds.
      Hopefully, it is not too late for you to cancel the loan and return the funds. I encourage you to do this immediately....Like now.
      Good luck in your venture.

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  • Wendy Emlyn    Nov 18, 2015

    I agree with what Elise says, and would add a reminder that you can claim back the Loan Loss Fund payment at any time in the future, as long as you have no outstanding loans with Zidisha. This is all clearly laid out before you take out a loan, so there should have been no surprises if you read it properly.

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  • Elise E    Nov 18, 2015

    Sir, from what I understand your very first loan is much smaller because you are paying into a fund that is like an insurance for us lenders and you are also paying an initial registration fund as well. These fees come out of the loan rather than charging you in advance. Once you have your first loan (and all fees) every subsequent loan is only 3% interest from then on. I understand the first loan seems to be very little.. but it is for our protection, as sellers, that you contribute to a fund for borrowers who refuse to pay. Think of all the loans you will get in the future with such low interest and no fees. Think long term instead of short.

    I would post your question in the borrowers forum and hear what others have to say. I funded the majority of your loan because I agree with your mission.. and I'm willing to fund future loans for that mission as well, it's your choice.

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  • Nyabuto    Nov 18, 2015

    Indeed madam, i have not paid any money so far, simply because of the reason that your loan which i anticipated in getting ended up no-way, in the sense that i only received 428 KES against the requested amount of 14,928 KES. And because of that i seem to be very heavily heartened towards the repayment as i thought that the money was to help me expand my business and from there i get enabled and start repaying, but unfortunately it turned out to be away of getting conned by the very people that i thought were to help me achieve my long time goal.
    Now, questions come or arise, is it really fair for me to repay for something that i never received simply because i had signed all the necessary documentation or information? Now, if that is the position, is that really loaning people or conning them instead?
    Kindly give me your position before i think or otherwise.

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  • Elise E    Nov 17, 2015

    Nyabuto... do you plan on starting to repay your loan to us? I haven't recieved any repayment and am wondering what is happening? Can you let us know?

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  • Nyabuto    Oct 26, 2015

    Am specifically thanking my lenders for the support they gave to my project which really wants to train on skilled manpower to the FGM escapees/Girls. However, i must let them know that from the amount of money applied for i managed to get only 428KES towards the same, which in fact is nothing but a big joke to these girls lifestyles that we want changed through well supported training. Anyway, whichever the case, we strongly feel that we must continue with the same as this was our brainchild idea that we ought to do through other means possible. So please, for any other lender who would want to know more on the same can as well reach me on my personal contacts at:- [email protected].

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  • Flipmore    Oct 20, 2015

    Hi Nyabuto,

    I love what you are doing.

    Could you please tell me more about the business - what will you train the girls to make? How much will the product sell for?

    Carolyn in Vancouver

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    • Nyabuto    Oct 20, 2015

      First of all, let me take this opportunity and very sincerely thank you for the love you've created in my project.
      Secondly, let me go straight to your concerns or queries and state as follows to you as my dear madam donor:-
      1. First of all, i want to outline my first interest in the same to you, by stating that i do or conduct them (escapees/girls) capacity building that enables them to understand where to are, where to are headed to, and where they have come from in terms of avoiding the outdated cultural stereotypes/practices such as FGM and how to overcome such predicaments that they undergo when they are ripe for circumcision and the good part of having an alternative passage as that promotes their Women's Human Rights as enshrined in our Newly Established Constitution (2010) of Kenya and in the BILL OF RIGHTS, thus in this same constitution, as well as even in the international conventions that protects or rather prohibits the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) practices.
      Secondly, I and on behalf of those that we partner in the same programme, do train the FGM Escapees/Girls on social entrepreneurship through a highly structured commitment process designed to embed skills and motivate them to give sufficiently to the improvement of their lifestyles, thus in case they get abandoned by the communities once they refuse to undergo the outdated practices, as the communities are so strong believers of the cultural customs such as FGM, which according to them accords one full grown mentalities and thus engages in early sex and marriages. This is usually done at a fee from the participating escapees/girls or at times we do volunteer work as most don't happen to having money because of the reason that they are circumcised as early as being 6 years old and still in schools.
      However, what we train of offer usually ranges from tailoring and dressmaking, weaving, boutique, small entrepreneurship such as selling chocolates, vegetables and many more wares that can earn a living and this is done to only those who can not manage big training as mentioned early on. In other words, i do categorize them according to their ages. Again, to add to that i do have a problem of a place that is not paid for or rather asked for rent so as to accommodate more girls or escapees run to me for the same.
      Well, in terms of how much the product sell once made depends on one's choice of market that they visit because when one goes far from home for selling usually the product do go up, and this can be two the initial cost. Take for an example of a woman's dress, at a local market, it sells at KSHS. 500/= which is equivalent to $ 5. And when she goes far from home she sells at $ 10 or sometimes $ 15 depending on her application of the skills taught in selling. So you can see that should i be supported financially chances are that most escapees will have an improved lifestyles and would generally motivate many to opt for the same, in terms of abandoning this cultural stereotypes that they undergo.

      Kindly, madam, allow me to give my full goal/introduction in ensuring that these children are very well catered for so that you may understand me well and what am involved in.
      N/B:- Please the message or rather information below is one of the many requests that am making to various donors and see if i can be supported or assisted in order to achieve my very fundamental goal.

      Introduce yourself and your background.
      Stema Women Development Group is a registered as a non-partisan and non-profit making local women’s human rights community-based organization, with a focus on gender equality and women’s empowerment not only as human rights, but also because they are a pathway to achieving the Millennium Development Goals and sustainable development. The organization was established in the year 2004 as a result of a workshop organized by Feredaration of women lawyers- Kenya chapter (FIDA) that sought to strengthen the networking capacities of women organizations and groups in Kenya. At this particular workshop, violence against women was identified as a serious women rights violation that needed concerted efforts to address.

      Mission:- To ensure that women have a real voice in all governance institutions, from the judiciary to the civil service, as well as in the private sector and women organizations/groups and movements, so they can participate equally with men in public dialogue and decision-making and influence the decisions that will determine the future of their families and communities.

      Briefly describe your campaign and why it's important to you.
      - The organization will use social impact entrepreneurship as a tool to sell condoms and other contraceptives and provide reproductive health and family planning services, through innovative marketing and distribution channels, including the Internet, social media sites, midwives, clinics, drug and grocery stores, and
      - Because it will enable the organization to train the FGM escapees/girls on social entrepreneurship through a highly structured committed process designed to embed skills and motivate them to give sufficiently to the improvement of their lifestyles.

      Express the magnitude of what contributors will help you achieve.
      - Will help us achieve the social entrepreneurship and information communication technologies in the community through a highly structured committed process designed to embed skills and motivate them to give sufficiently to the improvement of their lifestyles and that of the extended communities.

      Break it down for folks in more detail:
      Explain how much funding you need and where it's going. Be transparent and specific-people need to trust you to want to fund you.
      1. The much funding we need as an organization is $ 4,950,000,
      2. This amount of money/funding will go to:-
      a). Project designing/developing/planning = $ 25,000
      b). Procurement of the I. E. C. Materials = 1,200,000,
      c). Implementation = $ 2,800,000,
      d). Monitoring and Evaluation = $ 400,000,
      e). Documentation = $ 50,000,
      f). Report Writing and subsequent submission to the donors = $ 15,000, and
      g). 10% Constituencies = $ 450,000.

      Tell people about your unique perks. Get them excited!
      - We would like them to know that once we shall be through with the project, we shall give/send over to them project training materials such as:- 1. T-Shirt conveying the project messages, 2. Training Cap, 3. Still Pictures, 4. DVDs, 5. a report on the same.

      The Impact
      Feel free to explain more about your campaign and let people know how the difference their contribution will make:-

      Explain why your project is valuable to the contributor and to the world.
      It will be valuable because, it will re-look at the cultural stereotypes of intelligence in men and women, showing the gender inequality in self-presentation and rate their technological skills in activities such as basic computer functions and online participatory communication which is lower than their male counterpart, which will improve on their high education levels and social integration significantly in the productivity of all members of the household and improve equity throughout society.

      Point out your successful track record with projects like this (if you have one).
      For the last 11 (Eleven) years, Stema Women Development Group has focused on the maxim of coordinating grassroots efforts to integrate gender equality and women’s empowerment into poverty reduction, democratic governance, crisis prevention and recovery, and environment and sustainable development through its local network that works to ensure that women have a real voice in all governance institutions, from the judiciary to the civil service, as well as in the private sector and women organizations/groups and movements, so they can participate equally with men in public dialogue and decision-making and influence the decisions that will determine the future of their families and communities.

      Make it real for people and build trust.
      - It is very real and can attest to, if asked to.

      Risks & Challenges

      People value your transparency. Be open and stand out by providing insight into the risks and obstacles you may face on the way to achieving your goal.

      The common obstacles we anticipate of may be:-

      - 1. Getting or looking for too much information,

      2. Having no clear action plan,

      3. Shortage of time, money, or other resources,

      4. Having Mindset and attitude, and

      5. Lack of support or guidance.

      Share what qualifies you to overcome these hurdles.
      - Picking on one project to study and go with that model,
      need to have a clear action plan right from the beginning to the end without applying any guesswork ideology/methodology,
      before setting out on our goal, we shall figure out the amount of time we will need to put into this, the costs we will incur, and the resources we will need to obtain and use,
      adopting the mindset of success by thinking and speaking positively and adopting the attitude of success by seeing obstacles as opportunities and setbacks as feedback, and
      finding a mentor, coach, teacher, friend, joint venture partner, anyone who will hold your hand, guide you, support you until you reach your goal.

      Describe your plan for solving these challenges.
      - By recognizing and overcoming the common pitfalls associated with growth/success is essential if our business/project is to continue to grow and thrive. Crucially, we shall need to ensure that the steps we take today don't themselves create additional problems for the future, thus effective leadership will help us make the most of the opportunities, creating sustainable growth for the future of the project. (In a nutshell, we shall keep up with the market, planning ahead, cash flow and financial management, problem solving, the right systems, skills and attitudes and welcoming change).

      Other Ways You Can Help
      Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
      Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about your campaign.
      - We humbly make our passionate appeal to our online friends to not necessarily make/help/donate funding, but also to make much noise to those who might not be knowledgeable of this campaign to do something towards this noble project that is meant to help out the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Escapees make a meaningful lifestyles.

      And that's all there is to it.

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      • Wendy Emlyn    Oct 20, 2015

        Thank you for giving us all such a clear picture of what you are already doing, and your plans for the future. I wish you well in all this, and hope other people will join me in fully funding your loan in time, but please apply again if you are not successful the first time.

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        • Nyabuto    Oct 21, 2015

          Thank you, thank you x 100 times. May God Lord bless thy feelings and minds that you've put in my achieving my goal in the community in regard to the well-being of the escapees/girls that say NO to FGM. Kindly work tirelessly to help these girls and make it possible for them to feel loved and wanted by unknown persons of God.
          In fact, madam, what i wrote above for madam Flipmore is exactly what i want achieved if it were to be possible for donors to support or rather help to. The message is very elaborate and wanting madam. God bless you so abundantly that you make it possible for my goal to be achievable.

          N/B:- A Picture of my previous education training of the Escapees/girls attached for you and those who would be interested in our goal.

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