Loans to increase stocks of goods


Tangerang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

37 installments  •  84%

About Me

my name is eko supriyanto, since childhood I have a regular and like to work for my own money, so do not always keep asking for parents, and I hope my child will be useful for the nation and country, besides I also like and hobby doing activities that beehubungan with computers and elaktronika.

My Business

I work in a company engaged in the field of computer and electronics service in accordance with my profession with my salary every month 3,000,000. in addition to work I also have a side business selling and buying computer seevice at d time outside working hours with my income 2,500,000 so every month total all my current income 5,500,000

Loan Proposal

I will use these loan funds as best I can to increase the stocks and types of goods I sell and computer-related. I am sure the more complete the stuff - my stock will go forward my efforts. I wish the investors would help me to give this loan for my business

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About Me

perkenalkan nama saya Eko Supriyanto, sejak kecil saya sudah biasa dan suka bekerja mencari uang sendiri, jadi tidak selalu terus minta kepada orang tua, dan saya berharap anak saya nanti bisa menjadi anak yang berbakti kepada kedua orang tua dan berguna bagi bangsa dan negara, selain itu saya juga suka dan hobi melakukan aktifitas yang berhubungan dengan komputer dan elektronika. dengan kesukaan saya di komputer itulah saya mulai merintis usaha buka service komputer dan elektronika, sehingga saya bisa mendapat penghasilan tambahan selain dari kerja tetap saya di suatu perusahaan.
saya berharap di zidisha ini bisa mendapatkan bantuan pinjaman saya di danai sepenuhnya oleh para investor.

My Business

saya bekerja di sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang komputer dan elektronika service sesuai dengan profesi saya dengan gaji saya tiap bulan 3.000.000. selain kerja saya juga punya usaha sampingan jual beli dan service komputer pada saat d luar jam kerja dengan penghasilan saya 2.500.000, jadi setiap bulan total semua penghasilan saya sekarang ini 5.500.000, akan tetapi usaha sampingan saya masih memerlukan dana untuk modal untuk membeli kelengkapan barang sparepart dan alat-alat service komputer tepatnya saya akan membeli alat untuk memasang chipet laptop dan motherboard, untuk itu saya berharap sangat bisa berlanjut terus mengajukan dan pinjaman di zidisha dan bisa di danai sepenuhnya oleh para investor yang baik hati dan percaya kepada saya. saya yakin dengan kelengkapan alat-alat service komputer dan sparepart saya yang lengkap akan bisa maju dan berkembang, jadi bisa menghasilkan keuntungan yang lebih. kalau sudah mendapat keuntungan lebih dari hasil usaha saya akan menggunakan itu untuk sebagian membayar dana pinjaman sesuai jadwal, untuk biaya sekolah anak, dan perputaran bisnis tentunya, saya memilih mengembangkan usaha ini karena disamping sesuai jurusan sekolah saya dan hobi saya itu juga sekarang teknologi semakin maju dan semua orang sekarang ini hampir semua membutuhkan komputer dan laptop untuk melakukan suatu aktifitas usaha / kerjaan.

Loan Proposal

Saya akan menggunakan dana pinjaman ini sebaik mungkin untuk menambah stok dan jenis barang yang saya jual dan yang berhubungan dengan komputer. Saya yakin semakin lengkap barang - stok saya akan maju usaha saya ini. Saya berharap kepada para investor berkenan membantu saya untuk memberikan pinjaman ini untuk usaha saya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 1, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks



Paul Graham

United States

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  • Eko    Feb 5, 2018

    Thanks to the investors in the honorable zidisha, my loan has been fully funded and I have received the funds, I will use to purchase service tools to install computer and laptop chipsets.

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  • Eko    Jan 26, 2018

    I thank all the investors in zidisha who have helped me, I really hope my loan is fully financed, if I get a loan from investors in this zidisha the funds will I use to buy a tool to install laptop and computer chipsets. so that the business of computer and laptop service can be more developed and developed and I will pay back on time.

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  • Eko    Jan 26, 2018

    I thank all the investors in zidisha who have helped me, I really hope my loan is fully financed, if I get a loan from investors in this zidisha the funds will I use to buy a tool to install laptop and computer chipsets. so that the business of computer and laptop service can be more developed and developed and I will pay back on time.

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  • Eko    Jan 26, 2018

    I thank all the investors in zidisha who have helped me, I really hope my loan is fully financed, if I get a loan from investors in this zidisha the funds will I use to buy a tool to install laptop and computer chipsets. so that the business of computer and laptop service can be more developed and developed and I will pay back on time.

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  • Eko    Jan 26, 2018

    I thank all the investors in zidisha who have helped me, I really hope my loan is fully financed, if I get a loan from investors in this zidisha the funds will I use to buy a tool to install laptop and computer chipsets. so that the business of computer and laptop service can be more developed and developed and I will pay back on time.

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  • Eko    Jan 26, 2018

    I thank all the investors in zidisha who have helped me, I really hope my loan is fully financed, if I get a loan from investors in this zidisha the funds will I use to buy a tool to install laptop and computer chipsets. so that the business of computer and laptop service can be more developed and developed and I will pay back on time.

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  • Eko    Jan 25, 2018

    I thank you very much to the investors in zidisha who have helped me to give a loan, I really hope my loan in zidisha can be fully funded I will use the tool to install the laptop and computer chipset so that my business computer service can be more leverage again, and supplement your income and profits, and I will pay back on time as scheduled payment.

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  • Eko    Jan 25, 2018

    I thank you very much to the investors in zidisha who have helped me to give a loan, I really hope my loan in zidisha can be fully funded I will use the tool to install the laptop and computer chipset so that my business computer service can be more leverage again, and supplement your income and profits, and I will pay back on time as scheduled payment.

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  • Eko    Jan 25, 2018

    I thank you very much to the investors in zidisha who have helped me to give a loan, I really hope my loan in zidisha can be fully funded I will use the tool to install the laptop and computer chipset so that my business computer service can be more leverage again, and supplement your income and profits, and I will pay back on time as scheduled payment.

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  • Eko    Jan 25, 2018

    I thank you very much to the investors in zidisha who have helped me to give a loan, I really hope my loan in zidisha can be fully funded I will use the tool to install the laptop and computer chipset so that my business computer service can be more leverage again, and supplement your income and profits, and I will pay back on time as scheduled payment.

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  • Eko    Jan 25, 2018

    I thank the investors in zidisha who have given me my loan, I really hope my loan can be fully financed, to buy a tool to install computer and laptop chipsets so that my business can go forward.

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  • Eko    Jan 9, 2018

    investors in the honorable zidisha, I hope my loan application is fully fined soon, I will use to buy a tool for installing a laptop chipset, so my business can grow, and I will pay the installments on time.

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  • Eko    Dec 31, 2017

    I really hope that my loan is fully paid 100% soon, I will use it to develop the business again. I promise to pay on time according to payment schedule,

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  • Eko    Dec 18, 2017

    before I say thanks to the investors / lenders, it is very helpful to develop my business so that my computer and service can go forward, now my loan is paid off all I want to apply again loan in zidisha, I hope my loan can be in finance all for my use to add stocks of goods and expand my business.

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  • Eko    Nov 26, 2017

    I am increasing the number of installments that let me quickly get paid off and can borrow more bigger.

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  • Eko    Nov 5, 2017

    I thank my lender at zidisha, I will use it as best I can to develop my business.

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  • Eko    Nov 3, 2017

    I thank you in advance to the investors in zidisha who have trusted me for the loan, now thanks to this loan fund I feel very helpful my business can grow and easier to complete my merchandise and service tools also complete , I want to apply for a larger loan again, once again I thank the investors in zidisha.

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  • Eko    Sep 30, 2017

    I would like to thank many investors who believe in me giving my 100% lending funds to use as well.

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  • Eko    Sep 30, 2017

    Dear investors I thank you for helping me provide my business capital loan and the payment is paid off, I hope to be able to continue to propose songs to increase stock of sales and add kinds of computer related items.

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  • Eko    Aug 23, 2017

    Thanks to the lender investors, I have received a loan of Rp. 412.062 with this loan I will buy computer and laptop service equipment in order to expand my business and increase my income

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