Short terminal loans

Egi Abdul Hamid

Ciamis, Indonesia

100% repaid



Egi Abdul Hamid

Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

23 installments  •  0%

About Me

My name is Egi Abdul Hamid, I am 31 years old, I do business comfortably, because what I want I can pursue on my own, and the benefit for me as a businessman is that it can help create jobs and profits by generating income with business partners.

My Business

I do business in the custom automotive sector by making cross racing motorbike frames, and I sell online all over the world, currently I have just arrived in Malaysia, Thailand, the products I make, in terms of autos, it is growing day by day, I have a custom motorbike racing frame workshop. and sells various kinds of sperpqrt in terms of needs in the world of cross racing motorbikes

Loan Proposal

if I was given trust in money, I would love to grow my business small but chances are everyday every day money coming in and out, I often use dropshipers and resellers who sometimes without capital because keterbatasa capital

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

nama saya egi abdul hamid saya usia 31 tahun,
Saya berbisnis dengan nyaman,karna apa yg saya ingin kan bisa saya kejar dengan sendiri,dan manfaat bagi saya seorang pembisnis bisa membantu membuat lapangan kerja dan fatner dengan menghasilkn pengasiln dengan rekan bisni

My Business

Saya bisnis di bidang otomotip custom dengan membuat kerangka motor balap croos,dan saya berjualan dengan online seluruh dunia,saat ini saya baru sampai malayasia,thailnd produk yang saya buat,,dri segi otomotip semakin hari semakin berkembang,
Saya mempunyai bengkel custom frame balap motor dan menjual berbagai macam sperpqrt dalam segi kebutuhn di dunianya motor balap cros

Loan Proposal

jika saya di beri kepercayaan dalam pinjman uang,saya ingin sekali mengembangkan bisnis saya kecil tapi kemungkinan peluang setiap hari harinya uang keluar masuk,saya sering sekali menggunakan dropshiper dan reseller yang kadang tanpa modal karna keterbatasa modal





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 4, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 months

Other loans


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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