Buying stock of cow manure and goat manure for making fertiliser


Pekanbaru, Indonesia

25% repaid




Member since

September 2015

On-time repayments

73 installments  •  23%

About Me

I sudirman farabby. I want to tell my efforts. My family and make various kinds of fertilizers. Such as compost, manure goat manure, manure husk fuel, fertilizer ferns, and many other distinguished. My family and has been producing fertilizer from tahn 2000. And me and my family have had many customers and now my family along with so underfunded that most of the high demand for our subscription bookings. And also I"m still developing the fertilizer business is by looking for the buyer and the buyer as well as the new subscriptions in order to reproduce the relationship to develop my business and family. And I appeal to the funder. To invoke provide its funding for the development of my business and family even more. Thank you for the help.

My Business

My effort is composting. With a variety of other types of compost. __Dan Source of my income comes from the sale of fertilizer. My reason for the high demand for fertilizers. Because I jualkan fertilizer is cousins ​​with no side effects. Without chemicals that damage crops. Fertilizers and also because I have to offer is the best fertilizer. Because I give a guarantee. If I sell a fertilizer plant damaging customer. I will replace these plants. Because I promise results. And I guarantee that I sell fertilizer is a fertilizer that is different from other fertilizer salesman. I spend a monthly fee of Rp. 2,500,000. And a profit of about Rp. 4,000,000. It is in a period of 3 weeks.

Loan Proposal

For additional stuff my fertilizer production. Such as the addition of fertilizer goods for customer order fulfillment. __Harga For crude fertilizers or raw materials. 350,000 of the pickup. __Keuntungan After material processing can reach 2 x folding.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya sudirman farabby. Saya ingin menceritakan usaha saya. Saya dan keluarga membuat berbagai macam pupuk. Seperti, pupuk kompos, pupuk kotoran kambing, pupuk sekam bakar, pupuk pakis., dan masih banyak yg lainnya. Saya dan keluarga sudah memproduksi pupuk ini dari tahn 2000. Dan saya beserta keluarga telah memiliki banyak langganan dan sekarang saya beserta keluarga kekurangan dana dengan begitu tingginya permintaan pemesanan yang kebanyakan langganan kami. Dan juga saya masih mengembangkan usaha pupuk ini dengan mencari pemesan dan pembeli serta langganan baru demi memperbanyak relasi untuk mengembangkan usaha saya dan keluarga. Dan saya memohonkan kepada para pemberi dana. Untuk memohon memberikan dana nya untuk pengembangan usaha saya dan keluarga lebih besar lagi. Terimakasih atas bantuannya.

My Business

Usaha saya yaitu pembuatan pupuk kompos. Dengan berbagai jenis pupuk kompos lainya.
Dan sumber pendapatan saya berasal dari penjualan pupuk. Alasan tingginya permintaan pupuk saya. Karna pupuk yang saya jualkan merupakan pupu tanpa efek samping. Tanpa bahan kimia yang merusak tanaman. Dan juga karna pupuk yang saya tawarkan merupakan pupuk yang terbaik. Karna saya memberi jaminan. Jika pupuk yang saya jual merusak tanaman pelanggan. Saya akan mengganti tanaman tersebut. Karna saya menjanjikan hasil. Dan saya menjamin pupuk yang saya jual merupakan pupuk yang berbeda dengan penjual pupuk lainnya. Biaya bulanan yang saya habiskan sebesar rp. 2,500,000. Dan laba sekitar rp. 4,000,000. Ini dalam jangka waktu 3 minggu.

Loan Proposal

Untuk penambahan barang produksi pupuk saya. Seperti penambahan barang pupuk untuk pemenuhan pemesanan pelanggan.
Harga untuk pupuk mentah atau bahan baku. 350,000 satu mobil pick up.
Keuntungan setelah pengolahan bahan bisa mencapai 2 x lipat.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 26, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

17 months




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Ask Sudirman a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • SammyGeorge    Apr 22, 2016

    How are things Sudirman. Have you got some problems?

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  • Mulyono    Apr 18, 2016

    ..__ sudirman hello how are you ?? __ we have not received payment of the loan anda__bisakah you reschedule your payments so that smaller installments to change you?

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  • Mulyono    Apr 18, 2016

    ...__ sudirman dear how are you ?? __ we have not received payment of the loan anda__bisakah you reschedule your payments so that smaller installments to change you?

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  • SammyGeorge    Mar 19, 2016

    What is your news Sudirman. Is all well with you? It is important to keep in touch with lenders.

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  • SammyGeorge    Nov 30, 2015

    Thank you for keeping in touch Sudirman. Everyone wishes you well. I hope everything is ok for you soon.

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  • Sudirman    Nov 30, 2015

    Hi there.. __I'm sorry for late repayment my loan.__I want you to know. My sim card phone is broken 2 week ago. I don't know what happen in my sim card phone. But it's not a problem ya. And i'm newly repair my sim card phone to outlet here. And i can repayment again. And i pay the payment. I think My repayment its to late for your post. So i hope u be patient in there ya. And i'm really sorry about late cash my repayment. I hope we can work together again ya.. thanks.. and sorry for late yaa..

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  • SammyGeorge    Oct 9, 2015

    Thank you Sudirman for another payment. Best wishes.

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  • Sudirman    Oct 6, 2015

    Haai all ... I was too late to tell you about my loan I got from zidisha. Loans that I can. I use to purchase staples of my business. And now my little effort to develop. Daat meet all the needs of my customers is the most important thing in my business. Ha ha ha so my efforts to grow and with so maybe I can help my parents. Thank zidisha. On loan. My family and so helped to push the family business become more advanced. Once again thank you zidisha

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  • SammyGeorge    Oct 1, 2015

    Thanks for the payment Sudirman. I hope all is well with you.

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