Supplies of household goods


Sleman, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

105 installments  •  78%

About Me

hi investor ... my name is erna wahyuningsih .. i am small and grow in cilacap city ... tp after sma we hijrah family to yogyakarta city ..dr dlu i have a cita2 for pnya own business and not follow people .. its exact I want to be a businessman who developed and developed ..

My Business

my business is still spelled a business that is still pioneering and small .. I am a housewife who does not just want to stay home to take care of children .. tp home also want to make money .. been 2 years lately I sell online and offline at home .. both for daily needs and food clothing .. maybe bs practically anything that make money and bs sold ya I sell .. i choose this business of course karna bs done at home and still bs take care of home and child .. for own turnover karna still small business of course turnover tsk for other turnover .. and the result was just to play the business again .. to kulakan barang2 other

Loan Proposal

I will use this loan to buy and resell the various needs of households that earn money and can earn my money and raise my business

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

hai investor...nama saya erna wahyuningsih..saya kecil dan tumbuh di kota setelah sma kami sekeluarga hijrah ke kota yogyakarta..dr dlu saya memang punya cita2 utk pnya usaha sendiri dan tdk ikut orang..karna pastinya saya ingin menjadi seorang usahawan yg maju dan berkembang..

My Business

bisnis saya masih dibilang bisnis yg masih merintis dan kecil.. saya seorang ibu rumah tangga yg tdk hanya ingin diam dirumah mengurus dirumah pun ingin bisa menghasilkan uang..sudah 2 tahun belakangan ini saya jualan online dan offline di rumah..baik utk barang kebutuhan sehari hari maupun sandang pangan..mungkin bs dibilang apa saja yg menghasilkan uang dan bs dijual ya saya jual..saya pilih bisnis ini tentunya karna bs dikerjakan dirumah dan masih bs mengurus rumah dan anak..untuk omset sendiri karna masih bisnis kecil2an tentu saja omsetnya tsk sebesar omset lainnya..dan hasilnya pun hanya utk memutarkan bisnis lagi..untuk kulakan barang2 lain

Loan Proposal

Saya akan menggunakan pinjaman ini untuk membeli dan menjual kembali aneka kebutuhan runah tangga yang nantiny bs mendapatkan keuntungan dan bisa memutr uang saya dan membesarkan bisnis saya ini





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 7, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

18 months



Canton, New York, United States

Ask Erna a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

May 17, 2019


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Nov 19, 2017 $3.78 Nov 19, 2017 $3.78
Nov 26, 2017 $0.00
Dec 3, 2017 $1.51 Nov 26, 2017 $1.51
Dec 10, 2017 $1.51 Nov 26, 2017 $1.51
Dec 17, 2017 $1.51 Nov 26, 2017 $0.76
Dec 4, 2017 $0.76
Dec 24, 2017 $1.51 Dec 4, 2017 $0.76
Dec 10, 2017 $0.76
Dec 31, 2017 $1.51 Dec 10, 2017 $0.76
Dec 27, 2017 $0.76
Jan 7, 2018 $1.51 Dec 27, 2017 $1.51
Jan 14, 2018 $1.51 Dec 27, 2017 $0.76
Jan 7, 2018 $0.76
Jan 21, 2018 $1.51 Jan 7, 2018 $1.51
Jan 28, 2018 $1.51 Jan 7, 2018 $0.76
Feb 11, 2018 $0.76
Feb 4, 2018 $1.51 Feb 11, 2018 $1.51
Feb 11, 2018 $1.51 Feb 11, 2018 $1.51
Feb 18, 2018 $1.51 Feb 11, 2018 $0.76
Feb 25, 2018 $0.76
Feb 25, 2018 $1.51 Feb 25, 2018 $1.51
Mar 4, 2018 $1.51 Feb 25, 2018 $1.51
Mar 11, 2018 $1.51 Feb 25, 2018 $0.76
Mar 25, 2018 $0.76
Mar 18, 2018 $1.51 Mar 25, 2018 $1.51
Mar 25, 2018 $1.51 Mar 25, 2018 $1.51
Apr 1, 2018 $1.51 Mar 25, 2018 $1.51
Apr 8, 2018 $1.51 Mar 25, 2018 $1.51
Apr 15, 2018 $1.51 Mar 25, 2018 $0.76
May 5, 2018 $0.76
Apr 22, 2018 $1.51 May 5, 2018 $1.51
Apr 29, 2018 $1.51 May 5, 2018 $1.51
May 6, 2018 $1.51 May 5, 2018 $1.51
May 13, 2018 $1.51 Jun 12, 2018 $1.51
May 20, 2018 $1.51 Jun 12, 2018 $1.51
May 27, 2018 $1.51 Jun 12, 2018 $1.51
Jun 3, 2018 $1.51 Jun 12, 2018 $1.51
Jun 10, 2018 $1.51 Jun 12, 2018 $1.51
Jun 17, 2018 $1.51 Aug 1, 2018 $1.51
Jun 24, 2018 $1.51 Aug 1, 2018 $1.51
Jul 1, 2018 $1.51 Aug 1, 2018 $1.51
Jul 8, 2018 $1.51 Aug 1, 2018 $1.51
Jul 15, 2018 $1.51 Aug 1, 2018 $1.51
Jul 22, 2018 $1.51 Sep 10, 2018 $1.51
Jul 29, 2018 $1.51 Sep 10, 2018 $1.51
Aug 5, 2018 $1.51 Sep 10, 2018 $1.51
Aug 12, 2018 $1.51 Sep 10, 2018 $1.51
Aug 19, 2018 $1.51 Sep 10, 2018 $1.51
Aug 26, 2018 $1.51 Sep 10, 2018 $1.51
Sep 2, 2018 $1.51 Sep 10, 2018 $1.51
Sep 9, 2018 $1.51 Sep 10, 2018 $1.51
Sep 16, 2018 $1.51 Sep 10, 2018 $1.51
Sep 23, 2018 $1.51 Sep 10, 2018 $1.51
Sep 30, 2018 $1.51 Sep 26, 2018 $1.51
Oct 7, 2018 $1.51 Sep 26, 2018 $1.51
Oct 14, 2018 $1.51 Sep 26, 2018 $1.51
Oct 21, 2018 $1.51 Sep 26, 2018 $1.51
Oct 28, 2018 $1.51 Sep 26, 2018 $1.51
Nov 4, 2018 $1.51 Dec 12, 2018 $1.51
Nov 11, 2018 $1.51 Dec 12, 2018 $1.51
Nov 18, 2018 $1.51 Dec 12, 2018 $1.51
Nov 25, 2018 $1.51 Dec 12, 2018 $1.51
Dec 2, 2018 $1.51 Dec 12, 2018 $1.51
Dec 9, 2018 $1.51 Dec 12, 2018 $1.51
Dec 16, 2018 $1.51 Dec 22, 2018 $1.51
Dec 23, 2018 $1.51 Dec 22, 2018 $1.51
Dec 30, 2018 $1.51 Jan 9, 2019 $1.51
Jan 6, 2019 $1.51 Jan 9, 2019 $1.51
Jan 13, 2019 $1.51 Jan 29, 2019 $1.51
Jan 20, 2019 $1.51 Jan 29, 2019 $1.51
Jan 27, 2019 $1.51 Feb 13, 2019 $1.51
Feb 3, 2019 $1.51 Feb 13, 2019 $1.51
Feb 10, 2019 $1.51 Feb 13, 2019 $1.51
Feb 17, 2019 $1.51 Mar 3, 2019 $1.51
Feb 24, 2019 $1.51 Mar 3, 2019 $1.51
Mar 3, 2019 $1.51 Mar 3, 2019 $1.51
Mar 10, 2019 $1.51 Mar 3, 2019 $1.51
Mar 17, 2019 $1.51 Mar 3, 2019 $1.51
Mar 24, 2019 $1.51 Apr 4, 2019 $1.51
Mar 31, 2019 $1.51 Apr 4, 2019 $1.51
Apr 7, 2019 $1.51 Apr 4, 2019 $1.51
Apr 14, 2019 $1.51 Apr 4, 2019 $1.51
Apr 21, 2019 $1.51 Apr 4, 2019 $1.51
Apr 28, 2019 $1.51 May 14, 2019 $1.51
May 5, 2019 $1.51 May 14, 2019 $1.51
May 12, 2019 $1.51 May 17, 2019 $1.51
May 19, 2019 $0.38 May 17, 2019 $0.38
