Supplies of yarn, needles


Tulungagung, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

20 installments  •  30%

About Me

History of my childhood is very far from the luxury because I was in the care of my grandmother and my orphan otang old son I died when I was a child why I took this business because I used to learn sewing a little so now I practice and the results Alhamdulillah smoothly and subscription sewing lumayah lot

My Business

I am very grateful to Allah for giving my sustenance to me and to be able to open a sewing shop in the home area and my subscriptions mostly army service and I thank the zidisha who has helped me to date from this loan application I will use to knock Because the cloth in my store has been thinning for the stock of cloth

Loan Proposal

I hope to get this loan because I will use to add capital to buy thread, needle and resliting for my sewing and stitching business if there is any leftover I will use to repay the leaky home improvement when rain __dengan this loan which I expect for my business Progressively and smoothly

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About Me

riwayat masa kecil saya sangat lah jauh dari kemewahan karena saya di asuh oleh nenek saya dan saya anak yatim piatu otang tua saya meninggal pada waktu saya masih kecil mengapa saya mengambil bisnis ini karena dahulu saya pernah belajar menjahit sedikit-sedikit jadi sekarang saya praktekan dan hasilnya alhamdulillah lancar dan langganan jahit lumayah banyak

My Business

saya sangat bersyukur kepada allah karena sudah memberi rezeki kapada saya dan sampai bisa membuka toko jahit di daerah rumah dan langganan saya kebanyakan baju dinas tentara dan saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada zidisha yang sudah membantu saya sampai saat ini dari pengajuan pinjaman ini akan saya gunakan untuk menyetok kain glondongan karena di toko saya sudah menipis untuk stok kain

Loan Proposal

saya berharap bisa mendaptkan pinjaman ini karena saya akan pergunakan untuk menambah modal membeli benang,jarum dan resliting untuk usaha jahit baju dan permak saya bila ada sisa akan saya pergunakan untuk menyicil perbaikan rumah yang bocor bila hujan
dengan adanya pinjaman ini yang saya harapkan untuk usaha saya semakin maju dan lancar





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 19, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks

Other loans


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Ahmad a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Ahmad    Jul 2, 2017

    My loan amount of 787,500 IDR will I use to buy stock of fabrics and other sewing needs thanks to the pendana

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  • Ahmad    Jul 2, 2017

    I will use this loan fund for the cost of buying cloth stock and other sewing needs and for the funders and zidisha I say thank you so much for helping

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  • Ahmad    May 22, 2017

    Loan funds are already liquid and I have used to buy sewing equipment and installments repayment home thanks for the fund

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  • Ahmad    May 19, 2017

    The goods I will buy my need for sewing and installments for home improvement I thank the borrowers

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  • Ahmad    May 19, 2017

    This photo of the grandmother"s house that the gentenya damaged and if the rain must have water leak from above

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  • Ahmad    May 19, 2017

    Which I will buy from this loan that is sewing equipment and the rest to pay the installment of a house whose roof is leaking

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