

Jakarta Timur, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

December 2017

On-time repayments

41 installments  •  100%

About Me

I was born from a simple family married to a simple man, now I am the wife of 3 children who live in the city of Jakarta ... my husband also does not work because the old workplace is no longer in operation I myself also do not work just a housewife ladder by having a grocery store, selling online Muslim women"s clothing and credit at home that has been run together with her husband since 2010, which is where my next place of business is located in a strategic place on the side of the road and side by side with automotive motorcycles Japan is so big that every day there are always crowded people passing by.

My Business

With a daily grocery store business, it can generate Rp. 750,000 to Rp. 1,000,000 in net proceeds without capital gains, and as long as thanks to the help of zidisha loans my income has begun to increase now that a day produces Rp. 1,000,000 to Rp1,500,000, that"s where the funds will I turn it around and use it to pay off loans at Zidisha, and to buy stock back, because groceries are items that are needed every day by many people such as cooking oil, eggs, sugar, flour, instant noodles, milk, pulses and others - other.

Loan Proposal

With this loan I want to buy instant noodles which is before him I have not sold instant noodles so with this loan I want to add his special stock instant noodles that are needed by the crowd .. i will buy 2 noodles instant noodle stock, fried noodles with price per dus Rp95.000 and boiled noodles with price per dus Rp85.000 and the rest of her for cost between about Rp20.000.

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About Me

Saya lahir dari keluarga yang sederhana menikah juga dengan laki-laki yang sederhana,saat ini saya istri dari 3 anak yang tinggal di kota jakarta..suami juga tidak bekerja karena tempat bekerja yang lama sudah tidak beroperasi lagi saya sendiri juga tidak bekerja hanya ibu rumah tangga dengan memiliki toko sembako,jual online busana muslim wanita dan pulsa di rumah yang di jalankan berdua dengan suami sejak tahun 2010,yang mana tempat usaha berikut tempat tinggal saya berada di tempat yg cukup strategis berada di pinggir jalan raya dan bersampingan dengan perusahaan otomotif motor jepang yang sangat besar sehingga setiap hari nya selalu ramai orang berlalu lalang lewat.

My Business

Dengan usaha toko sembako sehari bisa menghasilkan Rp750.000 sampai Rp.1.000.000 hasil bersih tanpa hasil modal,dan selama berkat bantuan pinjaman zidisha pendapatan saya sudah mulai bertambah sekarang sehari menghasilkan Rp.1.000.000 sampai Rp1.500.000,disitulah dana yang akan saya putar dan gunakan untuk membayar pinjaman di zidisha,dan untuk membeli stok barang kembali,karena sembako adalah barang yang dibutuhkan setiap hari nya oleh orang banyak seperti minyak goreng,telur,gula,terigu,mie instan,susu-susu,pulsa dan lain-lain.

Loan Proposal

Dengan pinjaman ini saya ingin membeli mie instan yang memang sebelum nya saya belum menjual mie instan sehingga dengan pinjaman ini saya ingin menambah stok khusus nya mie instan yang memang dibutuhkan orang banyak..saya akan membeli stok mie instan 2 dus,mie goreng dengan harga per dus Rp95.000 dan mie rebus dengan harga per dus Rp85.000 dan sisa nya untuk biaya antar sekitar Rp20.000.





  • J    Jul 13, 2018

    Great status updates with photos. Also neatly repaid on time.

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  • J    May 3, 2018

    Neat on time repayment. Good status updates with photos.

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  • J    Feb 21, 2018

    Neat on time repayments.
    Status update with photo.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 3, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Suwarni a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Suwarni    Oct 4, 2018

    Thanks to all the donors and the zidisha team for the loan provided to me, before I had repaid the loan on time and now I am applying for a loan again to increase business capital (instant noodles, sugar, cooking oil, flour, eggs, pulses ) because there is an order for my shop order for the event. I hope this loan can be funded immediately. thank you

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  • Suwarni    Sep 6, 2018

    Thanks to the donors who have helped to finance my loan, thanks to this loan I will buy stocks of chicken eggs and stocked stocks, thanks this loan very helpful to my efforts.

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  • Suwarni    Sep 5, 2018

    Before I gave a lot of thanks to the zidisha team who had been helping in my business finances, thanks to the loan assistance so far I could continue to run the business and help make better changes in the economy of my family, I want to tell the whole team and donors that I have repaid my loan in a timely manner, hopefully in the future I can continue to work with this zidisha loan in making timely payments.

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  • Suwarni    Aug 10, 2018

    Thanks to donors who have provided me with loan funds for my chop shop, I will use it to buy instant noodles, sugar, cooking oil and eggs.

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  • Suwarni    Aug 10, 2018

    I will use this loan to cover the stock of consumables such as buying instant noodles, I will buy 6 boxes of instant noodles for Rp.520,000, hopefully this loan can be fully funded so that I can directly buy stock of finished goods so I can meet customer requests, when all stocks are fulfilled, I can get daily profits from the sale of staples such as cooking oil, sugar, instant noodles, flour, coffee, milk, tea, rice and retail food to get a profit of Rp. 500,000 to Rp. 1,000,000 per day, I hope this loan can be fully funded so that I can buy a stock of goods that have been used up, my greeting is SUWARNI, thank you.

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  • Suwarni    Jul 12, 2018

    To the donors or to the lender, before I thank you for lending me before and I have paid it on time, I am now applying for a loan because I want to use to buy stock of goods for my groceries one its instant noodles because I have very run out of instant moe stock, hopefully to the donor lenders can help me to provide loan funds to me and I will finish the payment on time.

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  • Suwarni    May 10, 2018

    Thanks to this loan I have bought the stock of instant noodles .. thanks to the donors and the team zidisha I can meet the stock of noodles that have been empty.

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  • Suwarni    May 3, 2018

    Thanks to the donors who have funded my loan and I will use this loan is very helpful at all to meet the stock of merchandise that is empty of its special instant noodles.

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  • J    May 3, 2018

    Good luck with your business!

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    • Suwarni    May 3, 2018

      Aamiin..thank you joost has funded and thank you prayer.

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  • Joshi    May 3, 2018

    Hello Suwarni,
    wish you all the best in your business.

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    • Suwarni    May 3, 2018

      Hallo joshi..thank you for funding & thank you prayer.

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  • Suwarni    May 3, 2018

    With this loan I will use to fill the inventory of empty goods such as instant noodles, this everyday needs, to buy instant noodles 8dus of Rp. 650.000, hopefully my loan can be fully financed immediately, because stock baranv is empty

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  • Suwarni    Mar 11, 2018

    Stock of rice.

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  • Suwarni    Mar 11, 2018

    Thanks to the zidisha loan I already bought rice stock

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  • Suwarni    Mar 11, 2018

    Thanks to the entire team zidisha and to the donors who have funded my loan, so I can buy empty rice to meet my grocery store supplies .. my honor SUWARNI.

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  • J    Mar 7, 2018

    Success with your business. Your loan is now fully funded.

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    • Suwarni    Mar 7, 2018

      Thank you mr joost has funded my loan and it is very useful once, success also for you.

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  • Suwarni    Mar 6, 2018

    Thanks mr urszula has funded the loan for my efforts, success always mr urszula.

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  • Suwarni    Feb 26, 2018

    Thanks mr joost has funded my loan .. hopefully can be fully funded this loan.

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  • Suwarni    Feb 25, 2018

    Stock counter pulse I have started to run out, hopefully to the team zidisha and to the donors can immediately fully fund my loan so that I can meet the stock of sdh out .. thank you

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  • Suwarni    Feb 25, 2018

    Stock of rice that has been exhausted, hopefully my loan can be immediately funded by the donors .. thank you

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  • Suwarni    Feb 25, 2018

    This loan will I use to meet the stock of pulses and rice that has been exhausted I hope this loan can be immediately fully financed so that it can meet the stock that is empty because the goods are kebut8han everyday.

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