Supplies mobile accessories for my counter


Dumai, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

145 installments  •  54%

About Me

I was raised from a broken home family. My father and mother parted because of my father"s behavior and I was only raised by my own mother as a single parent. I am the first child of 4 siblings. As a sole child my mother must have often talked her problem to me. Alhamdulillah I graduated from high school and my brothers all went to school. I am from a small already accustomed to make money even for school pocket themselves. The difficulty is always in my life dictionary but I am trying to make it out of trouble.

My Business

I opened a small mobile phone shop business started selling pulses, internet cards and accessories hp.alasan because now is the age of technology everyone uses mobile phones and whose names have become the basic needs of today. In addition, the world has become more sophisticated with the internet can connect with anyone and anywhere. In a day I can earn 200 thousand profit. Profit that I can turn to capital and pay my sister"s school. But my capital is limited when the demand of consumers or enthusiasts is very large.

Loan Proposal

I will buy mobile phone accessories to add my contest and my counter. Due to the many requests of customer enthusiasts while less capital to add to it.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya di besarkan dari keluarga broken home. Ayah dan ibu saya berpisah karena kelakuan ayah saya dan saya hanya di besarkan oleh ibu saya sendiri sebagai single parent. Saya anak pertama dari 4 bersaudara. Sebagai anak tunggal pastinya ibu saya sering berbicara masalah nya kepada saya. Alhamdulillah saya tamat SMA dan adik-adik saya semua bersekolah. Saya dari kecil sudah terbiasa mencari uang jajan bahkan untuk sekolah sendiri. Kesulitan itu selalu ada dalam kamus hidup saya tapi saya berusaha buat keluar dari kesulitan itu.

My Business

Saya membuka usaha toko ponsel kecilan mulai jualan pulsa,kartu internetan dan aksesories hp.alasan nya karena sekarang sudah zaman teknologi semua orang memakai handphone dan yang namanya pulsa sudah menjadi kebutuhan pokok saat ini. Di tambah lagi dunia sudah semakin canggih dengan internet bisa berhubung dengan siapa saja dan di mana saja. Dalam sehari saya bisa dapat laba 200 ribu. Laba yang saya dapat saya putar untuk modal dan bayar sekolah adik saya . Namun modal saya terbatas padahal permintaan konsumen atau peminat sangat besar.

Loan Proposal

Saya akan membelikan aksesoris handphone untuk menambah persediAan konter saya. Karena banyaknya permintaan peminat customer sedangkan modal kurang untuk menambahnya.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 5, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

29 months



Paul Graham

United States


Sweden, Sweden

Craig Newmark

United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States



United Kingdom

Ask Kartika a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Feb 21, 2020


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Oct 12, 2017 $0.77 Oct 13, 2017 $0.77
Oct 19, 2017 $0.77 Oct 13, 2017 $0.77
Oct 26, 2017 $0.77 Oct 13, 2017 $0.77
Nov 2, 2017 $0.77 Oct 13, 2017 $0.77
Nov 9, 2017 $0.77 Nov 4, 2017 $0.77
Nov 16, 2017 $0.77 Nov 4, 2017 $0.77
Nov 23, 2017 $0.77 Nov 4, 2017 $0.77
Nov 30, 2017 $0.77 Dec 3, 2017 $0.77
Dec 7, 2017 $0.77 Dec 3, 2017 $0.77
Dec 14, 2017 $0.77 Dec 3, 2017 $0.77
Dec 21, 2017 $0.77 Dec 3, 2017 $0.77
Dec 28, 2017 $0.77 Dec 3, 2017 $0.77
Jan 4, 2018 $0.77 Jan 4, 2018 $0.77
Jan 11, 2018 $0.77 Jan 4, 2018 $0.77
Jan 18, 2018 $0.77 Jan 4, 2018 $0.77
Jan 25, 2018 $0.77 Jan 4, 2018 $0.77
Feb 1, 2018 $0.77 Jan 4, 2018 $0.77
Feb 8, 2018 $0.00
Feb 15, 2018 $0.00
Feb 22, 2018 $0.00
Mar 1, 2018 $0.00
Mar 8, 2018 $0.00
Mar 15, 2018 $0.38 Mar 13, 2018 $0.38
Mar 22, 2018 $0.38 Mar 13, 2018 $0.38
Mar 29, 2018 $0.38 Mar 13, 2018 $0.38
Apr 5, 2018 $0.38 Mar 13, 2018 $0.38
Apr 12, 2018 $0.38 Mar 13, 2018 $0.38
Apr 19, 2018 $0.38 Mar 13, 2018 $0.38
Apr 26, 2018 $0.38 Mar 13, 2018 $0.38
May 3, 2018 $0.38 Mar 13, 2018 $0.38
May 10, 2018 $0.38 Mar 13, 2018 $0.38
May 17, 2018 $0.38 Mar 13, 2018 $0.38
May 24, 2018 $0.38 Mar 13, 2018 $0.38
May 31, 2018 $0.38 Mar 13, 2018 $0.38
Jun 7, 2018 $0.38 Jul 26, 2018 $0.38
Jun 14, 2018 $0.38 Jul 26, 2018 $0.38
Jun 21, 2018 $0.38 Jul 26, 2018 $0.38
Jun 28, 2018 $0.38 Jul 26, 2018 $0.38
Jul 5, 2018 $0.38 Jul 26, 2018 $0.38
Jul 12, 2018 $0.38 Jul 26, 2018 $0.38
Jul 19, 2018 $0.38 Jul 26, 2018 $0.38
Jul 26, 2018 $0.38 Sep 10, 2018 $0.38
Aug 2, 2018 $0.38 Sep 10, 2018 $0.38
Aug 9, 2018 $0.38 Sep 10, 2018 $0.38
Aug 16, 2018 $0.38 Sep 10, 2018 $0.38
Aug 23, 2018 $0.38 Sep 10, 2018 $0.38
Aug 30, 2018 $0.38 Sep 10, 2018 $0.38
Sep 6, 2018 $0.38 Sep 10, 2018 $0.38
Sep 13, 2018 $0.38 Sep 10, 2018 $0.38
Sep 20, 2018 $0.38 Sep 10, 2018 $0.38
Sep 27, 2018 $0.38 Sep 10, 2018 $0.38
Oct 4, 2018 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Oct 11, 2018 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Oct 18, 2018 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Oct 25, 2018 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Nov 1, 2018 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Nov 8, 2018 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Nov 15, 2018 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Nov 22, 2018 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Nov 29, 2018 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Dec 6, 2018 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Dec 13, 2018 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Dec 20, 2018 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Dec 27, 2018 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Jan 3, 2019 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Jan 10, 2019 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Jan 17, 2019 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Jan 24, 2019 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Jan 31, 2019 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Feb 7, 2019 $0.38 Jan 25, 2019 $0.38
Feb 14, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Feb 21, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Feb 28, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Mar 7, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Mar 14, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Mar 21, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Mar 28, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Apr 4, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Apr 11, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Apr 18, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Apr 25, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
May 2, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
May 9, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
May 16, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
May 23, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
May 30, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Jun 6, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Jun 13, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Jun 20, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Jun 27, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Jul 4, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Jul 11, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Jul 18, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Jul 25, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Aug 1, 2019 $0.38 May 3, 2019 $0.38
Aug 8, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Aug 15, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Aug 22, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Aug 29, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Sep 5, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Sep 12, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Sep 19, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Sep 26, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Oct 3, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Oct 10, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Oct 17, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Oct 24, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Oct 31, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Nov 7, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Nov 14, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Nov 21, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Nov 28, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Dec 5, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Dec 12, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Dec 19, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Dec 26, 2019 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Jan 2, 2020 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Jan 9, 2020 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Jan 16, 2020 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Jan 23, 2020 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Jan 30, 2020 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Feb 6, 2020 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Feb 13, 2020 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Feb 20, 2020 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Feb 27, 2020 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Mar 5, 2020 $0.38 Feb 21, 2020 $0.38
Mar 12, 2020 $12.29 Feb 21, 2020 $12.29
