Sales of basic food / food approaching the fasting month and eid


Madiun, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

59 installments  •  83%

About Me

Before becoming a teacher, for 10 years I was a pure housewife with all the activities starting to take care of children, cooking, picking up school children, and also serving the needs of her husband. As a woman, I started from college to having a household, like being a bit of a business or selling starting from the credit system or cash / cash. Various kinds of products that I sell start from clothes, cosmetics, bags, sandals, shoes, health drugs, food, etc. Because I have a principle it is different to be able to make money from the sweat itself rather than asking from a husband. Even with her husband, she used to run a business starting from collector of junk, opening screen printing, soy sauce factory, where all of them have given their own learning that do not do business if you are afraid of loss. Starting from that principle, thank God, my small business where the profits can be saved for children"s school, paying for electricity-water, and partly for charity for those who are less fortunate. My hobby is traveling and likes to learn about new things and atmosphere that I have never seen or experienced

My Business

My business now is 1. Tofu is the reason because this food is favored by various groups of children, adolescents and parents. Besides that, the affordable price is not expensive and the purchase is wholesale (where the wholesale) is not far from home. 2. Aice Cream Outlet The reason is because this product is new, the price is not expensive, affordable by the people in my neighborhood, and certainly it feels good for kids. My definite business is for business turnover to grow wider and be able to sell more goods. 3. iZaura Health Drinking Water Agent The reason for this is a new entrepreneurial business with extraordinary benefits for health. Air izaura is a therapeutic water that can help overcome various diseases including gout, stomach acid, ulcers, high blood pressure, weak heart, etc. Izaura is very affordable at 10 thousand / bottle so that all people from low to high can buy it. With the opening of the Izaura subdistrict agent, it will be easier for us as providers / agents to distribute izaura products. As agents, of course we must always stock izaura products. That way partners from iZaura can easily buy products if there are agents. 4. Outles of Es CReam Diamond and HOUI The reason is because this product is still new, the price is very affordable for people in my neighborhood, especially among children. The passti tastes good, is healthy, and does not make a cough for those who consume. The advantage of my business that is certain is for business turnover to expand more broadly and be able to sell more goods

Loan Proposal

Hopefully I will use the funds for the purchase / kulakan sembako also snacks that will be needed by the community during the month of fasting and Eid.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Sebelum jadi guru, selama 10 thn saya adalah ibu rumah tangga murni dengan segala akttivitas mulai mengasuh anak, memasak, antar jemput anak sekolah, dan juga melayani kebutuhan suami. Sebagai seorang wanita, saya mulai dari kuliah sampai berumah tangga senang agak bisnis atau berjualan mulai dari sistem kredit maupun cash/kontan. Beraneka macam produk yang saya jual mulai dari baju, kosmetik, tas, sandal-sepatu, obat kesehatan, makanan, dsb. Karena saya punya prinsip adalah beda rasanya bisa menghasilkan uang dari hasil keringat sendiri daripada meminta dari suami. Bahkan bersama suami pernah menjalankan bisnis mulai pengepul barang rongsokan, membuka sablon, pabrik kecap, dimana kesemua itu telah memberikan pembelajaran tersendiri bahwa jangan berbisnis kalau kamu takut rugi. Berawal dari prinsip itu, alhamdulillah bisnis saya yg kecil-kecilan itu dimana keuntungan yang diperoleh bisa ditabung buat sekolah anak, membayar listik-telpon-air, dan sebagian untuk sedekah bagi mereka yang kurang mampu. Hobi saya adalah travelling dan senang belajar terhadap hal dan suasana baru yang belum pernah saya lihat atau alami

My Business

Bisnis saya sekarang adalah
1. Tahu bulat
Alasannya karena makanan ini disenangi berbagai kalangan dari anak, remaja dan orang tua. Disamping itu harganya terjangkau tidak mahal dan pembeliannya secara grosir (tempat kulakannya) tidak jauh dari rumah
2. Outlet Aice Cream
Alasannya karena produk ini masih baru, harga tidak mahal, terjangkau oleh masyarakat di lingkungan saya, dan yang pasti rasanya enak disuka anak2
Keuntungan dari bisnis saya yang pasti adalah untuk perputaran bisnis agar berkembang lebih luas dan bisa untuk kulakan barang lebih banyak
3. Agen Air Minum Kesehatan iZaura
Alasannya ini adalah bisnis wirausaha baru dengan manfaat yang luar biasa untuk kesehatan,. Air izaura adalah air terapi yang dapat membantu mengatasi berbagai penyakit antara lain, asam urat, asam lambung, maag, darah tinggi, lemah jantung, dll
Izaura harganya sangat terjangkau yaitu 10ribu/botol sehingga semua kalangan dari rendah sampai tinggi bisa membelinya. Dengan adanya pembukaan agen kecamatan izaura maka memudahkan kita sebagai penyedia/agen untuk mendistribusikan produk izaura. Sebagai agen tentu kita wajib untuk selalu menstok produk izaura. Dengan begitu mitra dari iZaura dapat mudah membeli produk jika ada agen.
4. Outles Es CReam Diamond dan HOUI
Alasannya karena produk ini masih baru, harga sangat terjangkau oleh masyarakat di lingkungan saya, terutama kalangan anak-anak. Yang passti rasanya enak , sehat, dan tidak membuat batuk bagi yang mengonsumsi.
Keuntungan dari bisnis saya yang pasti adalah untuk perputaran bisnis agar berkembang lebih luas dan bisa untuk kulakan barang lebih banyak

Loan Proposal

InsyaAllah dana itu akan saya gunakan untuk pembelian/kulakan sembako juga makanan ringan yang nantinya sangat dibutuhkan masyarakat saat bulan puasa dan lebaran.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 27, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks


Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Ask Anna a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Anna    Aug 10, 2018

    Thank you to Zidisha who has entrusted her to give her back to her pinjas. Hopefully this loan can be beneficial and can grow. And also remain in contact with zidisha. The loan is a plan to purchase Izaura health water stocks.

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  • Anna    Aug 10, 2018

    Finally my loan can be repaid in zidisha on time. Dr. Zidisha"s loans were very helpful for business development and the interest was not too burdensome. Hopefully in the future Zidisha is able to become a trusted partner for the development and expansion of my business.

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  • Anna    Jul 8, 2018

    I changed the payment because some of the funds for school expenses

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  • Anna    May 26, 2018

    Because there is another need that suddenly need to divide the funds

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  • Anna    Apr 24, 2018

    I used a loan for the purchase of izaura water stock. Because of my position as agent then always ready for supply of water izaura. Thank you for the zidisha who still give the trust to establish cooperation in lending capital

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  • Anna    Apr 20, 2018

    Funds lent from zidisha plan will I use for purchasing or shopping capital of health product izaura. Because of my position as a product agent izaura then have the opportunity to always hold stock izaura products. Alhamdulillah with the sub-district agent, every member or consumer will buy izaura product in my place so that is where the profit is gained. And the benefits I earn can increase income opinion so that it can be used to finance the necessities of family life and also the cost of educating children.

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  • Anna    Apr 15, 2018

    I want to repay the loan early in order to apply for a loan to the zidisha

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  • Anna    Feb 24, 2018

    Alhamdulillah ... the loan that I proposed in zidisha finally liquid even though have to wait time 1 month. Since the relationship of trust and mutual trust is established with the zidisha, I am more convinced that zidisha is an institution that helps finance. Thank you zidisha. And I will definitely hold the trust given zidisha to pay installments according to schedule. Loan plan from zidisha I will use for health expenditure izaura health.

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  • Anna    Feb 23, 2018

    Alhamdulillah .... The money I receive I will use for health expenditure izaura health water. By selling izaura to help the economy so it can increase income. Prices izaura that can be reached by all circles make izaura more famous in society to overcome the disease problem. Thanks to the zidisha who has given me the confidence to borrow funds. Hopefully this relationship can continue for the sake of togetherness and mutual benefit.

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  • Anna    Feb 23, 2018

    Funds that I borrow from zidisha I will use capital to purchase izaura kesehata water product. This water has started to be known in the community because of its efficacy to overcome the various diseases. I am interested in the business of izaura because the affordable price is bought and many are suitable after drinking izaura. The profit from the sale of the plan can be to savings and investments in other fields. Izaura also often hold events, such as attending on a walk, aerobics, care freeday, etc.

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  • Elizabeth    Feb 6, 2018

    hai, apa itu izaura? saya hanya penasaran untuk apa?

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    • Anna    Feb 6, 2018

      Izaura is alkaline water health to overcome various diseases and also for skin and facial health .... Can be drunk at any time and feel the freshness

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  • Anna    Jan 22, 2018

    The loan I obtained from the zidisha plan will be used for purchasing / capital expenditure of iZaura health water products. This is very important because my position is the agent of iZaura where iZaura partners will buy their products directly to me as a sub-district agent. With this business was able to increase my income income of about 30% - 40%. As income increases, the allocation of funds is partly I tube and some can be to increase the product spending capital. The existence of zidisha is very helpful in the distribution of venture capital. I really feel once the benefits provided by zidisha. Starting from the first round know selling can help loan funds, then can develop a business open ice cream outlets aice at home. And good relationship I continue to build with the zidisha, finally some funds from zidisha I can use for capital establishment of iZaura health water agency in my city Madiun .... Thanks zidisha hope this trust and relationship is always well established.

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  • Anna    Nov 27, 2017

    The funds I earned from the Zidisha loan I used for the purchase of health-water products for the treatment of all complaints of illness. And alhamdulillah by being an agent of this product is very helpful to the economy in my family. Thank zidisha with his trust to lend

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    • Fitri    Dec 30, 2017

      Sorry I just read your message in Forum. It looks like your payment has not been credited in your zidisha account. Can I share the answer of the English speaking support ticket to my wa, +6285646209220. Discussion continued to wa only.

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  • Anna    Nov 23, 2017

    Alhamdulillah .... I can finally pay off the loan from zidisha on time ... zidisha emang top bgt to help the economy and capital in business

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  • Anna    Nov 19, 2017

    zidisha emang top bgt .... present to help us in capital

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  • Anna    Nov 18, 2017

    Alhamdulillah ... just zidisha is the best Finally can pay off the loan to zidisha

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  • Anna    Nov 18, 2017

    Alhamdulillah ... My loan to zidisha finally paid off before maturity ... Zidisha present to provide financial solutions and also can use to increase business capital. The trust given by zidisha proves that zidisha is a partner for joint effort .. Thanks Zidisha

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  • Anna    Nov 18, 2017

    To renew the loan and add more loan amount

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  • Anna    Oct 13, 2017

    Alhamdulillah .... my loan has been out in due course This loan plan will be used to add capital to become a health drinking water product agent "izaura"

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  • Anna    Oct 10, 2017

    Be grateful to have paid off the loan in zidisha earlier Hopefully in the future it can be successful with zidisha

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