Pemalang, Indonesia
100% repaid
Member since
February 2015
On-time repayments
77 installments • 62%
I am a vocational school graduates from Pekalongan. I live with my wife and my son. I used to work in a sarong factory in Pekalongan, as a designer. I started my business with the small loan that I get from a bank. With my basic skills that I have, I am trying to survive in this business.
I am trying to run a small photocopy and printing service. In 2009, I worked in another photocopy and printing business. With the experience from that business, I tried to run a similar business. Alhamdullilah, my business starts to earn some income. My yearly profit keeps growing. Every month, I can earn gross profit of $580 with the net profit of $415.
Photocopy and printing service is high in demand, since there are many offices and schools who need this kind of service. I believe that this business will keep growing in the coming years. Hence, I need an additional capital to buy a new photocopy machine and other equipment.
Hopefully my plan will be realized. Amen.
Below is the description of my plan to use the funds:
1. Purchase of HVS paper = 15 rim (15 x $ 2.42 = $ 36.3)
2. Purchase of Toner for printers = 1 pcs (1 x $ 10 = $ 10)
3. Purchase of Pens (Standard brand)= 3 pack (3 x $ 1 = $ 3)
The profit and revenue details are as follows:
1. Photocopy service = 15 reams (5,000 sheets x Rp. 200 = Rp. 1,000,000)
= Rp. 1,000,000 = $ 76.92
2. Selling of Pens (Standard brand) = 3 pack (36 pcs x Rp. 2,000 = Rp. 72,000)
= Rp. 72,000 = $ 5.53
The profit can be calculated as follows:
Capital = $ 50
Selling price = $ 76.92 + $ 5.53 = $ 82.45
Profit = Selling Price - Capital = $ 82.45 - $ 50 = $ 32.45
To the net profit of $ 32.45
Show original Bahasa Indonesia
saya adalah lulusan dari sekolah menengah kejuruan di salah satu sekolah di pekalongan. tinggal bersama istri dan 1 orang anak laki-laki. Sebelumnya saya pernah bekerja di pabrik pakelat (Pabrik pembuatan sarung) di Pekalongan pada bagian Desain. Saya mulai merintis usaha dari modal yang terbatas yang saya dapatkan dari pengajuan ke salah satu bank, dari basic ketrampilan yang saya miliki sebelumnya, akhirnya saya mencoba survive di usaha yang saya rintis ini.
Saya buka usaha kecil-kecilan, yaitu foto copy dan percetakan. Awal mula usaha ini saya rintis tahun 2009, dimana sebelumnya saya pernah bekerja di tempat yang sama yaitu foto copy. Berbekal dari pengalaman sebelumnya, saya mencoba untuk membuka usaha serupa, alhamdulillah dalam perjalanannya sampai dengan saat ini, usaha saya sudah cukup menghasilkan, terlihat dari laba dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat. Setiap bulan rata-rata laba bruto Rp. 7.000.000,- sedangkan laba netonya sekitar Rp. 5.000.000,-
Berpedoman dari peluang usaha foto copy, dimana semakin tahun semakin dibutuhkan karena banyaknya perkantoran dan sekolah-sekolah serta anak-anak sekolah yang membutuhkan jasa ini, maka saya yakin semakin tahun usaha ini akan semakin maju. Untuk itu dibutuhkan modal yang penambahan unit baru serta penambahan bahan pendukung lainya
Semoga semua dapat berjalan sesuai planning , amin.
Berikut gambaran umum secara singkat rincian penggunaan dana :
1. Pembelian HVS = 15 rim (15 x $2.42 = $36,3)
2. Pembelian Toner = 1 pcs (1 x 10$ = $10)
3. Pembelian pulpen Standar = 3 pak (3 x 1$ = $3)
Dari modal tersebut dapat dihitung rincian pendapatannya :
1. Foto copy = 15 rim (5.000 lembar x Rp. 200 = Rp. 1.000.000)
= Rp. 1.000.000 = $76.92
2. Pulpen Standar = 3 pak (36 pcs x Rp. 2.000 = Rp. 72.000)
= Rp. 72.000 = $5.53
akumulasi laba dapat dihitung sebagai berikut :
Modal = $50
Harga Jual = $76.92 + $5.53 = $82.45
Laba = Harga Jual - Modal = $82,45 - $50 = $32,45
Jadi Laba bersihnya = $32,45
Here's a brief general description details the use of funds:
1. Purchase HVS = 15 rim (15 x $ 2.42 = $ 36.3)
2. Purchasing Toner = 1 pcs (1 x $ 10 = $ 10)
3. Purchase pen Standard = 3 pack (3 x $ 1 = $ 3)
Can be calculated from the capital revenue details:
1. Photocopy = 15 reams (5,000 sheets x Rp. 200 = Rp. 1,000,000)
= Rp. 1,000,000 = $ 76.92
2. Pens Standard = 3 pack (36 pcs x Rp. 2,000 = Rp. 72,000)
= Rp. 72,000 = $ 5.53
the cumulative gain can be calculated as follows:
Capital = $ 50
Selling price = $ 76.92 + $ 5.53 = $ 82.45
Profit = Selling Price - Capital = $ 82.45 - $ 50 = $ 32.45
So the net profit = $ 32.45
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Mar 29, 2015
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
13 months
Other loans
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