Grocery shop stock


Purbalingga, Indonesia

Pending borrower confirmation
Fully funded

$0 to go

100% funded of $109 goal


days left




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

103 installments  •  98%

About Me

I am a housewife with three children, the oldest is now in junior high school, the second is in elementary school and the youngest is two and a half years old. Before getting married, I worked as a cashier in a mini market and it was my experience as a cashier that made me open my own business at home.

My Business

Currently, my husband and I are opening our own grocery store. Before becoming an entrepreneur, my husband worked in a finance company in Sidoarjo, East Java. Approximately 9 years working there until finally my husband decided to resign and open his own business until now.

Project Proposal

For the umpteenth time I am applying for funding. Hopefully the fundraisers will not get bored with my request.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya seorang ibu rumah tangga dengan tiga orang anak, yang paling besar sekarang duduk di sekolah menengah pertama, yang kedua di sekolah dasar dan yang paling kecil masih berusia dua setengah tahun. Sebelum menikah, saya pernah bekerja sebagai kasir di sebuah mini market dan pengalaman sebagai kasir itu yang membuat saya membuka usaha sendiri di rumah.

My Business

Saat ini saya dan suami membuka usaha toko kelontong sendiri. Sebelum berwiraswasta, suami saya bekerja di salah satu perusahaan finance di sidoarjo jawa timur. Kurang lebih 9tahun bekerja disana samapai akhirnya suami memutuskan untuk resign dan membuka usaha sendiri hingga sekarang.

Loan Proposal

Untuk yang kesekian kalinya saya mengajukan pendanaan. Semoga para penggalang dana tidak bosan dengan permohonan saya.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Amount requested



Donald Major

United States

Michael M.

Arusha, Tanzania


Slavenko Šućur

kotor, Yugoslavia

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