Addition of stock of goods


Purwakarta, Indonesia

100% paid forward




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

106 installments  •  88%

About Me

My name is Reni Hendrayani, born and raised in Purwakarta. I was born not from an ordinary family. Because of the difficulty of getting a job, I finally tried to sell basic necessities. I am a small trader who aspires to be a big and successful entrepreneur,,, I love selling because I meet a lot of people every day.

My Business

Selling starting from basic necessities, household needs, diapers for baby needs and many more items that I want to selling this I can earn money to meet my needs. Now I add sales to school stationery, scissors, knives and notebooks.

Project Proposal

The more types of products there are in the shop, customers become more interested in shopping, and they want to continue to increase the stock of various items.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Nama saya Reni Hendrayani,lahir dan besar di Purwakarta.saya terlahir bukan dari keluarga yang biasa saja.Karena susahnya mendapatkan pekerjaan akhirnya saya mencoba berjualan sembako.Saya seorang pedagang kecil2an yang bercita cita ingin jadi pengusaha besar dan sukses,,,saya senang sekali berjualan karena bertemu banyak orang setiap harinya.

My Business

Berjualan dari mulai sembako,,kebutuhan rumah tangga,diapers kebutuhan bayi dan masih banyak lagi barang yang ingin saya jual...dengan berjualan ini saya bisa mendapatkan uang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan saya.sekarang penjualan saya tambah dengan alat tulis sekolah,gunting,pisau dan buku tulis.

Loan Proposal

Semakin banyak jenis produk yang ada di warung pelanggan menjadi lebih tertarik untuk berbelanja,Inginenambah terus stok barang dari berbagai macam item.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 18, 2024


Donald Major

United States


Migori, Kenya


Robert L

United Kingdom


Chembe, Zambia

Ask Reni a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Reni    Jun 17, 2024

    Thank you very much to everyone who has helped fund my project, this is very helpful in developing my business, increasing stock of goods, fulfilling my family's living needs. I hope this project will progress and develop.

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  • Chomba    Jun 17, 2024

    Semoga beruntung saudari

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  • Reni    Jun 11, 2024

    Thank God, by working together to help each other lend capital, my business can develop better.

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  • Reni    Nov 9, 2023

    Thank you very much to everyone who has helped fund my project. This is very helpful in starting my business. I hope my business grows.

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  • Oliver    Nov 9, 2023

    Doaku semoga bisnismu terus berkembang

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  • Maureen    Nov 8, 2023

    Hai Reni, saya berharap yang terbaik dalam bisnis Anda

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  • Reni    Jul 27, 2021

    This loan capital is very helpful, I can sell and earn profits to meet my daily needs".

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  • Reni    Jan 15, 2019

    I am late paying because there is a change in payment method so I have to create a new bank account and it takes time and I have not been able to get the money to pay this full arrears. Thank you

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  • Reni    Jan 30, 2018

    With this loan money I will use to increase the stock of my merchandise because the increasingly increasing my product sales the greater the hasic that will be obtained from this profit I can meet the needs of everyday life. I am very grateful to the funders who are willing to help I am very happy.

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  • Reni    Jan 29, 2018

    I want to buy housewares to equip my small stalls. For this I am very helpfully helped by zidisha help my life ,,

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  • Reni    Jan 17, 2018

    Currently my loan sunah paid off and now I want to borrow back for my trading capital ,, this fund will I use to stamp merchandise ,, I am very happy to have joined with zidisha because this has changed me for the better ,, thanks to the funders who have been helping my life

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  • Reni    Jan 17, 2018

    Currently my loan sunah paid off and now I want to borrow back for my trading capital ,, this fund will I use to stamp merchandise ,, I am very happy to have joined with zidisha because this has changed me for the better ,, thanks to the funders who have been helping my life.

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  • Reni    Jan 17, 2018

    Thank you my loan is paid off ,, and I want to borrow back for my trading capital

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  • Reni    Jan 17, 2018

    Currently my loan is fully paid and I want to borrow back for my sales capital .. with this loan I will use to stamp my merchandise and the results can I use for the needs of day-to-day. Thanks to the funder has been helping me ,, I very happy.

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  • Reni    Jan 17, 2018

    I will use this loan for my stock of merchandise, it is very helpful for me because my merchandise to meet the needs of my little family life hari.anak I was very small just 8 months and very agile and active.di environment every day of the week rame no impromptu market and I am eager to follow for that I borrow capital from this zidisha. thank you so much for this I was very helped by the funders of zidisha.

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  • Reni    Dec 27, 2017

    Alhamdulillah ,,, the profit from my sales is quite fruitful so I want to change my installment to finish faster and I can borrow again with greater credit ,,, thank you.

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  • Reni    Oct 17, 2017

    It"s nice to get the loan capital to stamp the merchandise in my small stall ,, I will use it as well as possible. I say many thanks to the borrower who helped me.

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  • Reni    Apr 17, 2017

    Thank you, I have received the funds. I will use the additional capital to buy groceries for my stall. , ,

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  • Reni    Apr 14, 2017

    Thanks to the borrowers who have funded me,,, this will really help me in managing my kecil2an shop business,,,

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