Addition of a frying stove

Muhammad Gulam

Sinjai, Indonesia

38% paid forward



Muhammad Gulam

Member since

November 2015

On-time repayments

96 installments  •  46%

About Me

I was an independent who seeks his own to meet the needs of my family. I D3 blamed one private university in Makassar. I am the first child of two brothers. I come from a simple family, my father was an petani.Semenjak my school graduate looking for a job for tuition. Then I went through college while working. I work in the morning until late afternoon continue to come home from work I went straight to college to college. I took courses in the afternoon until the evening so that I could work while in college. In college campus while most people who work so we can pay for our own college.

My Business

My current attempt is to trade clothes, sheets and veil. Initially I get capital to trade it from borrowing parents, I started from small businesses first piecemeal. I only offer merchandise I to kin, neighbors and friends. I also sell on credit to people who I know to be easy to collect. As time passed and my business began to grow and I promote my merchandise online via social media such as fuel.

Project Proposal

The funds I am applying for are to buy a frying stove to make the process of frying food and snacks easier for my sales so that it is faster and simpler. Hopefully with this frying stove my business can run smoothly. My food business has many fans and already has regular customers.

My Videos

May 9, 2023: Profil diri dan bisnis saya yaitu kedai ara

May 13, 2024: Terimakasih zidisha

Jul 22, 2024: Terimakasih buat zidisha

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya adalah seorang yang mandiri yang berusaha sendiri untuk memenuhi kebutuhan saya dan keluarga. Saya lulusan D3 disalah satu perguruan tinggi swasta di makassar. Saya anak pertama dari dua orang bersaudara. Saya berasal dari keluarga yang sederhana, ayah saya seorang petani.Semenjak lulus sekolah saya mencari kerja untuk biaya kuliah. Lalu saya menjalani kuliah sambil kerja. Pagi sampai sore saya kerja terus pulang kerja saya langsung pergi ke kampus untuk kuliah. Saya ambil kuliah sore sampai malam agar saya bisa kerja sambil kuliah. Di kampus kebanyakan orang yang kuliah sambil kerja jadi kami bisa membiayai kuliah kami sendiri.

My Business

Usaha saya saat ini adalah berdagang pakaian, seprai dan jilbab. Dan Mulai tahun 2019 saya buka usaha makanan dan minuman. Awalnya saya mendapatkan modal untuk berdagang itu dari pinjaman orang tua, saya mulai dari usaha kecil kecilan dulu. saya cuma menawarkan dagangan Saya kepada keluarga terdekat, tetangga dan teman. Saya juga melayani pembelian secara kredit kepada orang yang saya kenal agar bisa mudah menagihnya. Seiring waktu berjalan dan usaha saya pun mulai berkembang dan saya membuka usaha baru yaitu menjual makanan dan minuman. Saya memberanikan diri untuk sewa tempat yang strategis agar jualan saya banyak yang lihat dan mengundang orang untuk singgah membeli jualan saya. Saya juga mempromosikan dagangan saya secara online lewat media sosial seperti Facebook, Instagram dan WhatsApp.

Loan Proposal

Dana yang saya ajukan ini untuk membeli kompor Penggorengan untuk mempermudah proses penggorengan makanan dan cemilan pada jualan saya agar lebih cepat dan simpel, Semoga dengan kompor Penggorengan ini usaha atau bisnis saya bisa berjalan lancar. Bisnis Makanan saya ini banyak penggemarnya dan sudah mempunyai pelanggan tetap.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 10, 2024



Eldoret, Kenya


Kabupaten Tangerang, Indonesia


Naivasha, Kenya



Ask Muhammad Gulam a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Muhammad Gulam    Aug 16, 2024

    Thank you to my supporters who have helped fund my project. I will use this fund to purchase new equipment to support production.

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  • Muhammad Gulam    Aug 9, 2024

    Thank you to all Zidisha members who have helped fund my project. I plan to use this project fund to buy new equipment to support my business production to grow and advance further. Hopefully we can all succeed together. Thank you also to Zidisha who approved my project.

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  • Muhammad Gulam    Jul 22, 2024

    I would like to thank all Zidisha members who have participated in helping to fund my project so that I can meet all my business needs. Thank you very much Zidisha.

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  • Muhammad Gulam    Jul 22, 2024

    Thank God, my efforts and business can get better and little by little my goods increase.

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  • Muhammad Gulam    May 25, 2024

    Thank you to the Zidisha members who have helped me fund and support my project so that I can receive funds for my project. I use these funds to buy equipment for my business to make it more busy and in demand.

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  • Muhammad Gulam    May 25, 2024

    Thank you to Diana, Tengku Satria Ane, Mirriam & Moses for their help in funding my project. I use these funds to buy equipment for my business so that it becomes busier and my business can increase again. Hopefully we can all be successful.

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  • Tengku Satria Ane    May 25, 2024

    Always keep your spirits up my brother..

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  • Muhammad Gulam    May 13, 2024

    My previous project is increasing little by little. Now I want to add additional machines so that production can be faster and consumers will like it more.

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  • Muhammad Gulam    Jul 19, 2023

    Thank you to all the members who funded my project, I plan to use the funds to add a new menu to my shop.

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  • Anna Yohana    Jul 15, 2023

    semoga beruntung!!!

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  • Muhammad Gulam    Jul 11, 2023

    Thank God my project has just been completed well and smoothly, hopefully my business will improve even more. Thank you to all the members who helped fund my project.

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  • Muhammad Gulam    Jun 25, 2023

    Thank you for your help in funding my project.

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  • Muhammad Gulam    May 10, 2023

    I have received my project funds and I used these funds to buy an orange press machine to sell orange juice. Thank you to the people who have supported my project until now.

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  • Muhammad Gulam    May 10, 2023

    My thanks go out to Oman Abd Rahman, Annisa Febrinda and Ruth Mutile Kimeu who have helped fund my project. I will use this fund to buy new equipment to support my food and beverage business.

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  • Oman Abd Rahman    May 9, 2023

    Hi Muhammad Gulam I have invested in you. Good luck.

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  • Muhammad Gulam    Nov 22, 2022

    As long as I carry out my project, the business of selling drinks and food, I can go even further and add new types of menus. Now again need more funds to buy new materials.

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  • Muhammad Gulam    Oct 26, 2022

    Alhamdulillah with funds from Zidisha my business can be more advanced

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  • Muhammad Gulam    Oct 17, 2022

    Thank God my business is getting better little by little

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  • Muhammad Gulam    Oct 6, 2022

    Thank you for the funds you have given for my project

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