Purchase uv plastic for hydroponic home roofs

Frida Adriani

Padang, Indonesia


$0 to go

100% funded of $32 goal


days left



Frida Adriani

Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

16 installments  •  94%

About Me

I am now in the Mentawai Islands precisely in the country of Indonesia where the island is famous for its exotic beauty and its waves for the surfers of the world, while the parents live apart with me. I live from a simple family even though my father used to be a state servant but now he has retired. I am very anxious to rebuild this hydroponic plant business because for my side business and my family remember my insufficient salary for my father"s retirement for day-to-day expenses.

My Business

This effort is a hydroponic plant business. Starting from vegetables and some other plant species needed for daily consumption. This business has not been there at all in my area, so I"m still the first to pioneer and now I give a name for this business is ANINDYA FARM. I have done the 5th harvest and the result is satisfactory. Very much demanded but now the capital is already used to repair my parents" house, so now I really need the help of capital back.

Loan Proposal

I will use the current loan to purchase UV plastic that will be used as a hydroponic house roof.

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About Me

Saya sekarang berada di Kepulauan Mentawai tepatnya di negara Indonesia dimana pulau ini terkenal dengan keindahan dan eksotis nya ombaknya bagi para peselancar dunia, sementara orang tua tinggal terpisah dengan saya.

Saya hidup dari keluarga yang sederhana meskipun ayah saya dulunya adalah seorang abdi negara namun sekarang beliau telah pensiun.

Saya ingin sekali membangun kembali bisnis tanaman hidroponik ini dikarenakan untuk usaha sampingan saya dan keluarga saya mengingat gaji pensiunan ayah saya yang tidak mencukupi untuk biaya sehari-hari.

My Business

Usaha ini adalah usaha tanaman hidroponik. Mulai dari sayuran dan beberapa jenis tumbuhan lainnya yang dibutuhkan untuk konsumsi sehari-hari.

Usaha ini belum ada sama sekali di daerah saya, jadi masih saya orang pertama yang merintis dan kini saya memberi nama untuk usaha ini yaitu ANINDYA FARM.

Saya sudah melakukan panen ke 5 dan hasilnya memuaskan. Sangat banyak peminatnya namun kini modal awalnya sudah terpakai untuk memperbaiki rumah orang tua saya, maka saat ini saya sangat membutuhkan bantuan modal kembali.

Loan Proposal

Pinjaman saat ini akan saya pergunakan untuk Pembelian UV plastik yang akan digunakan sebagai atap rumah hidroponik.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


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  • Frida Adriani    Oct 17, 2018

    Hi zidisha and lenders ... I have paid off my previous lending before, please let the borrowers willing to give me a loan again. Thank you

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  • Frida Adriani    Jun 16, 2018

    Thanks to the lenders and to the zidisha. Hopefully the next loan can be approved by the lenders. I apologize profusely for some late payment. Thank you, kind regards from I Frida Adriani Mendrofa

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  • Frida Adriani    May 30, 2018

    I got a blessing this Sunday, so I want to raise my loan repayment amount.

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  • Frida Adriani    Mar 6, 2018

    Thank you very much to the borrowers for being willing to lend me a loan and thank you very much for zidisha. I will use this loan best.

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  • Frida Adriani    Mar 4, 2018

    I have been harvesting for a long time, but because of so many of my other activities that I can now provide the latest development of my small business. Now this hiroponic vegetable business, I give the name ANINDYA FARM. So many enthusiasts that I can not meet the needs of consumers and if it pleases the borrower to make the next loan to me. And the following photo is a fraction of the harvest of hydroponic vegetables.

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  • Frida Adriani    Nov 18, 2017

    To Zidisha team thanks for updating my installment payment record. To the borrowers thank you very much for trusting me. Hopefully in the next loan, the borrowers are willing to give it to me. Yours sincerely, Frida Adriani Mendrofa.

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  • Frida Adriani    Nov 3, 2017

    To the borrowers and to zidisha, I"d like to thank you for the help of his loan loan and I have bought a little Rockwool and hydroponic nutrition. Hopefully for the next, the borrowers will be willing to give more money to me.

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  • Frida Adriani    Oct 17, 2017

    Thank you so much for lenders and zidisha for my trust in giving me this second loan. Hopefully with this second loan, my efforts are more successful and smooth.

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  • Frida Adriani    Oct 16, 2017

    Thanks to zidisha and to the borrower for his trust in me. Today I have paid my first loan. It is my hope that my borrowing limit can be increased. Best regards.

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  • Frida Adriani    Oct 13, 2017

    I want to speed up the payment of this loan because I get additional income from my other business which is food stalls business.

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  • Frida Adriani    Oct 3, 2017

    I will soon buy Rockwool through an online store and immediately do seedlings Hydroponics. I would like to thank Paul Graham for his willingness to lend me money, may God bless you.

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