Furniture making


Bogor, Indonesia

119% paid forward




Member since

September 2022

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  100%

About Me

My name is Heri Hartony. I am 32 years old. My business is in the field of furniture, construction, building, etc. The business address is at Jl Hj Dimun Ni 41 Sukamaju Cilodong, Depok City. I have started a business in the furniture sector, which has only been running for 4 years. My business has just risen again after a long hiatus because Covid 19 in 2022 I am also registered as an employee at a company called PT CAHAYA ARIF ABADI which is located at JL TEBET Barat

My Business

The business that I built is mostly carpentry or also called furniture. My turnover can be up to 30,000,000/month and I am also actively registered as an employee in a company that operates in telecommunications with a salary of 9 million rupiah.

Project Proposal

This time I will use the project funds to buy another AMF. For the business needs that I started, I also thank everyone who has supported me all this time.

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About Me

Nama saya heri hartony
Usia saya 32tahun
Saya usaha bergerak dalam bidang furniture kontruksi bangun dll
Alamat usaha berada d jl hj dimun ni 41 sukamaju cilodong kota depok
Saya telah merintis usaha d bidang furniture baru berjalan 4 tahun
Usaga saya baru bangkit lagi stelah sekian lama vakum karena covid 19
di tahun 2022 sy juga tercatat sebagai karyawan di sebuah perusahaan
bernama PT CAHAYA ARIF ABADI yang berlokasi di JL TEBET barat x no 33 tebet barat jakarta selatan dengan gaji 9jt rupiah
Alasan gabung saya bersama zidisha adalah untuk mengembangkan usaha saya

My Business

Bisnis yang saya bangun sebagiann besar pertukangan kayu atau d sebut juga furniture
Omset saya bisa sampe 30.000.000/bulan
dan aktif tercatat juga sebagai karyawan di perusahaan yang bergerak d telekomunikasi dengan gaji 9 jt rupiah

Loan Proposal

Dana proyek kali ini saya akan di gunakan untuk membeli sebuah AMF lagi
Untuk keperluan bisnis yang saya rintis saya juga berterima kasih kepada semua orang yang telah mensupport saya selama ini





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 26, 2024



Nairobi, Kenya



Kahawa Wendani,nairobi, Kenya


Bogor, Indonesia


Miritini Estate., Kenya


Mombasa, Kenya


Ongata Rongai, Kenya


Sultan Hamud, Kenya


Nakuru, Kenya


Nairobi, Kenya


Nairobi, Kenya


Lagos , Nigeria



Nairobi, Kenya

Jesus Figueres

Valencia, Spain


Lagos, Nigeria


Kapuas Hulu, Indonesia


Pongwe, Zambia


Nairobi, Kenya

Ask Heri a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Heri    Aug 29, 2024

    Thank you to everyone who has funded my project. In accordance with the title of this project, I will buy a motorbike as a business inventory.

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  • Heri    Aug 28, 2024

    Thank you for supporting all my projects. I hope that this 5th project will run smoothly again and I can also help fellow entrepreneurs who are just starting out like me.

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  • Heri    Aug 24, 2024

    Due to the fact that recently there have been a lot of material purchases, this has had an impact on the amount of my installments.

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  • Heri    Aug 17, 2024

    I was forced to reduce my installments first because my invoice has not come out, hopefully it can come out on Monday

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  • Heri    Aug 4, 2024

    I have paid the second installment this week. Thank you to all members for their support so far

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  • Heri    Aug 2, 2024

    I have used the project funds and I am very grateful that I can pay the installments on time. I hope that in the future my business will continue smoothly

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  • Heri    Jul 26, 2024

    Thank you for funding my project. I will use the funds I receive as wisely as possible. Hopefully the lenders involved in funding my project will be blessed.

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  • Heri    Jul 26, 2024

    Good afternoon to all lenders. I hope my third loan can be funded for further additional capital. Thank you

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  • Heri    Jul 24, 2024

    Thank you to all lenders and I am grateful to be able to pay off all my bills

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  • Heri    Jul 9, 2024

    Thank you for funding my projects. Even though I use the acceleration feature, I will always try to pay on time. This time I will buy an AMF for a generator installation project.

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  • Heri    Jul 9, 2024

    In this project, I intend to buy an AMF for generator project installers

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  • Heri    Jul 9, 2024

    Thank God for the K3 project and very grateful to everyone who has supported me while participating in the Zidisha program and planning to borrow funds for my 4th project. I need capital to repair my work support equipment.

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  • Heri    Jul 4, 2024

    Thank you for funding my second project. The funds I receive will be used as best as possible because I need it for my working capital

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  • Heri    Jul 3, 2024

    Thank you in advance for my first loan and I feel it was helped. Hopefully in this second loan I will be given a chance by LG

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  • Heri    Jun 22, 2024

    Thank you. I hope I have received the project funds and I will use them as best as possible

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  • Heri    Jun 21, 2024

    Thank you, Mr. Gilbert. Your loan funds mean a lot to us and we will use them properly. We hope that the goodness of you and your members and lenders will be blessed by God Almighty.

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