Purchase balance balance

Rumekso Uji

Bojonegoro , Indonesia

100% repaid



Rumekso Uji

Member since

July 2017

On-time repayments

17 installments  •  29%

About Me

I am an employee of a reputable company in Indonesia. My company is currently engaged in EDC machines from a large private bank in Indonesia. I also pioneered the voucher outlet business. Alhamdulillah with the help of my friends now I biaa expand my business by adding my merchandise by selling mobile phones. And currently I"m going to add mobile phone purchases in distributors for my business development.

My Business

My current funding source is from the salary at the company I work for right now. And that I use for additional capital of my business. In order for my business to grow fast I need a supply of funds beyond my salary. For that I need this loan. Please very much to fund it. I just first do the late payment so that my percentage down but start second to skrng I never make late pay at all and I immediately pay off without me half. thank you

Loan Proposal

I borrowed this loan to purchase balance of credit so my business can grow quickly. Thanks for the previous loan. I have paid it off on time. And I also promise to refund this right on time. thank you

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya adalah seorang karyawan dari perusahaan ternama di Indonesia. Perusahaan saya saat ini bergerak di bidang mesin EDC dari sebuah bank swasta besar di Indonesia. Saya juga merintis usaha outlet pulsa.
Alhamdulillah dengan bantuan teman-teman sekarang saya biaa mengembangkan usaha saya dengan menambah barang dagangan saya dengan menjual handphone. Dan saat ini
Saya sedang akan menambah pembelian handphone di distributor untuk pengembangan usaha saya.

My Business

Sumber dana saya saat ini adalah dari gaji di perusahaan dimana saya bekerja saat ini. Dan itu saya gunakan untuk tambahan modal usaha saya.
Agar usaha saya cepat berkembang saya membutuhkan suplai dana diluar gaji saya. Untuk itu saya membutuhkan pinjaman ini.
Mohon dengan sangat untuk mendanainya. Saya hanya pertama saja melakukan keterlambatan pembayaran sehingga persentase saya turun namun mulai kedua hingga skrng saya tidak pernah melakukan keterlambatan membayar sama sekali dan langsung saya lunasi tanpa saya bayar separo. Terima kasih

Loan Proposal

Uang pinjaman ini saya gunakan untuk pembelian saldo pulsa agar usaha saya bisa berkembang dengan cepat. Terima kasih atas pinjaman sebelumnya. Saya telah melunasi nya tepat waktu. Dan saya juga berjanji akan mengembalikan dana ini tepat pada waktunya. Terima kasih





  • Helen Horseman    Nov 13, 2017

    Thank you for full repayment of your loan Rumekso.
    Best wishes for your business going forward.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 9, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks




United States

Ask Rumekso Uji a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Su    Sep 8, 2018

    To Zidisha, Nomo, he failed to accept the call, caused difficulties in finding information related to him

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  • Su    Aug 8, 2018

    To zidisha, the number of telephones in contact has failed and inactivity

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  • Su    Jul 7, 2018

    Zidisha, this member can not be contacted because the number is inactive

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  • Su    Jun 7, 2018

    To rumekso, please p3mbayaran zidisha, if it is paid off you can take a new loan, your installment is very useful because it will be borrowed to other members thanks

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  • Su    May 6, 2018

    To rumekso, please payment zidisha installment is due, you can change the number of installments to avoid delays thanks

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  • Su    Apr 6, 2018

    To brother rumekso, telling to schedule the zidisha installment thank you

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  • Rumekso Uji    Mar 15, 2018

    Thank you to mr urszula and mr john minges, this fund will be my best use for this effort.

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  • Rumekso Uji    Nov 7, 2017

    Thank you for the loan given. I use as best I can.

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