Capital for my shop inventory

Mohamad Wanda

Karawang, Indonesia

100% paid forward



Mohamad Wanda

Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

35 installments  •  69%

About Me

introduce my name mohamad wanda bahrudin, place, date of birth karawang, 27 juli1991 live in karawang employee employee job in mini retail company activity everyday work while side business (paytren businessman, traveling sales, selling online, selling handicrafts / knick-knacks / accessories /key chain)

My Business

my main income from working as an employee staff (minimarket store manager) minimarket retail company with UMP 5.1 million in turnover income from: paytren rate business 3.1 jt / month sales of food products 600k / bln selling online 350k / bln selling accessories 580k / bln

Project Proposal

With the capital from Zidisha, I will use the money to increase the capital of my grocery shop

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About Me

perkenalkan nama saya mohamad wanda bahrudin,
tempat,tanggal lahir karawang, 27juli1991
tinggal di karawang
pekerjaan staff karyawan di perusahaan retail mini market
kegiatan sehari2 bekerja sambil bisnis sampingan (pebisnis paytren,sales keliling, jualan online, jualan kerajinan tangan/pernak-pernik/aksesoris/gantungan kunci)

My Business

penghasilan utama saya dari bekerja sebagai staff karyawan(pengelola toko minimarket) perusahaan retail minimarket dengan UMP 5,1 jt
penghasilan sampingan omset dari:
bisnis paytren rate 3,1 jt/bln
sales produk sembako 600k/bln
jualan online 350k/bln
jualan aksesoris 580k/bln

Loan Proposal

Dengan modal dari zidisha saya akan mempergunakan uang tersebut untuk menambah modal warung kelontong saya





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 10, 2024



Narobi, Kenya

Ask Mohamad Wanda a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Mohamad Wanda    Aug 9, 2024

    Thank you to my fellow Zidisha members for fulfilling my project. With the funds I have obtained, I will buy initial stock and vouchers to fill my counter display. Once again, thank you to the Zidisha members who have fulfilled my project.

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  • Mohamad Wanda    Aug 3, 2024

    Thank you in advance for the financial support from Zidisha for my previous project so that my business runs smoothly. Next time I will submit another project to increase my sales capital. I ask for your help. Thank you.

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  • Mohamad Wanda    Jul 28, 2024

    project 1 after adding funds for credit counters, in the future I hope my business will develop even better and hopefully my target this year to open another business branch can be achieved

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  • Mohamad Wanda    Jul 28, 2024

    Thank you for the help and support from fellow Zidisha members who have funded my project so that I can open another business branch that I am currently running. For future projects, I want to increase the capital for counter sales and hope that in the future I can open another branch, thank you again

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  • Mohamad Wanda    Jun 10, 2024

    Thank you for funding my project. I hope I can manage the money I receive well. For repayment, I will do it according to the provisions

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  • Mohamad Wanda    Mar 20, 2018

    I deliberately reduced my installment amount because again there was an unexpected expense issue issue

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  • Mohamad Wanda    Nov 25, 2017

    Thank you for the loan I have given you will use the loan best

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  • Mohamad Wanda    Nov 3, 2017

    my business is growing so I need more funds for capital therefore I want to pay off my old loan and resubmit a new loan

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  • Mohamad Wanda    Nov 3, 2017

    My online selling business is growing so I want to pay off my old loan and redeem a new loan to increase my current capital

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