Snack sales business


Cirebon, Indonesia

58% paid forward




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

54 installments  •  93%

About Me

I am a private employee who has a side business selling culinary food, snacks, and also fishing supplies. I want to borrow on Zidisha to increase my business capital

My Business

I am a food business, selling snacks and fishing supplies. my income per month is around 500-1000 000 rupiah and I think I can afford to pay off my loan on Zidisha with installments.

Project Proposal

These funds are for additional capital for my business, because my business is still small and I want to add to it to make it bigger

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About Me

saya seorang karyawan swasta yang memiliki sampingan bisnis kuliner makanan, cemilan, dan juga perikanan
saya ingin meminjam di zidisha untuk menambah modal usaha saya

My Business

saya ber bisnis makanan, cemilan dan juga perikanan
penghasilan saya per bulan sekitar 500-1.000 000 rupiah
dan saya rasa saya mampu untuk membayar cicilan angsuran pinjaman saya dari zidisha

Loan Proposal

Dana ini untuk tambahan modal usaha saya, di karenakan usaha saya masih kecil - kecilan dan ingin saya tambahkan agar lebih besar





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 17, 2024



Nairobi , Kenya

Maria Lawler

United States


Nyahururu, Kenya

Ask Mega a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Mega    Jul 8, 2024

    I'm having difficulty selling, because school children are on holiday

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  • Mega    Jun 17, 2024

    Thank you. I will use the money as capital for my business. This is very helpful for the continuity of my business. Thank you

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  • Linet    Jun 17, 2024

    Semua yang terbaik Mega, saya yakin Anda bisa melakukannya.

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  • Maria Lawler    Jun 17, 2024

    Good Luck!!!

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  • Mega    Jun 10, 2024

    Please help my project to increase business capital

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  • Mega    Jan 9, 2018

    thank you this money I will use to buy my culinary business supplies

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  • Mega    Jan 6, 2018

    I have been able to buy a cart from a loan before and my business is small culinary business is running but I still need funds to enlarge my business, therefore I really hope this fund submission soon in melt .. thank you

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  • Mega    Jan 6, 2018

    I really need this loan because I want to enlarge my kulimer business

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  • Mega    Jan 6, 2018

    I really need a loan from zidisha to enlarge culinary business sy

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  • Mega    Jan 6, 2018

    I need a loan from zidisha because I want to enlarge my culinary business

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  • Mega    Jan 6, 2018

    Thanks to the zidisha loan yesterday I have successfully run my culinary business .. But I still need funds to enlarge my business

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  • Mega    Jan 6, 2018

    Thanks to the loan from zidisha before I can run my culinary business small but I still need funds to enlarge my business .. I really hope my loan soon in the fund .. Thank you Regards

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  • Mega    Jan 6, 2018

    Thank you before to the lenders Loan from zidisha before it can start my culinary business small But I still need funds to enlarge my business .. I hope this fund can be in the liquid Thank you Regards

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  • Mega    Jan 6, 2018

    Thanks to the money lenders thanks to the loans that I was able to start a small business culinary business yesterday, but I want to enlarge my business and I still need a loan from zidisha .. I hope soon in melati .. Salam

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  • Mega    Dec 10, 2017

    thank you

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  • Mega    Oct 27, 2017

    with this fund I can already buy a cart, and the effort is almost gone. thanks zidisha

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