Adding stock items


Denpasar, Indonesia

113% paid forward




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

111 installments  •  59%

About Me

My name is Nurul Anifah, I am currently 30 years old. I am originally from Java, but currently I live in Denpasar. I am married and have 3 beautiful and smart daughters. My first child is already in elementary school. My second child is only 4 years old and my third child is only 5 months old. My hobby is trading, because by trading at home I can take care of my children. I can teach them to study and also play together. I shop at agents, and I am always accompanied by my children. My children are my motivation. They are also the ones who always help me organize my merchandise, they are very enthusiastic about selling when someone buys. They are very happy.

My Business

My husband is a driver, I help my husband earn a living for the family, I trade at home so that I can always be with my child. I sell household necessities every day, such as rice, LPG, mineral water, soap, laundry soap, books and stationery. I also sell soft drinks, snacks. because groceries run out every day and are always sought after by consumers. so money and goods rotate quickly. thank God with a home business, I can save a little of the results for my child's school savings.

Project Proposal

I will use this loan money to increase my stock of goods for sale. I will pay the loan with the proceeds from my sales. I hope my sales will be more popular and the lender will always be successful

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Nama Saya Nurul Anifah, Saat ini umur saya 30 tahun. Saya asli Jawa, tapi saat ini saya hidup merantau di denpasar. saya sudah berkeluarga dan mempunyai 3 putri cantik dan pintar. Anak pertama saya sudah sekolah dasar. Anak kedua baru umur 4th dan anak ke 3 saya baru umur 5 bulan. Hobi saya berdagang, karena dengan berdagang dirumah saya bisa menjaga anak saya. Bisa sambil mengajari belajar dan bisa juga bermain bersama. Saya belanja ke agen, juga selalu di temani anak2 saya. Anak2 lah penyemangat saya. Mereka juga yang selalu membantu menata barang dagangan saya., mereka sangat bersemangat menjuali saat ada yg belanja. Happy banget mereka.

My Business

Suami saya seorang sopir,Saya membantu suami mencari nafkah untuk keluarga, saya berdagang dirumah agar selalu bisa bareng anak saya. Saya sehari - hari berjualan sembako keperluan rumah tangga , seperti beras, elpiji, air mineral, sabun mandi, sabun cuci, buku dan alat tulis. Saya juga jual minuman ringan, camilan. karena sembako setiap hari habis dan selalu dicari konsumen. jadi uang dan barang cepat berputar. alkhamdulillah dengan usaha rumahan, saya bisa sedikit menyimpan hasil buat tabungan anak saya sekolah.

Loan Proposal

Saya akan mengunakan uang pinjaman ini untuk menambah stok barang jualan saya. Saya akan membayar pinjaman dengan hasil jualan saya. Semoga jualan saya semakin laris dan pemberi pinjaman sukses selalu





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 7, 2024




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Ask Nurul a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Noviandri    Sep 10, 2024

    Ok Zidisha help me and our

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  • Nurul    Sep 2, 2024

    Thank you to zidisha and the lender. thank God the project yesterday has been paid off. I have paid on time. Hopefully the zidisha team and the lender May they always be healthy and happy.

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  • Nurul    Jul 7, 2024

    Thank you to the lenders and Zidisha, I hope you are always healthy and have good fortune. And I hope my business will continue to grow. I will use these funds to increase my trading capital, so that I can pay zidisha from the results of my trading

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  • Mirriam    Jul 7, 2024

    Semua yang terbaik dalam bisnis Anda

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  • Noviandri    Jul 7, 2024


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  • Nurul    Jul 2, 2024

    Alhamdulillah. Thank you to Zidisha and the lender, I have paid my payments on time.

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  • Nurul    May 10, 2024

    I will use these funds to increase my trading stock. Hopefully my business will run smoothly and all those who help fund it will always be healthy

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  • Margaret    May 10, 2024

    Semoga sukses

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  • Nurul    May 4, 2024

    Thank you Zidisha, I have paid my bill on time. Thank you also to the lender who has helped fund me. May you always be healthy

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  • Nurul    Feb 8, 2024

    Thank you to Zidisha and members who helped fund my project. May you always be healthy and successful

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    • Noviandri    Feb 10, 2024

      Yes, thank you too. Success always

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  • Nurul    Feb 6, 2024

    Thank God, thank you for completing the payment faster. Thank you Zidisha for your help, so I can add my merchandise.

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  • Nurul    Dec 11, 2023

    Thank you to Mr Sderickson who has helped with the capital for my shop. I will use this capital to shop to increase my shop's stock. Hopefully Mr Sderickson is always healthy

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  • Nurul    Dec 16, 2022

    Thanks to zidisha and the members who funded my project. I will use these funds to increase the stock of my selling items. I hope my sales are selling well and I hope that the donors will be given health and smooth sustenance.

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  • Nurul    Dec 3, 2022

    I am a housewife with 2 children. now I want to open a small shop to help my family's economy. Hopefully with this zidisha, my stall will progress. Thank you zidisha

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  • Nurul    Mar 4, 2018

    Alkhamdulillah my business is progressing, now I can pay more installment of my loan. Thank you all for helping me

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  • Nurul    Feb 6, 2018

    Alhamdulillah my business more smoothly

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  • Nurul    Dec 25, 2017

    Alkhamdulillah, my business is progressing and I can pay my loan on time. Thank you lenders.

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  • Nurul    Dec 1, 2017

    Thanks to the lenders, I will use this fund to increase my trading capital. Hopefully my business more smoothly and the lender is always easy to rejekinya. Aamiin

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  • We Not Me    Dec 1, 2017

    Hi Nurul! Your daughter is so cute. Here's $58 so you can reach your goal. Good luck!

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  • Nurul    Nov 20, 2017

    thanks to zidisha and the lenders, that my current loan is paid off on time.

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