Create a cake shop


Jakarta Utara, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

56 installments  •  80%

About Me

My name is Nensi and I am a housewife. I like to make cakes for sale, while the cake consists of sponge cake, pastries, pastries. I hope that joining Zidhisa can make my own cake shop

My Business

My daily business is making cakes for people. I also have a 7-door rented house business. I hope zidhisa can help me in funding my business later

Loan Proposal

I will use this Fund as best as possible. I might install the cake making equipment like adding an oven to make the cake faster. Hopefully the Funders can grant my request. Thank you

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About Me

Nama saya nensi saya seorang ibu rumah tangga. Saya suka membuat kue untuk dijual adapun kuenya terdiri dari kue bolu kue kering kue basah. Saya berharap ikut zidhisa bisa membuat toko kue sendiri

My Business

Usaha Saya sehari-harinya membuat kue pesenan orang. Saya juga mempunyai bisnis rumah kontrakan 7 pintu. Saya berharap zidhisa bisa membantu Saya dalam mendanai usaha Saya nantinya

Loan Proposal

Saya Akan pergunakan Dana ini dengan sebaik mungkin. Saya mungkin Akan mencicil peralatan membuat kue seperti menambah oven agar lebih cepat proses membuat kuenya. Mudah-mudahan para pemberi Dana bisa mengabulkan permintaan Saya terima kasih





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 15, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 months



Sandy, Utah, United States


Trinidad, California, United States



Nanaimo, Canada


Wendy Emlyn

Devon, United Kingdom


New Zealand


Anna Lusero

United States

Ask Nensi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Nensi    Dec 3, 2018

    Previously I apologized to the zidhisa team because my installments were reduced because I was having a family problem apologizing profusely thanks

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  • Nensi    Oct 24, 2018

    Sorry to the zidisha team my installments are reduced because there is a need for parents to apologize in advance

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  • Nensi    Sep 12, 2018

    Sorry to the zidhisa team I reduced my installments because there was a need for my parents .. I would definitely try to be better in the future thanks

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  • Nensi    Aug 15, 2018

    Thank you to the donor I said. I will use this fund as best as possible according to my needs to add to the need to make cakes. Thanks to Zidisha.

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  • Nensi    Jul 5, 2018

    I thank the funder. I will use my best.

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  • Nensi    May 8, 2018

    Thank you My funders Will use this Fund as needed Me once again Thank you

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  • Nensi    May 8, 2018

    Thanks to the funders I have paid off my loan. I again ask again hopefully approved Thank you

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  • Nensi    Mar 26, 2018

    Alhamdulillah many orders of cake thanks zidhisa

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  • Nensi    Feb 8, 2018

    Thank you zidhisa for the loan I will use as well as I need .. Thanks also for the giver of my fund will keep your trust

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  • Nensi    Feb 8, 2018

    Just 1 day my loan is funded. It"s easy to quickly get paid by zidhisa because there is a lot of order for the next 14 days. I hope the fund borrowers give me more trust so that it can be funded by 100% amin

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  • Nensi    Feb 8, 2018

    Taraaa has become a special cake for my friend who is today"s wedding anniversary

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  • Nensi    Feb 4, 2018

    There pesenan bika ambon cheese alhamdulillah

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  • Nensi    Jan 26, 2018

    Sponge order is ready to stay in the container

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  • Nensi    Jan 26, 2018

    Alhamdulillah there is a spirit cake order

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  • Nensi    Jan 26, 2018

    There is still no time to get email should the spirit let"s hopefully 100% pesenan cake again this many please help zidisha

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  • Nensi    Jan 26, 2018

    More cookie orders hopefully soon funded my 100% loan, so I can buy a cake oven

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  • Nensi    Jan 22, 2018

    Thanks to zidhisa I have been able to add my cake needs kmrn I just bought some baking pie again next if my loan is approved I want to buy an oven

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  • Nensi    Jan 5, 2018

    Thanks zidisha especially my funders have bought some cooking utensils again .. Finally I can quickly make my customer order .. Sorry yesterday I paid late payment because I have to collect the excess (profit) to buy my cake equipment .. Once thanks again zidisha

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  • Wendy Emlyn    Dec 18, 2017

    Hello Nensi.
    Are you able to make any more payments yet?
    God bless you,

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    • Nensi    Jan 5, 2018

      Hallo pak wendy thank you in advance I"ve been given the opportunity to join in zidisha .. I have paid the installment pak sorry for the month of December yesterday I am late to pay .. god bless you pak wendy thank you ..

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  • Nensi    Nov 19, 2017

    Thank you I say to the borrowers especially for zidhisa I will use as well as this fund for the purposes of my cake I hope the future of my business smoothly and blessings amen

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