Maya global business


Mboro, Senegal

99% repaid




Member since

February 2015

On-time repayments

9 installments  •  100%

About Me

I was born and raised in a religious family, and went to school in Arabic and French.
Long attracted by the army, I did military service in the artillery unit and received a certificates in driving and computer maintenance. After my military term, I returned home and started a business.

My Business

I am a trader selling accessories and electronic equipment and the manager of a multi-service unit that processes money transfers (Wari, Joni Joni, etc.) and includes office equipment such as a word processor, photo printer, copier, scanner, and laminator.

I am trained in computer and cell phone maintenance.

I started with a capital 2.5 million CFA francs (about $4,150 US) and now have four million (about $6,630) to expand my business.

Loan Proposal

renforcer mes produits acheter des accessoires informatique des recharges des abonnement des accessoires mobiles pour les nouveau arrivages de phone
de nouveau ordinateurs portable payer la causions de Touba transfer sur la voie d ouvrir un nouveau lieu de travail pour la ventes de produit alimentaires

Show original Français  

About Me

Longtemps attirer par l'armée
j'ais fait le service militaire servi au batblindés je suis tutulaire du brevet millitaire de conduite auto Maintenancier informatique reseau bureautique après mon durée légale je suis liberet et renvoyer chez mois après que je me suis lancée dans le commerce

My Business

Je suis commerçant vente des accessoire et des matériels électronique
Gérant d un multiservice
Transfert d'argent wari joni joni ........ matérielle bureautique Traitement de text photo copieuse scanner imprimerie photo minute plastification

maintenance informatique décodage mobile

Débuter avec un capital de deux millions cinq cent . Je me retrouve maintenant avec 4 million pour faire augmenter mon business

Loan Proposal

renforcer mes produits acheter des accessoires informatique des recharges des abonnement des accessoires mobiles pour les nouveau arrivages de phone
de nouveau ordinateurs portable payer la causions de Touba transfer sur la voie d ouvrir un nouveau lieu de travail pour la ventes de produit alimentaires






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 4, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months




seattle, United States



Cincinnati, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


San Francisco, Ca, United States

Ask Mayacine a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Mayacine    Jul 15, 2016

    With this loan I will buy to strengthen my mobile accessory purchase business and also to really download the prét m helps a lot to advance my business a big thank you to the lender that allowed me to have this long life prét and that many health god you bainisse

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  • Mayacine    Jun 12, 2016

    j "improve my business purchasing new computer hardware radio product of accessory __

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  • Mayacine    May 30, 2016


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  • Roy    May 22, 2016

    Hello Mayacine,

    I posted a comment in January, asking if this is the repayment schedule you wish to adopt. Unfortunately, you have not replied... This issue is, it is my understanding that with this repayment schedule, you will not be able to take a larger loan next time you borrow. I think if you change the repayment schedule now, you may be able to increase your credit limit... I expect that $70 / $70 / $56.35 would be appropriate...

    Best wishes,

    P.S.: I asked my friend, Laurie (, to help translate my message into French for you. :)

    Bonjour Mayacine,

    J’ai posté un commentaire en janvier, en demandant si c’est le calendrier de remboursement que vous désirez adopter. Malheureusement, vous n’avez pas répondu... Ce problème est, je crois, avec ce calendrier de remboursement, vous ne serez pas en mesure de prendre un prêt plus élevé, la prochaine fois vous emprunterai. Je pense que si vous modifiez maintenant le calendrier de remboursement, vous pouvez être en mesure d’augmenter votre limite de crédit... Je crois que 70 $ / 70 $ / $56,35 conviendrait...

    Meilleurs voeux,

    P.S.: J’ai demandé à mon amie, Laurie (, de m’aider à traduire mon message en français pour vous. :)

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    • Lotus Flower    May 26, 2016

      Merci, Fanny, pour affiner ma traduction en français.
      Tellement génial d’avoir un locuteur natif du français dans l’équipe!

      Thank you, Fanny, for refining my French translation.
      So great to have a native speaker of French on the team!

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  • Mayacine    Apr 11, 2016

    Merci. Je vien de recevoir 105681 fca.
    Je vais acheter et améliorer mon activité.
    Je vous remercie de votre confiance que vous nous faites.
    Que Dieu vous garde. Merci.

    Thank you. I just received 105681 West-African Francs.
    I'm going to buy and improve my business.
    I thank you for your confidence that you have in us.
    May God protect you.

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  • Mayacine    Mar 24, 2016

    MERCI aux préteurs qui m'a permis d'avoir ce prêt, et surtout qui nous font confiance. Que Dieu vous garde et vous accompagne dans tout vos projets. Merci aussi à l'Équipe ZIDISHA, mentionnée très bien.

    Thanks to the lenders who have allowed me to have this loan, and especially who trust in us. May God keep you and accompany you in all your projects. Thanks, also, to The Zidisha Team, very well-mentioned.

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  • Lotus Flower    Mar 19, 2016

    Information from Founder & Director, Julia Kurnia,
    about a recent technical problem:

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  • Mayacine    Jan 31, 2016

    ha yes I thank the lenders and the whole team of Zidisha in telling you that god you really cares for you and thank you again for allowing me always to make mine to day in my business

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  • Roy    Jan 30, 2016

    Mayacine, Are you sure this is the repayment schedule you will adopt?

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  • Roy    Jan 9, 2016

    Mayacine, Have you accepted the loan yet?

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  • Mayacine    Dec 31, 2015

    I thank you the lender to him/her I wish a long life, health, prosperity
    lots of love
    and also a good and happy year 2016.
    truly I feel with Zidisha
    you are always helping me with my projects

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  • Mayacine    Dec 31, 2015

    I thank you the lender to him/her I wish a long life, health, prosperity
    lots of love
    and also a good and happy year 2016.
    truly I feel with Zidisha
    you are always helping me with my projects

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  • Mayacine    Dec 31, 2015

    I thank the lender luis also wish long life health much love prosperity __et a Happy 2016 .__ I really sen me with Zidisha __vous always help me on my projects.

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  • Mayacine    Dec 10, 2015

    hello hello I thank you all you special mention the lender who gave me this loan and i wish to him or her long life, health and prosperity him lots of love and especially for the courage that he continues truly what you do is a very gesture noble we have no idea what you pay but you leave with good god thank you

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  • Mayacine    Oct 27, 2015

    I seen the rest of my pay for the loan received from another prét for promotion back class I want to increase my product supplies thank you

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  • Mayacine    Oct 27, 2015

    thank you to group Zidisha

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  • Mayacine    Oct 12, 2015

    hello I thank the lender who has permitted me to have this loan MENTION VERY WELL
    it allowed me to make my promotion in school supplies

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  • Mayacine    Sep 3, 2015

    yes it is good one manages with your help thanks to the good god

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  • Mayacine    Sep 1, 2015

    Thank you to for funding the loan that you offered me of 57,914 francs which allowed me to increase my stock. Thank you lenders and God bless you.

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  • Mayacine    Jul 22, 2015

    hello I am delighted to have this loan that'll help me better fund and increase my telephone accessories, chargers, earphone accessories
    I thank the lender who has permitted me to have this loan

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