I will more drugs for the coming rainy season


Dudi Town, Kenya

0% repaid




Member since

September 2015

On-time repayments

53 installments  •  26%

About Me

Im James Thuo my tribe is kikuyu but I was raised in Dudi town I had my early education in 1988 and I joined my high school at 1998 and I did my national examination in 2002 I joined a teachers college in 2003 , joining this teachers college was not the college of my choice but it was a desperate measure due to I had not performed enough marks to apply for the course I wanted so immediately after the course I was hired as a secondary school teacher in our neighboring village school as the teacher of mathematics and chemistry I had not given up on my dreams so decided to enroll my self to to another secondary school examination I passed the test and I joined a university doing a diploma in as a lab technician while at school i had joined a sacco which offed me a loan that i decide to start a pharmacy because job was to had to find

My Business

The pharmacy consists of mostly Herb medicine that are mostly Imports from china since I have got some friends from the college and the friends from the school I used to teach some of them had access to where this medicine are found easily and cheap it is very difficult to find this medicine in the place I have located my business so one needs to go up to to the capital city to find them I also sell them at allow prices so many people prefer my place rather than going that far I sell medicine such as basil,chamomilemile,echinaccea,feverfew,Johnny-jump-up, lavenda, lemon, blam and Mario gold in most cases this medicine works so my customers have build faith in them and as a result this makes me a lot of profit that I use in paying my school fees

Loan Proposal

At the moment i have made things ready for the next coming rainy season.When there is rains there will be high breeding of mosquitoes followed my infection of malaria which in turn increase the demand of antimalarial drugs.Mt loan amount $400 i will use to add antimalarial at wholesale from the supplier which i will be given a discount.This will make my drugs cheaper and affordable to many hence allowing me to sell more and make more profit.Also the drugs will affordable to all hence helping people from this killer disease.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 28, 2016

Repayment status


Projected term

8 months

Other loans


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

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