

Nakuru, Kenya

80% repaid




Member since

April 2013

On-time repayments

32 installments  •  34%

About Me

My name is Beth Wanjiku Njau and a resident of Nakuru town. my home is located in Pangani estate just two kilometers from the a window with three children who are in secondary school.l dropped out of school after completing my primary education due to lack of school fees and there after l was employed by my uncle as a waitress in his hotel.After working for three years in the hotel industry my friend introduced me to the (mitumba) business of selling second hand clothes and my business is located in bargain market of Nakuru town.l use my income to support my children by providing for them the basic needs such as paying school fees.and also save part of income so as to meet the needs of my children and develop myself economically.

My Business

l have been in (mitumba) second hand business for the last twenty business is located in bargain market of Nakuru town.the business is good and very profitable as long as you are able to meet the customers taste.l normally sell newborns clothes as the demand for these clothes is not influenced by factors such as weather or seasons.l manage to sell a bale every week at a profit of ks 8,000.this is because the children wear are not expensive.though there is a lot of competition from boutique shop l make sure that the clothes are of good quality and the p[rices are affordable to my customers.if advanced with the loan l will be able to add more stock to the business.

Loan Proposal

dear lenders, its my pleasure that you are well doing. it so grate to me to have this worderful chance yet to apply another loan.the first loan had a very big impact in my business, but since i had some problem of loosing my last born son, things was not all that well. but i made it in Jesus name. with this second loan, i have decided to venture in dairy farming project, which is doing so well in this area.last year, i had bought a local cow, which usually produces 5 to 7 little of planning to get a loan from zidisha, and then i will be able to buy a good and productive dairy cow. my expectation is 20 to 30 little of milk.we usually sell the milk to a very growing company known as brookside little kids will benefit from drinking direct milk from the cow. before the processing takes place.this will be an added advantage to my family.i hope this will boost my second hands cloths is also doing well. thanks so much as you helps me in completion of my bids. thanks





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 7, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

4 months

Other loans



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  • TomF925    Oct 20, 2015

    We haven't heard from you for a while. We hope you are doing well.

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  • TomF925    Aug 15, 2015

    Thank you for your recent payments.

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  • Beth    May 13, 2015

    hellow lenders, am fine doing. my farming business had turned down for the last dry season. this is why i had not made my repayments as required. this season is now wet. since the rain is on.i hope to do my loan repayments.thanks

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  • Beth    Feb 27, 2015

    dear lenders, hope all is well. my business is doing so well. thanks for your support. may lord bless you all. thanks

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  • Namaste250    Dec 29, 2014

    Dear Beth.
    I am sorry to learn of the death of your son. My condolences.
    It is good that your business is getting back on its feet.
    Best wishes to you and your family for a prosperous and health 2015,

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  • Beth    Dec 22, 2014

    dear lenders, my business was down sometimes back, but this was because of the tragedy i got of loosing one of my last born son. in this case as i have been informing you, i was down. but since that was over, and its GOD will, i recovered. anyway my business is doing good. the loan you assign me has moved my business far. thanks

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  • Beth    Dec 22, 2014

    dear lenders , i hope all is well to all of you. happy xmas and new year which is approachingwith me am okey fine and well doing . am enjoying my holiday here in nakuru town in nakuru county. my business is doing well this season without any problem.may you have a worderful x mas.i wish you were near, i would invite you to our nyama choma lunch. roasted meat which is very sweat. GOD BLESS YOU ALL

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  • Beth    Dec 20, 2014

    hi lenders. hope all is well. i have been making my repayments without any problem.since the burial of my last born, i was so down hearted.but since it was GOD will, am business is doing so well since, the money you lend me, boosted my business with a very big impact. my children are schooling without any problem.the business is well doing.

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  • Beth    Jun 26, 2014

    dear lenders, i hope you are alright, just to let you know that , my last born son passed away last week after to short ill. am now in burial preparation.once this is over. i will update you

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  • Beth    Apr 17, 2014

    hi lenders.hope you are ok and well. my business had turned down for sometimes, this made me to be unable to make the payments as required on time.its my sincere hope that am now going to repay the loan on time.

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  • Beth    Sep 6, 2013

    Hi lenders and the entire Zidisha team,l am grateful for the loan you gave me,it has been of help.As l had told you l decided to sell the umbrellas.l found a wholesaler who sold to me in a fair price.l bought big and small umbrellas,l am sellig them because now its the rainy season,l plan to use the profits to finish paying the loan.

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  • Beth    Sep 3, 2013

    These umbrellas are bought from wholesalers because they are cheap while buying from them.l am still doing research and comparing prices from different wholesalers so that l can get the one who is cheapest because this will help me earn more profit.l hope to start this business and through your support it will be successful.

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  • Beth    Sep 3, 2013

    l hope my new business will do well as time proceeds and this will help me to pay the remaining loan so that you can advance me with another loan.Continue being patient with me.l also came across a new business idea of selling umbrellas,When rain pours everyone try to look for an umbrella so that they can take shelter in it.

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  • Beth    Sep 3, 2013

    As l had told you about the new business idea l had in mind,l was able to save some cash through the sale of one of my bales,and l was able to bring a bale of jackets.The business is picking up well because this is the cold season in my county and most people require jackets in order to prevent themselves from catching a cold.

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  • Beth    Sep 3, 2013

    Dear lenders and the entire Zidisha team,l take this precious afternoon to greet you all.l hope you are all doing well.l am doing very well and my grandson has now full recovered but still is taking some medicines which l buy for him.My business is also running well thanks to the effort of my buyers.l am trying as much as l can to finish paying my loan

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  • Beth    Sep 3, 2013

    Dear lenders and the entire Zidisha team,l take this precious afternoon to greet you all.l hope you are all doing well.l am doing very well and my grandson has now full recovered but still is taking some medicines which l buy for him.My business is also running well thanks to the effort of my buyers.l am trying as much as l can to finish paying my loan

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  • Beth    Aug 26, 2013

    l got this idea about selling jackets,from one of my friends.This is because most time of the year,the weather changes and it becomes cold.Therefore the demand for jackets increases.l have done my research and discovered that one bale of jackets costs 10000 and it makes a profit of 15000 after every 3 weeks.l would like to venture into this business.

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  • Beth    Aug 26, 2013

    l got this idea about selling jackets,from one of my friends.This is because most time of the year,the weather changes and it becomes cold.Therefore the demand for jackets increases.l have done my research and discovered that one bale of jackets costs 10000 and it makes a profit of 15000 after every 3 weeks.l would like to venture into this business.

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  • Beth    Aug 26, 2013

    l got this idea about selling jackets,from one of my friends.This is because most time of the year,the weather changes and it becomes cold.Therefore the demand for jackets increases.l have done my research and discovered that one bale of jackets costs 10000 and it makes a profit of 15000 after every 3 weeks.l would like to venture into this business.

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  • Beth    Aug 26, 2013

    l got this idea about selling jackets,from one of my friends.This is because most time of the year,the weather changes and it becomes cold.Therefore the demand for jackets increases.l have done my research and discovered that one bale of jackets costs 10000 and it makes a profit of 15000 after every 3 weeks.l would like to venture into this business.

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