Farm mechanization


Kakamega, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

November 2018

On-time repayments

25 installments  •  76%

About Me

Hullo Zidisha Community. Am so humbled to be part of this great family. My names are Rita Andeyo Enane. I was born and bred in western Kenya but left in my late teens to work in Nairobi. Our 2 sons and I always came home over x
mass holidays. It always pained me to see how poor folks at home were yet they had big farms. I desired so much to try and help change their lives. When the boys finished primary(elementary) school, I resigned my job and migrated home to engage in farming as a sustainable business. I leased out farms and planted sugarcane, vegetables and cereals and sold to middlemen for a profit. I lived in the village yet my life was admirable. I also rared indigenous chicken and sold to hotels in nearby towns. They actually came to my village to buy the chicken and vegetables in their hotel cars and this surprised folks at home. Slowly I encouraged them to keep chicken and plant vegetables for cash and not only subsistence. My dream has always been to create employment and empower the rural woman. I have 1 permanent employee and 4 casual. The journey has been tough, not to mention fighting tradition and illetracy, but the struggle continues. Financing from banks has been depressing and I believe Zidisha community will help me continue to put smiles on my village folk faces and myself.

My Business

I mainly deal in farming of sugarcane' beans and vegetables. I also keep indigenous chicken for both meat and eggs. Chicken is a delicacy in western Kenya and is the main meal cooked for an important guest. Eggs are a cheap source of food. I dealin the improvedkienyeji chicken because it matures faster and its meat is sweet and tender. People in Kakamega love my chicken. At the moment I have 212 chicken but am selling off all the mature ones this December because the prices will be very good. I have a stock of 1 day old chicks coming in. I buy them from kukuchic ltd eldoret. I don't have an incubator so I have to keep buying new chicks. The improved kienyeji chicken rarely brood but they lay more eggs than the indegenous. chicken give me a faster source of income because sugarcane takes a year to mature and beans and vegetables are seasonal. On a good day I can make 150 dollars. The main challenge is supply of chicks. Sometimes we have to wait for over months because of many orders from other customers. This I plan to counter by purchasing an incubator so I can be hatching my own eggs and also sell chicks tointerested customers. I plan to increase my chicken to a capacity of 1000. Vegetable planting is very profitable but seasonal due to availability of adequate rainfall. My dream is to sink a borehole that can help in irrigation during the dry season.

Loan Proposal

I need to buy chicken nipple drinkers to help keep diseases from spreading due to water contamination. Refilling water drinkers is also hectic because I have small drinkers.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 26, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week



Melbourne, Australia

Ask Rita a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Rita    Apr 22, 2024

    Helllo my Zidisha family. I am fine.but my business got some challenges and I could not entirely homour my payments. I have managed to put it back on track . I do plead for your understanding and purpose to finish my payments.

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  • Rita    Mar 18, 2024

    Hello family. Hope you are all doing well. I have stilll not fully recovered from my family emergency. Kindly bear with me. I will surely make good. Thank you all for being helpful and understanding

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  • Rita    Mar 3, 2024

    Hello family. I have had some family emergencies that have forced me to review my repayments. I trust and purposr to get padt them soon. Thank you so much for your continued support

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  • Rita    Feb 14, 2024

    A big and sincere thank you to the member who funded my project. You have made my day because now I will be able to buy a tank, pipes , water nipples and fic a better water system for my birds. This system will enable me to have extra time on my hands to do other chores and also reduce infections within the coup which inceases my profits. I can now plan for other work because life in Kenya has become harder and one needs to work smart inorder to pave through. I am so gratedul to you for believing in me. I will not let you down. Thanks again and more blessings.

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  • Rita    Feb 13, 2024

    Hello Zidisha family. I am so glad to be part of this great family. You have been good to me and my project is on course. I am also excited because I got a second grandchild-z beautiful baby girl. She is baby sister to our amazing grandson. This is me holding the sweet princess-a Zidisha grandgirl.she looks like me

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  • Rita    Feb 12, 2024

    A big thank you to my Zidisha family and especially my backers for believing in me and funding my project. I managed to repair my chicken coup and now my birds are enjoying their space. Their growth rate has increased and diseases minimized. I am expecting good sales soon from that lot. Thank you so much good people. I am on the road to reaping good returns

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  • Rita    Jan 13, 2024

    Hi my dear lenders. I have had a small drawback in my project expectations. My worker and I both got bouts of malaria and our work schedule got intefered with a little. We both feel better but it affected our deliveries since we had to outsource a new staff who wasnt well informed with our operation. We are back on our feet but need a little more time to adjust. I regret any inconveniences caused.

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  • Rita    Jan 1, 2024

    Hello dear lenders and happy new year to you all.. 2023 was a relatively tough year in Kenya but I thank God and the Zidisha family for making me able to pursue my project. Prices of stuff sky rocketed and ordinary loans wete unaffordable. I am forever grateful for Zidisha family because they gave me a cusion that is unmatched. I was able to buy some refurbished mabatis 7@1000 each, nails and barbed wire to repair the coup. The repair took abit long because of the heavy rains which could start very early. The festivities also ate into out time. The place is now ready. I am moving the chics this week after their 2nd vaccine. The el nino rains have also subsided and my chics can now play outside in good sunshine. I am so thankful to my lendets for making this possible. Thanks so much and God bless you.

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  • Rita    Dec 17, 2023

    Hello Zidisha family. I am so grateful dear members who funded my project for believing in me. Now I will be able to buy iron sheets, chicken wire, nails and be able to pay my fundi to repair the chicken coop. My chicks will be able to have a good home to aid in their growth and reproduction. This will help me and increase my production and later, capital. I cant wait to refurbish the coop and breed my stock in a safe and healthy environment. Thankyou so much for making this possible. God bless you

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  • Supatra Gill    Dec 16, 2023

    Good luck with your wonderful farm!

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  • Rita    Nov 21, 2023

    Hello family. This is me at our site. We had purchased some small eucaliptus trees to reinforce the shaft. The guy alligning the timber is our engineer mr Bonny. The other 3 guys are on the drill while we have 3 other guys underground.

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  • Rita    Nov 21, 2023

    Hello great people. I thank you so much for believing in me and funding my project. Its been a smooth ride with you at my side. I managed to purchase some trees for timbering our gold mine shaft successfully. This means our crew can get in and search for gold bearing rocks without fear of the shaft collapsing. Timbering a shaft is one of the most expensive expenditures in artisanal gold mining because it is a recurring expenditure which must be done, wether production is good or low. So, Zidisha family being on my side has enabled me to weather that storm. We were able to go on with work and get sone gold nuggets which we will sell by end of the month. I decided to hold on to them abit because the price has been going up and that is a good thing for us. I just dont know what I would have done without Zidisha family and my sponsors. God bless you so are life savers.

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  • Rita    Oct 27, 2023

    hello. its a beautiful bright morning here. we r glad to be alive and contributing to the economy. our shaft is built and workers going on with excavation. they got me pictures from underground . now they go down with a drill as compared to when we hadn't built. its safe and faster so we expect better returns. Thanks to Zidisha family for making this possible

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  • Rita    Oct 25, 2023

    Hi. we bought a big eucalyptus tree and managed to get 14 beams and 17 frames. we builtv2 boxes of 5 by 5 feet and our crew is ready to proceed. we paused work for 11 days because the rains were too much and the area leaders advised on pausing excavations. Too much rains could cause landslides which pause danger to mining activities, so its as well that we paused it. The rains have reduced and work has resumed.
    We are expecting good returns this last quarter of the year because November and December are normally dry. Let's see what the guys do then I can give a more comprehensive update. Thanks for the great support

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  • Rita    Oct 2, 2023

    Hello Anthony. Thanks so much in believing in me and funding my project. Now I will be able to buy the material and timber our gold shaft. This will help our team excavate deeper for gold bearing stones and increase our production, which will in turn help us make profits. Thanks so much again for making this possibke

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  • Rita    Sep 9, 2023

    Hello my dear partners. I managed to add an open cast excavation for gold bearing stones, which we call "changa". This has helped us get profits and engage more women in the area. This in turn helped them pay school fees for their kids this term. Changa is good because we can engage more women and the stones are just 7 feet below ground level. It gives quick returns with less expenses. We also purchased timber to continue with construction of our shaft. Thanks to you for making this possible. God bless you and let's continue with the good work.

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  • Rita    Aug 31, 2023

    Hello. Its hectic around here with the rains and rush to return kids to school. Most ladies have been busy processing their stones to get school fees . We sun dry the stones before milling them and the rains have not spared us-they start at around 1pm. Good news is that we never scare easily. Work is still on .

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  • Rita    Aug 30, 2023

    Here are some photos of the extra site we started from the loan I took plus a vedeo of some steps in processing our stones to get gold

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  • Rita    Aug 30, 2023

    Hello great people. Hope you are fine. My crew and I are fine and have already set sail in these crazy waters of gold. Your funding was timely and I secured 2 pick axes, 2 digging hoes and a spade. I also added some sacks for packing stones.
    my people were so happy to see the equipment-thanks to Zidisha- although I missed some ladies who have gone to prepare their kids for reopening of school. We expect them back tomorrow. Despite the shortfall, we still did a good job. we managed to increase our produce by 3. bags and got more money which we have ordered for timber to build our shaft. Timbering a shaft is one of the expensive items we have because its a recurring expenditure.
    we do have plans of buying a ball mill crusher to reduce stone crushing expenditure and create income as we crush for customers when we not crushing ours. its an enormous climb but we will get there. After getting a ball mill, we expand to wet mill crusher and then leaching plant
    Zidisha family, we are real gold diggers, a great and interesting venture. you should come visit some

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  • Rita    Aug 18, 2023

    Hello Ajay Hampapur and Sinan Taifour. Thanks so much for believing in me and funding my project. I will now be able to go purchase 2 digging hoes, 2 pick axes and 2 spades which will help me engage 2 more men to assist in gold Rock excavation. This in turn will increase our produce and allow me engage more women to help process the stones. Now I can comfortably employ the women who have been asking me for work, yet I could not help them . I can't wait to see the smiles on their faces. Am going to buy the tools immediately andl let you know the progress. Thanks so much.

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