Add capital fund trade


Medan, Indonesia

5% repaid




Member since

October 2015

On-time repayments

256 installments  •  12%

About Me

I stay tranquil street gang bromo No. 24 fields with the house on behalf of my Mamak own.I interested in working zidisha.saya online loan dikonveksi sederajat.hobi jahitan.pendidikan my high school I berenang..kakak I have 2 brothers dimalaysia..saya 8 .4 people already married ... We stayed on the field only 4 people. Most outside the country, province .____ I need funds to the cost of treatment of common diseases pak.pembengkakan sister saya.hanya gums and the area around the tooth, need funds 3jt

My Business

I work dikonveksi stitches. Work place not far from my own home ... I 300rb perminggu.saya income will be responsible for the loan I will pay cicilannya..terimakasih prior to zidisha community ...... 240 ribu.tidak gross income no rivals any work disinii smoothly smoothly aja !!

Loan Proposal

I use to trade and raise capital while working diluaran convection as well, I was very fortunate with this zidisha my life changed, I am very grateful to the many especially zidisha ini.sekali again thanks a lot

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About Me

Saya tinggal dijalan bromo gang sentosa no 24 medan dengan rumah atas nama mamak saya sendiri.saya tertarik dengan pinjaman online zidisha.saya kerja dikonveksi jahitan.pendidikan saya SMA sederajat.hobi saya berenang..kakak saya ada 2 orang dimalaysia..saya 8 bersaudara.4 orang udah berkeluarga...Kami tinggal dimedan cuma 4 orang. Sebagian diluar negara, provinsi.

saya butuh dana utk biaya pengobatan adik saya.hanya penyakit biasa pak.pembengkakan gusi dan daerah sekitar gigi,perlu dana 3jt

My Business

Saya kerja dikonveksi jahitan. Tempat kerjaan nggak jauh dari rumah saya sendiri...penghasilan saya 300rb perminggu.saya akan bertanggung jawab atas pinjaman saya akan bayar cicilannya..terimakasih sebelumnya kepada komunitas zidisha......Penghasilan kotor 240 ribu.tidak ada saingan apapun pekerjaan disinii lancar lancar aja!!

Loan Proposal

saya gunakan untuk menambah modal dagangan dan sambil bekerja diluaran konveksi juga,saya sangat beruntung sekali dengan zidisha ini membuat kehidupan saya berubah,saya sangat berterimakasih banyak terutama kepada pihak zidisha ini.sekali lagi terimakasih banyak





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 10, 2016

Repayment status


Projected term

54 months

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Ask Arisman a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Arisman    Jul 20, 2016

    I can not pay sepenuhnyaa ... by because I changed the nominal payment

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  • Arisman    Jun 8, 2016

    I am very grateful to zidisha and I use it for business as well as good.

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  • Dewi    Dec 26, 2015

    Thank you for making installment payments on time, maintain a continued timeliness of payments, so you can apply for larger loans in the future.

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  • Dewi    Nov 20, 2015

    Whitney Good afternoon, welcome to join dizidisha, I volunteer mentor you, if you want to ask, please contact me, I hope you can grow the business with the help of loans from zidisha and do not forget to pay the installments on time.

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