Completing business building construction


Lusaka, Zambia

Pending disbursement
Fully funded

$0 to go

100% funded of $767 goal


days left




Member since

May 2015

On-time repayments

233 installments  •  89%

About Me

My name is Jonathan Zulu (Snr), born on 25-11-56. At that time, education was free and inclusive school requirements. I have no idea of who bought my school uniform. All I know is that there was no-one who volunteered to look after me because of which,I was an orphan, I grew up and stayed with many people from primary school up to secondary school. I worked hard and very good at school and that earned me favor and favor saw me through to the end.
Many people that I put up with loved farming and gardening, and I began loving agriculture activities as years went by. When I was done with college and started to work, I also started to look for land on which to do farming and keeping livestock. I am glad, to be on the farm now although, because of lucking finances, little farming activities using hoes is done and vegetables for household consumption are grown and watered by watering canes.
The land on my farm plot is very good for poultry, animal keeping and fertile for agriculture. The community is mixed people of mixed cultures but we get along well with all the farmers near to us.
I love listening to international news and events round about. I love going to church and helping the needy. Also do a lot of pre-marital counseling project ideas to young people.

My Business

I am currently keeping village chickens because I am not able to meet the cost of feed for broilers,due to that fact that an a retired printer by profession. I have just trans-planted some vegetables, tomatoes and onions on a smaller scale. I earnestly hope that, one day my garden and farming activities will be on a large scale.
Vegetables are in high demand as few farmers brave to grow them due to different factors (e.g. transportation, chemicals etc.)
For the new loan, I will commit to selling pig meat whose market is already procured.
In addition to the pig meat business, production of unique Bible events booklets will run side by side.
The above businesses were chosen because they are profitable and chemicals required are less and are affordable too. Profits from the project help us to supplement on paying school fees for three (3) of our children who are in higher learning education institutions and the house we live in is not finished, so we are improving on the building slowly from the same profits.
In 2019, I have decided to venture into the production of unique Bible events booklets to be sold to lovers of the word of God. Hence the application for a loan.
The demand for the unique Bible events booklets is high and I have decided to increase the production of booklets in my next loan once it's approved.
The production and sales of the booklets has been very stead and encouraging including the demand from the target groups.
The first 2020 ZIDISHA loan will be used to further increase marginally the same booklets and improve on the cover outlook which needed graphic attention which when done will boost the demand and sales.

Project Proposal

The previous paid up loan was used to construct the three roomed business building which ended only at roof level and with this loan application when approved, will be able to complete the structure and start the intended business on the premises.
With the requested loan amount, I will be buying timber, cement, doors, window frames and glasses, door frames a few more building blocks, paints and payment for labor charges. There will be other payments to be made for land scape and building more layers on top of the roofing sheets because the roofing style will be the " hidden roofed" building.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Amount requested



Muhamad Ricky

Jakarta, Indonesia


Kahawa West, Kenya


Namarambi, Kenya


Nairobi-lower Kabete, Kenya


Ciamis, Indonesia


Nairobi, Kenya


Nairobi, Kenya

David McLauchlan

Seattle, United States


Mirera, Kenya


Nairobi, Kenya


Kandara, Kenya

Tubagus Indra

Kota, Indonesia




Kisumu, Kenya


Ibadan, Nigeria


Jalingo, Nigeria


Ndola, Zambia


Paul Reilly

United Kingdom


Nakuru, Kenya


Bogor, Indonesia



Nairobi, Kenya


Nairobi, Kenya



Iwo, Nigeria


Narok, Kenya


Muranga, Kenya


Kisii, Kenya


Kisumu, Kenya


Nairobi, Kenya

Ask Jonathan a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Jonathan    Sep 14, 2024

    Dear Zidisha family members,
    I would like to thank you very much for having contributed towards my loan amount application. As a Nation, we are experiencing severe power rationing which takes several days without lights and this has affected effective communication. With the loan
    I will buy building materials to finish the unfinished building structure to enable me begin to run the intended business. Building materials required include building blocks to do two courses on top, iron sheets, timber, cement, doors and window frames, glasses and other supportive materials including the labour' and transportation costs .
    Thank you very much for your love and support. May I not be the last person to be helped. Continue doing this for many family members who will need a similar assistance. May God remember you as you run your business.

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  • Jonathan    Jul 29, 2024

    Hello Zidisha family
    Iam excited to communicate with you and trust you are all doing well in your businesses.
    The first news from me is that, the project loan amount which you generously contributed to was fully repaid and I was able to raise the building structure with three shop rooms though it didn't finish building because the building materials in the country went far beyond my financial strength. The structure reached the roofing level. Iam hopping to finish when my next loan is funded so that I can rent out two rooms and I remain with one for my business of selling the farm products. Looking forward to interacting with everyone. God bless you all.

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  • Jonathan    Dec 18, 2023

    Dear Zidisha family friends
    I once again found myself wallowing in the financial crisis. It was not expected and I got crushed to the bone marrow and couldn't raise my head up.
    I miserably failed to service the loan that I obtained.
    God bless ZIDISHA, they didn't publicize my situation
    Iam now mobilizing resources to pay off the loan this December 2023.
    Jonathan Zulu. Zambia.

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  • Jonathan    Jun 14, 2023

    My customers have treated me badly this time around and I am hoping to settle the loan in the earlier indicated month of July. Iam working towards that.

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  • Jonathan    Jan 19, 2023

    Once again I would like to thank all the Zidisha family members who have funded my project and I hope that this Zidisha family spirit will be promoted and grow to help many others such as myself. The funds will be used to complete the farm produce shop which will be of a greater income generating project for my family and the community around. Thank you very much.

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  • Jonathan    Jan 19, 2023

    Without hesitation, I would like to express my gratitude to all funders of my previous project which was very successful. 300 free range chickens where purchased and sold successfully upon being ready, the proceeds were then used to build a shop which is currently on roof level pending to buy roofing requirements i.e roofing sheets, timber, doors, door frames, windows, window frames and inside fittings.
    Being on a farm, we intend to use this shop to sale our farm produce.

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  • Jonathan    Feb 1, 2022

    In my previous comment, I complained about MTN's failure to transmit my weekly ZIDISHA loan repayment. BUT NOW I'm happy because the ZIDISHA director quickly acted and rescued my un remitted funds and my repayment progress is looking good according to me. Thank you for serving my business.
    We are still using MTN though but on new procedures to follow as the office keeps communicating with us in the reminders we receive from them.

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  • Jonathan    Jan 21, 2022

    Happy new year and prosper in 2022.
    Yesterday Thursday I made the payment transaction to ZIDISHA and there was no message from MTN to inform that it was successful. I phone in the evening to enquire and they said that the system was down but the money was drawn from my account this they confirmed but onward transmission to ZIDISHA has not been sent yet. This morning Follow-up to the matter was same . System is down and money refund to my account is not yet down.
    I will be very grateful if ZIDISHA can confirm this with MTN before entering against my name as a defaulted

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  • Jonathan    Nov 16, 2021

    Dear my lenders from UK, Germany, Malta, Kenya, Soud Arabia, Romania, Canada, Egypt, Netherlands Zambia, USA, Ghana and Austria. Thank you for your support. Zidisha disbursed USA dollar 746-98 and the money was received in full. Chinks, chemicals feed and all the needed requirements have been done and paid for.
    God bless you all.

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  • Jonathan    Nov 1, 2021

    It is the dream come true that you the Zidisha family decided to believe in me and hence trusted me by investing in my project.
    With the funds that will come, I'll quickly prepare the chicken run and procure the feed and the necessary drugs and also to make sure the vehicle is made worth, finally to purchase the chcks which

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  • Nancy    Oct 30, 2021

    Best of luck Jonathan

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  • Dorothy Ngosa    Oct 27, 2021

    All the best

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  • Jonathan    Oct 24, 2021

    God knows all about me and He sees my joy, how grateful Iam to you Maureen Masheke for your generous hearty support. Be ready to receive new things from Him that loves you so much. THANKS

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  • Maureen    Oct 23, 2021

    Continue feeding the nation.good luck

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  • Jonathan    Oct 22, 2021

    Iam grateful to your quick and merciful response to my need. God will surely come through for you my dear Chiluwa Mbewe

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  • Chiluwa    Oct 22, 2021

    Hope you manage to get the rest soon

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  • Franklin    Aug 10, 2021

    All the best

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  • Humphrey    Aug 6, 2021

    All the best

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