Cafe kedai oyes

Roh Muhtar

Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $122 goal


days left



Roh Muhtar

Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

35 installments  •  26%

About Me

Muhtar, 37 years old, married, private employee has been working for 5 years, wants to have his own business, currently opening an Oyes cafe business, needs immediate business capital

My Business

source of income from salary and bonuses at work, as a permanent employee, and there is a side business of opening an Oyes cafe, I believe this business will increase your income

Project Proposal

I am trying a new business in the Kedai Oyes Cafe sector, where we provide a variety of drinks such as coffee, snacks and snacks and with free wifi facilities for our customers. As the number of visitors increases, we need additional funds to complete the existing capital turnover needs, where the money will be used to purchase snacks and other equipment needs such as chairs, fans, and repairs to cafe tables. The addition of tables and chairs will increase the number of customers who come and shop at our cafe

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About Me

Muhtar, usia 37 tahun, status menikah, karyawan swasta bekerja sudah 5 tahun, ingin memiliki usaha sendiri saat ini membuka usaha cafe kedai oyes,perlu modal usaha segera

My Business

sumber penghasilan dari gaji dan bonus ditempat bekerja, sebagai karyawan tetap,dan ada usaha sampingan membuka cafe kedai oyes, saya percaya dengan usaha ini akan menambah pemasukan uang

Loan Proposal

Saya mencoba usaha baru di bidang Cafe Kedai Oyes, dimana kami menyediakan aneka ragam minuman seperti kopi, sncak dan makanan ringan dan dengan fasilitas gratis wifi untuk para pelanggan kami.
Seiring dengan semakin bertambahnya pengunjung kami perlu dana tambahan untuk melengkapi kebutuhan perputaran modal yang ada dimana uang tersebut akan dipergunakan untuk mengisi pembelian snack dan kebutuhan perlengkapan lainnya seperti kursi, kipas angin, hingga perbaikan meja-meja dicafe.
dengan penambahan meja dan kursi akan menambah jumlah pelanggan yang datang dan berbelanja di cafe kami





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 23, 2024



Alexandria, Va, United States

Richard Tubotein

Port Harcourt, Nigeria



Nairobi, Kenya


Ado Ekiti, Nigeria

Ask Roh Muhtar a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Roh Muhtar    May 23, 2024

    I would like to thank the other members who are willing to fund me, so that I can buy the equipment needed for the Oyes cafe

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  • Roh Muhtar    May 19, 2024

    the need for capital to fill the snack gap

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  • Roh Muhtar    May 19, 2024

    Trying a new business, Cafe Kedai, hopefully it will become a thriving business with lots of customers

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  • Roh Muhtar    Feb 11, 2023

    Thank God, today I paid off everything, whose name is in debt it is obligatory to pay it back.

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  • Roh Muhtar    Feb 6, 2023

    Greetings to all of us, I just discovered this Zidisha since 2017 using a simple mobile phone communication tool, Today February 2023 I can log back into my account, thank you for making it easy to log back in. re-reading everything listed in Zidisha, it turns out that unexpectedly I still have outstanding installments that have not been paid since the last 2017, knowing that there is a delay, I will still be committed to completing everything as soon as possible, because I just found out in 2023. Lots of changes in my life over the past 6 years. Thank you for the trust that has been given since 2017, I will immediately resolve all delays. greetings success always

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  • Roh Muhtar    Feb 6, 2023

    Sorry for the delay so far, in previous years I experienced various problems, only this year I was able to pay again. Thank you for the trust that has been given before since 2017. Always success

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  • Roh Muhtar    Mar 10, 2018

    business capital does not spin rapidly

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  • Roh Muhtar    Oct 14, 2017

    only 15% of its funds

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  • Roh Muhtar    Oct 10, 2017

    not yet reached 100%

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  • Roh Muhtar    Oct 9, 2017

    send regards for success

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  • Roh Muhtar    Oct 8, 2017

    greetings of false prosperity, my desire to have a coin collector business, or paper money, if I were given a larger loan then I would gladly use it according to my commitment

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  • Roh Muhtar    Oct 8, 2017

    I will return on schedule

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  • Roh Muhtar    Oct 8, 2017

    I will reverse the loan on time

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  • Roh Muhtar    Oct 8, 2017

    I will reverse the loan on time

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  • Roh Muhtar    Oct 8, 2017

    I will reverse the loan on time

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  • Roh Muhtar    Oct 8, 2017

    i am Indonesian people, 37 years old, i am working as a staff office, i want to open my own business as a coin collector, or ancient money paper, i want to collect collection from

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  • Roh Muhtar    Sep 30, 2017

    Will make payment according to the due date

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  • Roh Muhtar    Sep 23, 2017

    best regards Mr. Paul Graham__saya Muhtar, from Indonesia, 37 years old, wants to have a collection of coinage, special for my country or also collection of currency from other countries, my business will only run but constrained business capital, the cost to hunt collection of currency from other regions and cities in Indonesia, I believe that in other cities there are still a lot of rare coins from other countries. for that I hope there is a loan for venture capital collection of this coin

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