Buy farm inputs


Narok, Kenya


$52 to go

0% funded of $52 goal


days left




Member since

July 2024

On-time repayments

3 installments  •  100%

About Me

My name is Philemon Mutai. I hails in Narok county olchore location. I was born in Bomet county cheboin village but after I married I migrate to Narok county to look for larger shamba. I am a married person blessed with 2boys, my first son is in grade three and a second one is in PP2. I am an agribusiness man and my wife is a primary teacher. I started my primary school in the year 1998 at Cheboin primary school, join Longisa boys High School and later join Moi university where I did a bacholar in Business management. Currently I haven't secure job I am doing my business of agriculture and having small business of selling food stuff. I am a man of God where I worships my God in Kware Catholic church with my family. I love singing and reading my Bible.

My Business

I am an agribusiness man where I do farming and do business of selling food stuffs. I have a small shop where I do sells food stuffs and some home use goods. I open my shop afternoon hours after I completed farming since I haven't get enough capital to get a worker. I am planning to expand my business after I get capital so that I can look for a shamba boy then I run my business complete for better solution. I started my business in the year 2022 .I raised my capital from the group I had in my location where we were having groups project for assisting one another.

Project Proposal

Since I have small business dealing with food stuffs,I will use the loan and the amount raised from my farm after I sold onions to buy more products to add my stock and the amount will be $150.I will also buy 100kg fertilizers of $100.Thank you for your great support.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Amount requested


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  • Philemon    Aug 31, 2024

    I will buy fertilizers, top dressing, cabbage seeds, sukuma wiki seeds, tomatoes seeds and spinach seeds. The funds will help me to acquire those farm inputs. Thank you so much for finding my project. Regards.

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  • Philemon    Aug 16, 2024

    Hello members,I am being greatful with the loan since am seeing alot of changes in my business.The cabbages I planted are in good moods and growing faster.The funds are assisting me to buy pesticides and top dressing for maintenance which makes them grow faster.Great thanks

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  • Philemon    Aug 2, 2024

    I will buy onions seed to plant in the new land I acquire from my neighbor,I am very happy for funding my loan request to boost my farming.Thank you.

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  • Philemon    Jul 26, 2024

    I used the fund you gave me to buy ready made cabbage's seeds and fertilizers. I saw that preparing seedbed then wait for three months will take time.So funds helps me do my project quicky.Thank you so much for the loan.

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  • Philemon    Jul 24, 2024

    Dear members,
    I do hope you are doing well, firstly let me take this opportunity to thank you for the support you have provided to me, I have used the fund to buy ready cabbages seeds because I saw that it's expensive to prepare seedbed and wait for three and also there is high,so since I prepared my land ready for planting I decided to buy from my neighbor.Regards

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  • Philemon    Jul 23, 2024

    Because I had prepare the land for growing cabbages and tomatoes,so I need to buy fertilizers and seeds.Thank you for your support.

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  • John    Jul 23, 2024

    GOD ALMIGHTY bless you and your farm.

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  • Philemon    Jul 22, 2024

    Since I have cleared and prepared the land, and now waiting to buy fertilizers, cabbages and potatoes seeds to plant. I saw that those plants have high market in this season. When I plant these I see myself warning more profit which will help me expand my stock in my shop and thus buy more farm inputs.So am very thankful as you are going to support me.Regards.

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