Clothing stock


Banyumas, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $127 goal


days left




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

110 installments  •  77%

About Me

trimaksih still given my belief my housewife is not 100% relying on the salary of a working husband as a porter while I can still help the economy I do whatever it is business

My Business

trimaksih still given my beliefs housewives apart from my husband"s salary also business making wigs or wigs take at PT work done at home because I bother my son also selling Alhamdulillah now can setok goods at home ..

Project Proposal

This time I will use the submission to increase the stock of merchandise at my house selling online. Hopefully the submission will be quick. Thank you for your help.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

trimaksih masih diberi kepercayan saya ibu rumah tangga saya tidak 100% mengandalkan gaji suami yg kerja sebagai kuli selagi saya masih bisa membantu ekonomi saya kerjakan apapun itu usahanya

My Business

trimaksih masih diberi kepercayan saya ibu rumah tangga selain dari gaji suami saya juga usaha membuat wig atau rambut palsu ambil di PT dikerjakan dirumah karena saya repot anak saya juga sambilan jualan Allhamdulillah sekarang bisa setok barang dirumah..

Loan Proposal

Pengajuan kali ini akan saya pergunakan untuk menambah stok barang dagangan di rumah saya jualan online semoga pengajuan cepat terimakasih yang sudah membantu





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 29, 2024


Muhammad Gulam

Sinjai, Indonesia


Kisii, Kenya


United States



United States


Lusaka, Zambia


Nairobi, Kenya



United States

Ask Wartisem a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Wartisem    Jul 28, 2024

    Thank you, I say I will buy stock of diapers and household necessities for resale

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  • Onesmus    Jul 27, 2024

    Semua mama di proyekmu!!

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  • Muhammad Gulam    Jul 22, 2024

    Hopefully the business runs smoothly

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  • Kenji    Jul 10, 2024

    Good luck in increasing your business, success for your family

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  • Yudi    Jul 10, 2024

    Good luck

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  • Wartisem    Feb 13, 2024

    Thank God, it is still trusted to be funded. Hopefully it will be useful and I will use it as best as possible. Thank you, members. Thank you for funding to help

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  • Moses    Feb 10, 2024

    Semoga Anda mendapatkan yang terbaik dalam bisnis Anda,

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  • Oman Abd Rahman    Feb 28, 2023

    Hi Mrs. Wartisem, I can only fund $5, if your performance is good I will add more.

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    • Wartisem    Mar 2, 2023

      Thank you for helping, but I canceled this project, I changed my mind ... I will add to the stock of merchandise at home as much as I could before ... because Zidhisa is not like the previous rule, only paying for ordinary services, now there is pay it forward for small businesses, I don't that counts, maybe later when I try to make a lot of profit I'll be back with the other members of Zidisha. Thank you

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  • Wartisem    Feb 15, 2023

    I have paid off the previous project, I am proposing the next project to increase merchandise stock

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  • Wartisem    Jan 6, 2023

    Thank you, I have received the funds and I have used them to increase the stock of merchandise at home

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  • Wartisem    Dec 28, 2022

    I will use the funds for merchandise stock, thank you very much it is very helpful to add stock at home.

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  • Wartisem    Dec 27, 2022

    Now I'm selling household needs. I used to stock a few items, now they've increased little by little. I'm marketing at PT. I want to add more stock. I need additional funds.

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  • Wartisem    Dec 30, 2018


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  • Wartisem    Dec 30, 2018


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  • Su    Nov 22, 2018

    To Zidisha, I have heard from him that when he paid the installments through Bno, it was no longer possible and I suggested to register for a PayPal account and open a Debid bank account.

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  • Su    Oct 21, 2018

    To zidisha, I will call him back if the near future has not yet been announced

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    • Su    Mar 19, 2019

      Your loan has paid off, thank you for joining Zidisha

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  • Su    Sep 16, 2018

    To Zidisha I have contacted him and will pay the zidisha installments again thanks

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  • Su    Jun 23, 2018

    to zidisha, I have successfully contacted this member and he said he has paid the installment but not recorded and he has sent the help ticket and will pay for the next installment

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  • Wartisem    Jun 16, 2018

    Sorry I am late to pay but already paid the date of June 13 Rp 200,000 has not been accredited

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    • Su    Mar 19, 2019

      Your loan has paid off, thank you for joining Zidisha

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