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Inventory of Charcoal

Hi Dennis
I guess I have always have a phobia for bees generally,but I must confess that I really enjoy their by products which is honey!talk of double starndards!any way my family is all good,except for zoey whose birthday is today but she insisted that we postpone it upto Saturday for her to invite as many friends as possible....accompanied by a long wishlist,like a 5kg cake,pink and yellow in colour,2pairs of shoess,1 cinderella dress,ofcourse balloons ribbons and the list continues....infact at some point Robert had to rescue me from some of her demands telling her that she was being extravagant.But their Dad stays about 300km from where we are so he come to visit once in a while because of the nature of his work(Government security Agent)so most of the time he doesn't witness all this drama,but really pampers them when around!

Inventory of Charcoal

Hi there!
At long last my long awaited stock arrived on saturday,business is really good as the stocks are flying off,for the last 2days av already sold 15 sacks out the 40 that were delivered,to avoid delays I have placed onother order whic I know will take onother week,by that time I believe my current stock would almost be finished,once again zidisha thank you for making this happen!

Irrigation plumbing materials for my farm and family

Today, I received my loan through my mobile account, am overwhelmed with the trust. Am glad am here and Zidisha is such a family: a Mother and Father and Brotherhood. THANK YOU.

Construction of rental houses

Hi Lenders,

Please find the smart phone.I am having great experience as my clients can reach me on Skype and I can also invoice and send invoices via wave application.

Thanks a lot.

Isaiah Githaiga

Loan to buy Epson l220 photo-printer

Good business today.High school students have closed school and are already taking photographs.At least i have a green sheet to work with and kids seem to love the American flag as a background.Did my best to "wake" my old desktop and installed Photoshop CC today. Been designing photos all night and getting ready to design some menus for an upcoming motel in town known as the Mushroom Hotel.Also got lucky and was contracted to print the hotels logo on about 300 sheets and towels to be used in the hotel.Of course this has nothing to do with the loan i received but will help me pay off that loan in 4 weeks tops if and when i get paid for that work.Looking forward to one day having the laptop to do mobile photography and printing.Thanks people.Looking forward to further working with you.

Loan to cater for my spinal therapy at kenyatta hosipital

Wow! dear lenders, I just want to inform you that as of yesterday, my normal church day, there was a function in my church and I decided to carry my printer and Lap top to take and process instant photos for a quick pay. I cant hide my joy because yesterday a lone I made more a profit of more than 9,000 Kenya Shillings. I was so happy and this has been made possible courtesy of you my lenders through zidisha platform. once again accept my appreciation
Brainerd, United States,
Tampa,United States,
Hope2012 Sussex, United Kingdom
2H9vmNex Germany
United States

God bless you now a real entrepreneur

Purchase of a laptop

Thank you lenders for helping me purchase a laptop, it is a LENOVO G 500 , i just added $125 dollars. I am now set to go.

Textbook purchase

Dear All!
I got a message!
Poverty kills! Poverty is a disease! No one should ever stay long with this dreadful disease called poverty. It is no good thing. And it cannot be tolerated. Thanks to Zidisha for coming on the scene to help curb the situation.
Poverty is a global phenomenon. And every one is in on it whether we like it or not. It's a global canker - the most dreadful of all.

It exists on all levels. From the topmost to the least, it affects everybody. But Zidisha would not back off nor would she relent efforts to combat this dreaded beast. Together we are conquerors! Let's conquer poverty together!!!! Hey! those who can lend, lend. Those who are lent to, be faithful and diligent. Spread the news. Spread the word. Be innovative. Be creative. In the end we want every one as conquerors! Together let us go conquering and conquering till this enemy called poverty is vanquished and banished out of our lives! We'll make the world a better place if we each one is whole and free from poverty. GO ZIDISHA!!!! GO EVERY ONE!!!!

Stocks for december sales

now im about to complete my loan payment,here are some of the new samples for for Christmas festive season

Comprehensive insurance coverage & heavy, reflective jackets

Dear lenders of DUKE OMBAGI NYANGAU i just cannot forget to say a big thank you for your help in my business. please note that i recieved your money in time and i was able to purchase the shocks in time and am now working very well. This being the month of november my work is doing very well am making almost double of the usual amount every day. this is expected to go on throughout the month of december. the logic behind this is that during this months people travels alot. this means my transport business is needed very much. please note that by the grace of almight GOD i will be able to submit all my loan instalments in time as stipuleted in my loan repayment schadule. Once again i thank you all my lenders. yours faithfully; DUKE OMBAGI NYANGAU.

New DVD burner for my movie library

I now managed to buy a new computer for my movie business. Thank you all for the funds

Supply of organic vegetables

Hi .jacqueline,
Congratulations on receiving full funding. I see you are juggling many balls in the air at the same time. You must be very hard working. I am pleased to be able to fund organic growing. I too garden using organic methods.
Best wishes for success, namaste

Computer accessories

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Zidisha members world wide, and mostly those who made my loan come true. You people are the great people,
My loan was fully settled within 3 days, Ooh am happy now I will buy a drum for my Kyocera photocopy and get it fixed on Tuesday.
Guys in Zidisha great day.

Tea farming

I wish to inform my lenders and the zidisha community that the loan I was granted was a saviour. As I had indicated, I was able to purchase 2 bags of government-subsidized fertilizer at 2000KES each. I supplement the tea plants at the right time since it's raining. As a result, tea production has greatly improved; over 30% in production, which will translate to increased profits. Once again. Thank you.


Funding my chemist

i am happy to note that the money i borrowed help in improving the stock in my chemist. i increased stock in anti malaria drugs and antibiotics. over the past two months, my sales have increased since most drugs needed by customers are always available. my earnings increased by 30% for the last two months. thank you Zidisha team

School fee for my daughter's college

hallo lenders n zidisha family at large, i hope you are doing fine and my daughter hope is fine too,she closed school last week and went to Nakuru town for holidays,i thank God for this far he has brought us, the business is doing fine and its continue d to grow,i have one employee called Lilian just like me, she didnt go to school therefore i have given her some 2 hrs a day for 3 days in a week to attend adult classes near by, right now they have closed and i op this will improve her self esteem,
am planning to train her so that she can know how to stitch which we will probable start next yr.
Added is a photo of my shop at kitengela,, i will post other photos later

Purchase disease-resistant maize seedlings

Thanks for the support,I was able to buy a drenching Gun and the medicine for deworming my sheep.I am looking forward for better yield and productivity since i will be selling my sheep during the next festive season(Holiday season ).
I appreciate.
,Kind regards Walt.

Stock up my beauty products shop


Just got my first loan disbursed. I have been to Kisumu town this afternoon and purchased a new modem. I now have two connections to the internet which means I will be available to my clients almost all the time :) Thanks Zidisha!

School uniforms

Good luck Joyce. I've been sewing since I was young and make a lot of my clothes myself. It's great to support a fellow seamstress, can't wait to hear how you get on!

Computer accessories

My Son.

Loan for building materials to build a house


Irish potato farming

hello lenders,
Thank you very much for assisting me with the loan. It is going to help me a lot in paying my campus fee for this December holiday. Without you i don know how i could have managed to cope up with my education during this semester. With your help i know i will go far and the help that you are rendering to people. Though it wasn't enough i will pay the remaining amount on a later date but the institution will allow me to continue learning . May God bless you abundantly for the good job you are doing.

Stock of medicines

Hope this finds you well. I am writing once again to update you on my progress.
Recently I have been in a position to install cable internet to my house to assist me in my writing gigs. I have also been in a position to buy a curriculum book that was a requirement for this semester's studies. I have done all these using proceeds from my business.

Buying stock of wood logs to split using a chainsaw to prepare for resale

Hi my lenders in conj action with zidisha team, thank you a lot for the effort you made up to now that my third loan was disbursed on 13, November, 2014. I received your e-mail and confirm that the loan is credited in my account and now I already have placed an order for a Power Saw(Saw Chain) and they are working on it. Thank you so much and God bless you all for the job well done.

Inventory of tissue papers and serviettes

Hi, i pass my regards and thanks to the lenders. i managed to purchase tissue papers and serviettes. From the purchase i increased my stock and got more customers with demand for the items. My earnings greatly increased and i was able to cater for my bills and school fees for my children in time.

Buying insurance, a helmet and 2 tires for my bike

Hello Lenders,

I am really sorry for the delay in responding and missed payments. I went on an ill fated mission in search for charcoal for sale and we got stuck in the bush for close 2 weeks due to mechanical problems and ongoing rains. Consequently, my phone went off and I was unreachable. As I write this I am on my way home and will start making payments in the next few days. Sorry for the anxiety caused.

I still remain committed to making my payments in full.

Buying clothes and shoes for my new type of shop

Hallo lenders I would like to thank you for all the support you created in my life. I would like to inform you that your previous loan helped me a lot and I purchased some more stock to my shop and as a result I made more profits and I was able to open another type of business some kind of branch to the first one but this is now a small boutique where I purchased some women and baby wears. This small business is growing to be a large business due to availability of market for these goods and very soon am going to rent a larger business shop so that I can enlarge it. This business has played a big role in my family because I have employed my sister and she is mostly at the shop while I operate at the new boutique business. I am going to upload some photos so that you can view some of these progresses. Thank you.

New facility for my crispy fish and potato snack production

Dear lenders i am very happy today as i have managed to repay my loan with no problem and i am now left with one installment of ksh 3808 which i will submit late next week.My business has really improved since i started working with you.My life has really change too..I hope to work with you today,tomorrow and forever.I hope you will support me again.thank you

Expansion of grocery shop

Hello zidisha family,....just wanna keep you posted on my progress....the loan helped me alot coz out of the loan I managed to save alot and buy a hot plate which has helped me in cut costing on the cost of coal that I use for shisha...

To purchase photocopier ink roller

-Thank you Zidisha for the loan. I have already purchased one refurbished computer to add to the existing ones. It took me a week to look around and buy.
-The purchase has made a difference in that I have extra customers creating more income i.e 2 USD per per day day. That is Kshs 200 per day. Part of it goes to electricity bills and savings.
- Other achievement is that my elder brother managed to buy a new car for business purposes.
-I have a good neighbourhood who are hard working in their premises which are close to their houses. They ensure that needs of the neighbourhood is catered for.

Young achiever

I would wish to pass my sincere gratitude to the founder and all members of Zidisha for their day to day assistance they offer to the youths who are unable to raise capital to start a business.

Thanks a lot to Eoinzeis who has offered to lend me Ksh.4393/= I had applied for to enable to purchase materials to make flowers and buy background for taking photos during this festive season.
Many customers prefer talking photos with a background as it makes the photo look beautiful.

House roofing materials (timber & iron sheets)

Hi lenders.
Like i promised attached find the full set of my purchases (camera and printer)
Thanks again and be blessed.

Fish and meat for my cold store

I feel so exited that my business is moving on well. I can sense a bright future. Thank you Zidisha lenders. God bless you

Buying books to sell to schools

Hi lenders, am greatful once again for filling my loan request, I got the money and bought more books which I will be supplying tomorrow, once again thanx to you all for supporting my business.

Selling drinks to put myself through nursing training

my name is juliet from prampram,i thank zidisha so much for the loan to invest in my business and i am so greatful because i had the chance to purchase all the drinks i need in my store and also earn enough money to take care of myself and my family. am so greatful thank you zidisha and i love you so much zidisha. i hope you also join the zidisha group and your life will never be the same.

Palm oil sales

j ai acheté une caise d'huile de palme a 24000 franc cfa et la caise contener 40 bouteilles d'huile de palme. aujour'dui mes achats se sont multiplies et mes activités se sont developpés . 16000 franc cfa .avec les gains et quelque economies j ai renouvelé mon activité . ma famille est fier et je vous remercie vous qui ma offert votre aide. encore mercie chers préteurs .

Computer supplies for my cybercafe

First and foremost I want to thank the Almighty God who enabled this loan I requested to be finally disbursed into my county today by praising His name. Second I want to thank all of you who made this happen, you have made me so happy today and am the most happiest person on this day because you have made my wish and come true by making sure that my loan request is facilitated in time. In general I want to say thanks to the following people who contributed towards my loan request and I will always pray for you all to be blessed in all your endeavors; Tmarkus, Hayek, Thebonseung, Chkuo, Kiradec, Jouni, Cfaul, Stephen, Haavard, Matzefr, Zedoud, Cloudways, Dadio lafs, Mathieu, Geoff, Zidisha p2p, Ads68, Investor, Believe, Captain, Prometheus, Paula, Daisy, Cricketca, Mohit Aggarwal, Betagal, Friendrich Nietzsche, Elkocsis, Hildek, Patricia and Schwab for your kind and generous support. I have just arrived at my business from where I went to purchase the items I listed before and am so happy. I promise you all that I shall remain faithful and trustfull with your funds and I will be punctual in repaying them back. Thank you again so much for boosting my business and may the Almighty Living God continue blessing all of you. Thank you and see you soon.

Loan to cater for my spinal therapy at kenyatta hosipital

Wow!I just couldnt imagine that I applied for a loan and just a day my Proposal was fully funded within less than 12 hours. I thank my lenders for having trust in me. I wanted at least 30000 KSH but since am a new member here, I was only entitled to 4393ksh. I received a loan of 3393 and used to buy some ink and photo printing papers. It has really enhanced by Business and now I can serve a wider range of clients who initially could not find a service at my premises. God bless my lenders and God bless Zidisha. I look forward to a long lasting working relationship with Zidisha as I start to pay my loan this coming sunday 23rd Novemb

To purchase a piece of land

with the funding i got from your financing I decided and purchased a second hand motorcycle to help in reaching my customers effectively and also carry people and goods for pay in order to expand my business and repay the Loan efficiently as scheduled.

much thanks to all Zidisha Team

Purchase of HP laser printer

I wish to increase my installment because the business has picked and I can now manage to repay Sh. 1000 every week. At the same time I have found a resident house help whom am paying a little bit lower compared to the daycare fee which was too high for me. I really appreciate the fact that I am now able to reschedule my installment and I believe will manage to repay the loan in a shorter period than I am repaying currently.

Purchase of second-hand computers for resale

i really enjoying doing this job..its my life my career my everything

Purchase of second-hand computers for resale

me at my shop ..

Loan to buy Epson l220 photo-printer

This is the location of my Supa Duka shop,on the right of the three door premise,

Loan to buy Epson l220 photo-printer

Black and white versus colored effect.One of my favorite photo design work popular with college students and adults.

To pay bike ownership transfer charges

I must thank zidisha lenders and zidisha team as whole, they helped me get my bike to work enabling me to go to work considering my disability i would have had hard time to get to work. In addition, am able to make some money to subsidise my salary. Though, to the rider fell with it, i had to struggle to repair it to get to work. Thank y ou Zidisha and lenders . GOD BLESS YOU

Refurbish second-hand clothing shop

Hi all,
This is a photo update of me at my shop. As you can see I am doing quite well!
Only, I did not add the male's line of clothing yet, but I hope to do so, after this loan session.

House roofing materials (timber & iron sheets)

Hi Lenders
Today we didnt have Internet, like half of town. all we did was printing services, I printed pictures and passports, Thanks for the printer it boosted my income today.
Thanks :)

Inventory of Charcoal

But on the other hand the house is alive agaaain!yeah my kids have arrived from their respective schools,so I only need to sit back and enjoy the way they jostle over simple things like remote controls,who sits where! One wants to watch cartoons,the other wants to watch a movie,but funnily enough they both love footaball and are Man U fans!

Inventory of Charcoal

Hey everyone
I have been offline for the last four days,sourcing for charcoal which has become scarce as a result of the current rains,in normal curcumstances you only call ,place your order then they deliver within two. Days,but know I have to go to the forrest which is about 200km from my store to place my order,thanks to God it was succeful and am expecting my stock over the weekend

Singer/Songwriter & Recording Artist

Hello dear lenders,
I would like to inform you that my fifth book will soon be released by a real publisher. The review process has already been completed and they really enjoyed the book. The proofreading has also just been finished. The book will be available in early December 2014. I also have a wonderful surprise for all the lenders that continue to have faith in me and the entire Zidisha team! Thank you very much for your support! May you continue to be richly blessed.

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Bonjour cher prêteurs,
Je vous annonce l'édition prochaine de mon 5ème livre par une vrai maison d'édition. l'étude éditoriale a été déjà été réalisée et le livre a été très bien apprécié. la correction également vient d'être terminée. le livre sera disponible en début décembre 2014. Je réserve aussi une belle surprise à tous les prêteurs qui m'ont fait confiance jusqu'à ce jour et à toute l'équipe de Zidisha! Merci énormément pour votre soutien! Demeurez richement bénis