A complete shop


Tanggerang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

65 installments  •  29%

About Me

I am a housewife who is sulking earnings start dr 0, and want to pioneer lg to become a better entrepreneur, my business is jg in help by my husband whose job as a construction laborer, my hobby dr school is trading start ice trade fruit or trade anything through the internet, here I memijal lg to buy additional etalasa to put barang2 me like soap bath soap washing cigarettes and laiinya

My Business

I pioneered this business with minimal capital, I sell household needs such as rice and others, here my income began to improve from 20,000rb per week to 100000rb per week I use this money to increase buy lg bahan2 for my selling, so that my shop more complete

Loan Proposal

I will use this loan to equip my small store, to become a department store, and to build a better life,

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya seorang ibu rumah tangga yang sedang merajuk penghasilan mulai dr 0, dan ingin merintis lg menjadi seorang wirausaha yang lebih baik, usaha saya ini jg di bantu oleh suami saya yang pekerjaannya sehari2 sebagai seorang kuli bangunan, hobi saya dr sekolah adalah berdagang mulai dagang es buah ato dagang sesuatu melalui internet, disini saya memijal lg untuk membeli tambahan etalasa untuk menaruh barang2 saya seperti sabun mandi sabun cuci bedan rokok dan laiinya

My Business

saya merintis usaha ini dengan modal yang minim, saya menjual kebutuhan rumah tangga seperti beras sayaur dan lain2, di sini penghasilan saya mulai membaik dr 20000rb perminggu sampai 100000rb perminggu saya mempergunakan uang ini untuk pertambahan membeli lg bahan2 untuk saya jual, agar toko saya semakin lengkap

Loan Proposal

dana pinjaman ini akan saya gunakan untuk melengkapi toko kecil saya, agar menjadi toko serba ada, dan bisa membagun kehidupan yang lebih baik,





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 16, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

13 months


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Ask Nikmatus a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Sep 8, 2017


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Jul 27, 2017 $0.77 Jul 25, 2017 $0.77
Aug 3, 2017 $0.77 Aug 3, 2017 $0.77
Aug 10, 2017 $0.77 Aug 10, 2017 $0.77
Aug 17, 2017 $0.77 Aug 17, 2017 $0.77
Aug 24, 2017 $0.77 Aug 25, 2017 $0.77
Aug 31, 2017 $0.77 Aug 25, 2017 $0.77
Sep 7, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Sep 14, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Sep 21, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Sep 28, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Oct 5, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Oct 12, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Oct 19, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Oct 26, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Nov 2, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Nov 9, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Nov 16, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Nov 23, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Nov 30, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Dec 7, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Dec 14, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Dec 21, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Dec 28, 2017 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Jan 4, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Jan 11, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Jan 18, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Jan 25, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Feb 1, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Feb 8, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Feb 15, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Feb 22, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Mar 1, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Mar 8, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Mar 15, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Mar 22, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Mar 29, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Apr 5, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Apr 12, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Apr 19, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Apr 26, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
May 3, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
May 10, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
May 17, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
May 24, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
May 31, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Jun 7, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Jun 14, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Jun 21, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Jun 28, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Jul 5, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Jul 12, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Jul 19, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Jul 26, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Aug 2, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Aug 9, 2018 $0.77 Sep 8, 2017 $0.77
Aug 16, 2018 $0.19 Sep 8, 2017 $0.19
