Iwan grocery store


Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

8% repaid




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

30 installments  •  50%

About Me

my name is iwan wahyudin i live d jakarta the center of subdistrict land abang kelurahan peturan thank you for helping me thank you so much for all his help i wish you sustenance continue to grow

My Business

my business is now open small shop small d front store selling food and snacks kids sya want to make a building for warung I want in bigger so that my trading place can load more merchandise of my mother who manage the stall in karnakan I also work and want to help my mom effort nua growing progress please help her back to who have borrowed my help i ucaokan thank you very much

Loan Proposal

with a larger loan I want my business to be more advanced by multiplying the items that will be sold by that therefore I ask for your willingness to help me back thank you very much for everything

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About Me

nama saya iwan wahyudin saya tinggal d jakarta pusat kecamatan tanah abang kelurahan petamburan terima kasih telah membantu saya terima kasih banyak atas segala bantuan nya saya ucapkan semoga rezeki anda terus bertambah

My Business

usaha saya sekarang membuka warung kecil kecilan d depan rumah menjual bahan makanan dan jajanan anak anak sya ingin membuat bangunan buat warung saya ingin di perbesar supaya tempat dagang saya bisa memuat lebih banyak dagangan ibu saya yang mengelola warung tersebut di karnakan saya nuga sedang bekerja serta ingin membantu ibu saya usaha nua makin berkembang tolong bantuan nya kembali kepada yang telah meminjam kan saya bantuan saya ucaokan terima kasih banyak

Loan Proposal

dengan pinjaman yang lebih besar saya ingin usaha saya lebih maju dengan memperbanyak barang yang akan di jual olehkarena itu saya meminta memohon kesedian anda untuk membantu saya kembali terima kasih banyak atas segala nya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 7, 2018

Repayment status


Projected term

3 months


John Minges

United States

Ask Iwan a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Iwan    Jun 12, 2023

    I don't have money. I was affected by the Cianjur earthquake

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  • Iwan    Feb 7, 2018

    thank you for helping me. may be a blessing always I will use this money to buy rice to d resell once again I say thank you for big

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  • Iwan    Feb 1, 2018

    Please help me. please help me back need capital for rice business

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  • Iwan    Jan 22, 2018

    greetings sejahtra all thanks to zidisha thanks to the people who have helped me thank you very much reintroduce my original iwan from cianjur west java now i settled in the capital city of jakarta. I come from my modest family living with my mother and my two younger siblings have been divorced so I am with my mother. I am not married in because want to make my family proud. I work in cleaning service in the apartment around south jakarta. all my efforts to support my sister and mother. I also work on ojek online for daily needs. so my personal story my mother has been a year starting a business to open a small shop stalls selling small daily needs. ranging from wheat flour to coffee and others. I want to advance my mother"s stall therefore I want the volunteers to help the shop business so that the more advanced the shop is quite in demand not quiet very quiet in because apart from other stalls of his income per day if in dolarkan about 40 USD per day less because food prices are increasing I want to increase capital for my mother"s stall. please help me my mother want to sell rice and there is no more capital to buy the staple so help me to trade rice and I want to develop my mother"s shop business love thank you for seeing and I memnita your help the benefactor to help I

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  • Iwan    Jan 18, 2018

    My efforts go back

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  • Iwan    Jan 5, 2018

    My efforts again declined

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  • Iwan    Dec 15, 2017

    my business started up again

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  • Iwan    Dec 13, 2017

    My business is down

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  • Iwan    Nov 17, 2017

    Good night . sorry for this week I was late to pay the installment in because I lost the motor d front of the house. I just finished taking care of the insurance yesterday. thank you for help please pray for me the best thanks

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  • Iwan    Oct 31, 2017

    thank you for helping me I am so happy to pray for me to be able to return your money dwn I get a profit back

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  • Iwan    Oct 23, 2017

    thank you

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  • Iwan    Oct 21, 2017

    Thank you in advance . Thank you very much . I would like to ask you again for help in my small business. thank you

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  • Iwan    Oct 21, 2017

    I just can sustenance from parents to sell their land d kampung

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  • Iwan    Oct 6, 2017

    thank you for helping me thank you very much to the person who borrowed me. actually I still need equipment to buy but I use the money for trading purposes. Wish me success now and forwards it. thank you

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  • Iwan    Sep 19, 2017

    thank you so much I say thank you as much. I will use this money for my business just like buying a new pamci cookware because the old one is ugly. Thank you very much

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  • Iwan    Sep 7, 2017

    I thank you for help me

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  • Iwan    Aug 31, 2017

    My business has started to grow I want to increase the capital let me add products I sell.

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