Wanna buy new stocks of clothes

Sri Harjanto

Sukoharjo, Indonesia

100% repaid



Sri Harjanto

Member since

February 2017

On-time repayments

8 installments  •  75%

About Me

I work in a car rental company in Solo City. My wife used to work in an office, but because she had children, the wife finally decided to resign so she could take care of the children. At first we were confused because one source of income stopped, then my wife took the initiative to sell clothes online to help my income. But due to limited capital, the wife can only own not so much stock. Alhamdulillah pretty good to help and sell. Then, because we currently have sons, and sometimes the wife gets COD orders around our area of residence, I finally decided to help her. Making FB, operating it, promoting it, to delivering ordered goods to customers on the sidelines of my work. Knowing zidisha a few days ago, I feel very lucky. There is hope that we can expand our business because to be honest, we don't have any collateral to apply for a loan from a bank. Hopefully here my wife and I can get a partner as a sustainable investor... Until our business is successful. Please help Zidisha¶ investors. Thank You

My Business

Our current income is mainly from my fixed salary in car rental and also our business revenue both sell clothes online. ____Most of the clothes we sell are children"s clothing. We choose this item for reasons of interest in shopping for clothes for children tend to be larger for parents than shopping for themselves __sendiri. In addition, my wife"s passion is also a model of children"s clothing. ____Our current sales turnover is just 10juta range. We want to develop this business mjd big effort. ____Because our children are small, our income from the sales results we use the most for business development because we do not need much for our children"s education.

Loan Proposal

Dear Funders, ____I apply funds from you for the use of buying new stocks of clothes. I know that it will be very usefull for the progress of our effort to earn money for my family although at first Iwon't get a big enough. But from this, I just have a hope that it will be continued . . . . Thank you

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya bekerja di perusahaan persewaan mobil di Kota Solo. Dulu istri saya juga bekerja kantoran, tetapi Karena memiliki anak, akhirnya istri memutuskan untuk resign demi bisa mngurus anak-anak. Awalnya kami bingung karena trhenti satu sumber pendapatan, lalu kemudian istri berinisiatif berjualan baju online untuk membantu pendapatan saya. Tapi karena terbatasnya modal, istri hanya hanya bisa memiliki stock tidak begitu banyak. Alhamdulillah lumayan bisa membantu dan laris. Kemudian, karena kami saat ini memiliki org putra, dan trkadang istri mendapat orderan COD di sekitar wilayah tempat tinggal kami, akhirnya sy pun memutuskan untuk membantunya. Membuatkan FB, mengoperasikannnya, mempromosikannya, sampai mengantarkan barang pesanan ke pelanggan di sela sela pekerjaan saya.

Mengenal zidisha beberapa hari yang lalu, saya merasa sangat beruntung. Ada harapan bisa memperbesar usaha kami karena jujur saja, kami tdk memiliki jaminan apa apa untuk mengajukan pinjaman ke bank.

Mudah mudahan di sini saya&istri bisa mendapatkan partner sebagai investor yang berkelanjutan .... Sampai usaha kamo ino berhasil.

Mohon bantuan Zidisha&para investor.

Terima kasih

My Business

Penghasilan kami saat ini utamanya dari gaji tetap saya di rental mobil dan juga pendapatan usaha kami berdua berjualan baju online.

Kebanyakan baju yang kami jual adalah baju anak anak. Barang ini kami pilih dengan alasan minat berbelanja baju untuk anak anak cenderung lebih besar bagi para orang tua dibanding berbelanja untuk diri mereka
sendiri. Disamping itu, passion istri saya juga pd model model pakaian anak.

Omset jualan kami saat ini baru kisaran 10juta. Kami ingin skali mengembangkan usaha ini mjd usaha yg besar.

Karena anak anak kami msh kecil, pendapatan kami dari hasil berjualan ini kami gunakan sbagian besar untuk pengembangan usaha karena kami blm butuh banyak untuk pendidikan anak anak kami.

Loan Proposal

Dear Funders,

I apply funds from you for the use of buying new stocks of clothes. I know that it will be very usefull for the progress of our effort to earn money for my family although at first Iwon't get a big enough. But from this, I just have a hope that it will be continued .... Thank you





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 16, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months

Other loans


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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