Selling Cooking Products


Diender, Senegal

100% repaid




Member since

July 2015

On-time repayments

8 installments  •  100%

About Me

I was born in a middle-class family with parents who did not have the means to provide for our needs. I have many brothers and sisters. I have to help my parents and support myself. I do small business and I make clothing by hand because I do not have a sewing machine. I sell these for miserable prices because they are made by hand.

My Business

I dream of having sewing machines to export my work throughout Africa, and why not the world. And also of developing my business to create a family business so that all of my family members have a little job. To realize my wishes, Zidisha is the one and only solution. I await for a favorable solution with patience.

Loan Proposal

I want dabords start a small business I sell kitchens ustencils if I clinched a loan Zidisha after __je want to buy sewing machines to be able confectioner outfits has __exporter a can all over the world and make the import and __lexportation of marcandise held for all women in the world has the goods will destinies brothers sisters ets for which they make a living

Show original Français  

About Me

bonjour je suis nogaye mbaye nee le 10 /11/1979 a diender avant zidisha je faisait presque rien mais zidisha a change ma vie maintenant je fais mons commerce de vaiselles en esperant pouvoir obtenir ma machine a coudre merci

My Business

bonjour a tous je suis nee dans une famille moyenne avant de connaitre zidisha c etait tres difficile mai maintenant je fait mon commerce de vaisselle qui marche tres bien en esperant un jour pouvoir acheter une machine a coudre et confectionner mes belles tenus que je reves de vendre partout j espere qu avec zidisha le reve est permi parce que il est le meilleur

Loan Proposal

je veux dabords commencer par un petit commerce je vends des ustencils de cuisines si je decroche un pret zidisha après
je veux acheter des machines a coudre pour pouvoir confectioner des tenues a
exporter un peut partout dans le monde et faire l importation de marcandise et
lexportation de tenue pour toutes les femmes du monde les marchandises seront destinees a mes frères ets soeurs pour qu ils gagner leurs vies






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 7, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months

Other loans




Adelaide, Australia


Melbourne, Australia


Utrecht, Netherlands


Denver, United States


San Francisco, Ca, United States


Phnom Penh, Cambodia, United Kingdom


Matt Willis

United States



United States

Ask Nogaye a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Nov 19, 2015


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Sep 10, 2015 $17.27 Sep 10, 2015 $17.27
Oct 10, 2015 $17.27 Oct 15, 2015 $17.27
Nov 10, 2015 $17.96 Nov 19, 2015 $17.96
