Teak bird cage business


Cimahi, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

80 installments  •  48%

About Me

my name is andriansyah .. I was born dri family who are all sufficiency .. have married have 2 boys .. i have a hobby mmbuat craft from wood, hobby that .. now it can make money ..

My Business

my endeavor begins my hobbies with wood .. alhamdulilah now hobib i make money. can to satisfy my family .. I make a bird cage .. which is marketed in online and at home

Loan Proposal

I will use this loan for my venture capital .. The first loan dri zidisha is very useful for me .. My business started a lot of its enthusiasts and started to grow Currently I still need more capital to be able to further advance my business .. Buying other machines and equipment his..

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About Me

nama saya andriansyah..
saya lahir dri keluarga yg serba kecukupan.. sudah menikah mempunyai 2 anak laki2..saya mempunyai hobi mmbuat kerajinan dari kayu,dri hobi itu .. sekarang sudah bisa menghasilkan uang ..

My Business

usaha saya berawal dri hobi saya dengan kayu.. alhamdulilah sekarang hobib saya menghasilkan uang . bisa untuk mencukupi keluarga saya..
saya membuat sangkar burung .. yg di pasarkan di online dan di rumah

Loan Proposal

Saya akan menggunakan pinjaman ini untuk modal usaha saya..
Pinjaman pertama dri zidisha sangat bermanfaat untuk saya .. Usaha saya mulai banyak peminat nya dan mulai berkembang
Saat ini saya masih membutuhkan modal lagi untuk bisa lebih memajukan usaha saya.. Membeli mesin dan perlengkapan lain nya..






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 22, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks



Cudahy, United States


Paul Graham

United States

Craig Newmark

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States



United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Andriansyah a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Andriansyah    Sep 27, 2018


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  • Andriansyah    Aug 4, 2018

    my installments have not entered credit 100rb ... please check again well ... thank you ...

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  • Andriansyah    Jun 23, 2018

    until now still blm. in .. my trf"an date 16 april Rp. 100.000 please check yes .. trf from bank bca to bank bri bca an.irma susanti (rek my wife)

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  • Andriansyah    May 20, 2018

    please check back .. my payment on 16 100.000 .. still blm is credited to my account .. i will raise the amount of installment again if 100.000 already credited to my account

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  • Andriansyah    Apr 29, 2018

    finance is minimal ..

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  • Andriansyah    Apr 21, 2018

    please check yes .. I have installments of 100rb, date 16 .. for the installment date 17 .. until now blm on credit to my zidisha account. I will repay again after the trf date 16 entry into my credit .. thank you ..

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  • Andriansyah    Apr 17, 2018

    already trf from bca to bni 100.000 malem time .. but not yet input to my credit .. thanks

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  • Andriansyah    Apr 3, 2018

    to be paid off quickly

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  • Andriansyah    Jan 27, 2018

    Sorry I can not pay the full installment .. Because my father went back in hospital .. My finance is not stable

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  • Andriansyah    Dec 10, 2017

    my mother is sick. and should be treated. I need money for hospital fees. next week my god insha raise again my installment amount ..

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  • Andriansyah    Dec 5, 2017

    Dana dri zidisha is very helpful in my business .. Very useful to me .. Thanks zidisha .. Thanks to the investors who have helped me

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  • Andriansyah    Nov 27, 2017

    I need more loans .. To expand my business .. Hopefully my liquid lending fast this 3rd .. Thanks zidisha .. Thanks to zidisha I can buy other equipment

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  • Andriansyah    Nov 26, 2017

    Alhamdulilah my second loan is already paid .. Now I will apply for a third loan. God willing, always trustful .. I will buy lagi2 goods needs for my cage business.

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  • Andriansyah    Nov 21, 2017

    My effort . It"s normal again .. And will borrow again .. So I increase the amount of my installment

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  • Andriansyah    Nov 13, 2017

    While there is a decrease in my business drift .. Mnggu front I raise again ..

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  • Andriansyah    Oct 29, 2017

    Alhamdulilah my business runs smoothly .. So that I can increase the amount of my installment.

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  • Andriansyah    Oct 22, 2017

    I received my second loan .. With the amount. . 1.050.000 I use to buy alat2 cage making which I have not .. Thanks many zidisha ..

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  • Andriansyah    Oct 21, 2017

    I use this money to increase my business capital .., buy alat2 yg blm I have, to accelerate the process of its making .. Thanks to zidisha .. My wood hobby turned into my income .. Thanks a lot zidisha ..

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  • Margaret    Oct 20, 2017

    Good luck with your birdcage business!

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