Business started from enol


Malang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

31 installments  •  52%

About Me

I am nisa .... with the name fb ninis ... I am the mother of 3 children with the age that still small .. my son age 7th, 6th, and 2th ... I would love to have a side business in order to help finance from my husband .... because masadepan anak2 I still very long and the cost of education is now very expensive .... little by little I want to have my own income ... now I sell olshop but have not been able to menyetok own goods because constrained capital .... goods still shipped from supliyer ..... Alhamdulillah finally loan early on .... hopefully I can get the next loan to expand my business Thanks a lot zidishaaaa Finally I can expand my business

My Business

source of income from husband and currently I am selling an online shop on facebook to help the husband"s finances Thanks zidisha Have helped increase my capital and alhamdulillah loan from zidisha very useful for me who started the business of enol Zidisha is very helpful ..., thanks for I can increase my business yg benar2 started from enol I admit the payment I should finish the date of 28 september to 29 september because at that time have not had time to the bank to deposit funds because of the rotation of funds directly chash .... Tp I will fix it all karna I bener2 want a business i go forward ..... if not karna zidisha maybe i will be passive ... zidisha is very helpful i hope zidisha can still help me ... once lg thanks zidisha

Loan Proposal

In addition to having a business olshop I am anxious to have a business selling food or receive orders for certain events. . But with this initial loan I want to make a snack and I leave it to the stalls, I want to make a cake and do not do a stall near home. . . I would love to though with the initial capital of 100000 but could result so the investors are not disappointed to give me the loan

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About Me

saya nisa....
dengan nama fb ninis...saya adalah ibu dari 3 orang anak dengan usia yg masih kecil-kecil..usia anak saya 7th,6th,dan 2th...saya ingin sekali memiliki usaha sampingan supaya bisa membantu keuangan dari suami saya....karena masadepan anak2 saya masih sangatlah panjang dan biaya pendidikan sekarang amat mahal....sedikit demi sedikit saya ingin punya penghasilan sendiri...saat ini saya jualan olshop tetapi belum bisa menyetok barang sendiri karena terkendala modal....barang masih dikirim dari supliyer.....
Alhamdulillah akhirnya pinjaman awal selesai....smoga saya bisa mendapatkan pinjaman berikutnya untuk mengembangkan usaha saya
Terimakasih banyak zidishaaaa
Akhirnya saya bisa mengembangkan usaha saya

My Business

sumber penghasilan dari suami
dan saat ini saya jualan online shop di facebook
untuk membantu keuangan suami
Terimakasih zidisha
Telah membantu menambah modal saya dan alhamdulillah pinjaman dari zidisha sangat bermanfaat untuk saya yg memulai usaha dari enol
Zidisha sangat membantu...,.terimakasih karena saya bisa meningkatkan bisnis saya yg benar2 dimulai dari enol
Saya akui pembayaran yg harusnya saya selesaikan tgl 28 september menjadi 29 september karena saat itu belum sempat ke bank buat setor dana karna perputaran dana langsung chash....
Tp saya akan memperbaiki smuanya
Karna saya bener2 ingin usaha saya maju.....kalo tidak karna zidisha mungkin saya akan menjadi pasif...zidisha sangat membantu saya berharap zidisha masih bisa membantu saya...sekali lg thanks zidisha

Loan Proposal

selain memiliki usaha olshop saya ingin sekali punya usaha jualan makanan atau menerima pesanan untuk acara2 tertentu ..tetapi dengan pinjaman awal ini saya ingin membuat makanan ringan dan saya titipkan ke warung-warung,saya ingin membuat kue dan dititipkan do warung dekat rumah...saya ingin sekali meski dengan modal awal 100000 tetapi bisa menghasilkan jadi para investor tidak merasa kecewa memberikan pinjamannya kepada saya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 18, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months


Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Ask Zuhrotun a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Zuhrotun    Jan 14, 2018

    I"m sorry zidisha team I have not been able to pay my installment because hp runs out ... And I want to change the amount of my installment but why can not ... Once again apologize

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  • Zuhrotun    Nov 26, 2017

    I really apologize for this delay .. And I do not mean to delay but because of something that makes my payment delayed. I hope the zidisha is pleased to give me time to complete my payment according to the loan I have received. But I want to change my payment installments so as not to burden and still be resolved. I really apologize because there is no intentional element in this ... I still want to finish my payment. Thank you very much zidisha and apologize for all. I want to start completing my payment

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  • Zuhrotun    Nov 26, 2017

    Sorry I just can be active and open email ... Because hp out hank ... Insyaallah I will finish my loan on 5-november-2017 ... once again apologize

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  • Zuhrotun    Oct 3, 2017

    Kok I have not received an email from zidisha yes ..... when it should have been able to loan to 3

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  • Zuhrotun    Jul 31, 2017

    I have received a loan of 142500__Thanks to zidisha especially to the funders who have been willing to lend me the funds. . . . This is very bermanfaaat to increase my business capital which is still a beginner but I am sure with a high spirit I believe this can go forward. . . Once thanks many zidisha

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  • Zuhrotun    Jul 31, 2017

    Thank you sir petter has been willing to lend to me, it is very useful to increase the capital of the cake business that I pioneered, although starting from enol I am sure this can develop. . . Once thank you, I will use it well to buy cake supplies. . . . Thanks. . . . .

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  • Zuhrotun    Jul 15, 2017

    Loan through zidisha is very helpful. . . . Although the initial capital is small but if we persevere will be doubled. . . Thanks zidisha. . . Success slalu

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  • Zuhrotun    Jun 5, 2017

    Alhamdulillah I can collect money from the sale of fried foods. . . Although it starts with little capital. . But alhamdulillah. . . Thanks zidisha. . . . I need a fight. . . .

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  • Zuhrotun    May 22, 2017

    Loan I have received and apologize if I am late for confirmation because this is the first time and I am still a bit confused how to confirm in zidisha. . . Once thank you__uang I received I have used for capital to make cake and I leave it to the shop near the house. . . . __Thank you very much

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