Business venture


Bekasi Barat, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $46 goal


days left




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

41 installments  •  20%

About Me

Sya marni 26 years old I have a child 1 husband work at yamaha factory. I am married from 21thn all the difficulties i"ve ever experienced syabpun never trade from open shop clothes and food stall

My Business

Source of income sya from my husband skitar 5jt per month salary ny while I work d pt arnotts with salary skitar 3.9jt pinjamn this sya want to addn venture capital pulse krna sya intend to open shop .... now I trade sausage n mocacino modl from this loan ....... I want to apply for this loan for additional more sausage capital

Loan Proposal

Adding to the trading business of roasted sausage and mocacino in order to get bigger business again ... because tmpt sya business d rame place a day can get 300 thousand ... please in Danai for my business ... and I will make payment before the time

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About Me

Sya marni usia 26 tahun saya mempunyai anak 1 suami kerja di pabrik yamaha.saya menikah dari usia 21thn semua kesulitan udah saya pernah alami syabpun pernah berdagang dari buka toko baju dan warung makan nasi

My Business

Sumber penghasilan sya dari suami saya skitar 5jt perbulan gaji ny sedangkan saya kerja d pt arnotts dengan gaji skitar 3.9jt pinjamn ini sya ingin buat tambahn modal usaha pulsa krna sya berniat membuka toko....sekarang saya dagang sosis n mocacino modl dari pinjaman ini.......saya ingin mengajukan pinjaman ini buat tambahan modal sosis yang lebih banyak

Loan Proposal

Menambah usaha dagang sosis bakar dan mocacino agar bisa bertambah besar lagi usaha ny...karena tmpt sya usaha d tempat yg rame sehari bisa mendapatkan 300 ribu...mohon di Danai untuk usaha saya...dan saya akan melakukan pembayaran sebelum wkt nya





  • Helen Horseman    Oct 28, 2017

    Thank you for full repayment of your loan Sumarni
    Best wishes for your business going forward.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 7, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

7 months



Paul Graham

United States

Elise E

United States


Sweden, Sweden

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States


Saint Louis, United States

Ask Sumarni a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • ADK    Mar 6, 2018

    Sumarni, how is business?

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  • Sumarni    Nov 7, 2017

    I have received a loan hopefully I can use to add my merchandise thanks

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  • Sumarni    Nov 5, 2017

    Money will I use to increase my shop business .... because alhmfllh warung syaa increasingly crowded day

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  • Sumarni    Oct 26, 2017

    I have paid the loan yesterday before the date .... I want to file again in order to increase the capital for the business of sausage and mocacino bigger .... then give syaa loan funds for my business a bigger one day a day can earn money 300rb a day

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  • Sumarni    Oct 3, 2017

    Capital for trading business Thank you for lending this fund

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  • Sumarni    Aug 22, 2017

    For business capital

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