Catering business kitchen mother


Kotamobagu, Indonesia

14% repaid




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

14 installments  •  57%

About Me

I am the owner of the kitchen needs money for the catering business. My catering business has been running for 1 year .. My catering business is located in kotamobagu sulut. and its marketing is only dikotamobagu. I sell wet pastries order rice doz. and also my sales jg dititipkan in stalls or shops around kotamobagu

My Business

Business catering Dapur Bunda Address Jln. Dayanan Kelurahan Gogagoman Kecamatan Kotamobagu Barat. I sell wet dry cake and rice order dos which include white rice fish / chicken and vegetables and until now msh running my catering business

Loan Proposal

I will use this loan fund for my catering capital. buying food. plastic spoon dos and tools that will be used for making these foods. And also to increase marketing capital for my catering business run smoothly and more widely known. Usually when there is an office or agency event all of his orders to me for his snack dos

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About Me

Saya adalah owner dari dapur bunda butuh dana untuk usaha catering. Usaha catering saya sudah berjalan 1 tahun..
Usaha catering saya bertempat di kotamobagu sulut. dan pemasarannya hanya dikotamobagu. Saya menjual kue-kue kering basah pesanan nasi doz. dan juga jualan saya jg dititipkan di warung-warung atau toko disekitaran kotamobagu

My Business

Usaha catering Dapur Bunda
Alamat Jln. Dayanan Kelurahan Gogagoman Kecamatan Kotamobagu Barat. Saya menjual kue kering basah dan pesanan nasi dos yg isinya antara lain nasi putih ikan/ayam dan sayur dan sampai saat ini msh berjalan usaha catering saya

Loan Proposal

Saya akan gunakan dana pinjaman ini utk modal catering saya. membeli bahan2 makanan. dos plastik sendok serta alat-alat yg akan digunakan untuk pembuatan makanam tersebut. Dan juga untuk menambah modal pemasaran agar usaha catering saya berjalan lancar dan lebih banyak dikenal orang. Biasanya bila ada acara kantor atau dinas semua nya pesanan ke saya untuk snack dos nya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 2, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

7 weeks



Cazenovia, United States


Paul Graham

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States


Martin Carmouze

Sterling, United States

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  • Rizky    Nov 19, 2017


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  • Rizky    Nov 14, 2017

    so quickly finish my loan

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  • Rizky    Nov 14, 2017

    So quickly finish my loan

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  • Rizky    Nov 2, 2017

    Thank you for the help

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  • Rizky    Nov 1, 2017

    Please help

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  • Rizky    Oct 28, 2017

    Good afternoon .. I am rizky amalia owner catering kitchen bunda .. I apply for loan to buy catering equipment. one of them is an oven or a baked pastry. Please help for investors. thank you

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  • Rizky    Oct 27, 2017

    Please help..

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  • Rizky    Oct 26, 2017

    Please help

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  • Rizky    Oct 25, 2017

    I will use this loan to buy new cake oven because the order is more so I need to buy it for efficiency time .. Please help. thank you

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  • Rizky    Oct 19, 2017

    Thank you for the help .. I use it to buy catering tools .. and I akn right wkt pay installments

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  • Rizky    Oct 17, 2017

    I sdh any funds and inGin pay off

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  • Rizky    Oct 9, 2017

    krn I sdh no funds for the return

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  • Rizky    Aug 27, 2017

    So that my loan is quickly completed because the funds pdebebnya sdh there krn that I add my installment.

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