Refill drinking water business


Kota Semarang, Indonesia

36% repaid




Member since

August 2015

On-time repayments

14 installments  •  21%

About Me

I was born in Semarang, Central Java 39 years ago. I have a wife and two boys aged 9 and 6 years old. I work in an IT company with earnings of 42 million rupiahs per year as EDP staff. My wife also work in the company of Tour and Travel with an income of about 35 million per year. We love to spend time with family at home or on vacation to the tourist attractions close to where we lived. I dream of a healthy and comfortable home for my family. I also have dream to get my own business so I will have lot of time to spend with my family. Thanks to all your support to make my dream comes true. God bless all of you.

My Business

Income from my job as EDP staff of about 42 million per year. My wife"s income in the company of Tour and Travel approximately 35 million per year. I want to start a business refill drinking water in my house because of the need of drinking water is very important and there has been no similar efforts in the neighborhood where I live. This business is very promising because of the need for drinking water is very high.

Loan Proposal

I hope I can use this loan to renovate the terrace house as where to place the appliance filter / water purification. Cost required about 3 million dollars. Furthermore, I would buy a water purification tool that currently cost about 10 million by way of credit. Profit from this business is about 2 million/month from the estimate total sales of 10 million rupiahs per month at the early stage of the business.

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About Me

Saya lahir di Semarang, Jawa Tengah 39 tahun yang lalu. Saya mempunyai istri dan 2 anak laki-laki berumur 9 dan 6 tahun. Saya bekerja di perusahaan IT dengan penghasilan 42 juta rupiah pertahun Sebagai staff EDP. Istri saya juga bekerja untuk membantu memenuhi kebutuhan hidup di perusahaan Tour and Travel dengan penghasilan sekitar 35 juta pertahun. Kami senang menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga di rumah atau berlibur ke tempat wisata yang dekat dengan tempat tinggal kami. Saya memimpikan sebuah rumah yang sehat dan nyaman untuk keluarga saya.

My Business

Penghasilan dari pekerjaan saya Sebagai staff EDP sekitar 42 juta pertahun. Penghasilan istri saya di perusahaan Tour and Travel sekitar 35juta pertahun. Saya ingin memulai usaha air minum isi ulang di rumah saya karena kebutuhan air minum sangat penting dan belum ada usaha sejenis di lingkungan tempat saya tinggal. Bisnis ini sangat menjanjikan karena kebutuhan akan air minum sangat tinggi dan masyarakat menyukai air minum yang praktis tetapi tetap sehat dan aman untuk dikonsumsi.

Loan Proposal

Saya berharap pinjaman ini dapat saya gunakan untuk merenovasi teras rumah Sebagai lokasi penempatan alat filter/ pemurnian air. Biaya yang diperlukan sekitar 3 juta rupiah. Selanjutnya saya akan membeli alat pemurnian air yang saat ini harganya sekitar 10 jutaan dengan cara kredit. Keuntungan dari usaha ini sekitar 2 juta rupiah dari perkiraan omset sebesar 10juta rupiah perbulan pada saat awal memulai usaha.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 16, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

3 months




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San Jose, Ca, United States

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  • Ryndra    Aug 17, 2015

    Thanks to the funding, I have received loans entirely. These funds will be immediately I use to start my business. I believe a million Miles of journey start with a foot step.

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