To finance my bus business


Solo, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

113 installments  •  39%

About Me

The name yanuarizqi, my 4th child of 4 bersodara and my only son and this makes me have to work hard, therefore I want to start my own business in order to change my fate and family. In order for my family"s fate to be better and raise my family"s degree. I was fortunate to join the zidisha. My life became more meaningful when I joined the zidisha group

My Business

I am a truck driver who works from city to city sometimes even between provinces. My monthly income is less than $ 250, I have to pay my mortgage every month for # 100 every month I also have to routine my truck service once my service has to pay $ 40 every month I have to collect money for $ 140 in order to keep working for my family. I appealed to investors and zidisha to be given a loan to help me pay my truck installment fees so that some investors would fund my loan because I was in need of help. One day I want to be a successful entrepreneur who has a lot of truck cars that can provide jobs for those who drop out and have no capital.

Loan Proposal

After getting this pinjamaan. . . . . . . . I want to buy a need for my bus repair and want to buy a new tire for my bus. And for the annoyance and want to buy other materials for my bus needs and for accommodation outside the city

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About Me

Nama yanuarizqi, saya anak ke 4 dari 4 bersodara dan saya anak laki satu-satunya dan ini membuat saya harus bekerja keras, maka dari itu saya ingin memulai bisnis sendiri agar bisa merubah nasib saya dan keluarga. Agar nasib keluarga saya bisa lebih baik dan menaikan derajat keluarga saya. Saya beruntung bisa bergabung dengan zidisha. Hidup saya berubah menjadi lebih berarti saat saya bergabung dalam grup zidisha

My Business

Saya seorang supir truk yang bekerja dari kota ke kota terkadang juga antar provinsi. Penghasilan perbulan saya kurang lebih $250, saya setiap bulan harus membayar cicilan truk yang saya pakai saat ini sebesar #100 setiap bulan saya juga harus rutin service truk saya sekali service saya harus membayar $40 setiap bulan saya harus mengumpulkan uang sebesar $140 agar bisa tetap bekerja untuk keluarga saya. Saya memohon bantuan kepada investor dan zidisha agar diberi pinjaman untuk membantu saya membayar biaya cicilan truk saya semoga ada investor yang mau mendanai pinjaman saya karena saya sedang membutuhkan bantuan. Suatu saat saya ingin menjadi pengusaha sukses yang mempunyai banyak mobil truk yang bisa memberikan pekerjaan bagi mereka yang putus sekolah dan tidak memiliki modal.

Loan Proposal

Setelah mendapat pinjamaan ini........ saya ingin membeli kebutuhan untuk perbaikan bis saya dan ingin membeli ban baru untuk bus saya. Dan untuk kebengkel dan ingin membeli bahan lainnya untuk kebutuhan bus saya dan untuk akomodasi jikala lg luar kota





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 1, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 weeks



Sandy, Utah, United States


Paul Graham

United States




The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States




Ask Yanuarizki a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Yanuarizki    Feb 11, 2018

    I want to change the amount of my installment payment because my wife wants to give birth ..... so for the preparation my wife gave birth

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  • Yanuarizki    Dec 29, 2017

    Because on January 1, the red date I can not deposit money to the bank

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  • Yanuarizki    Dec 24, 2017

    Thanks to investors who have funded my loan ..... I am very grateful that I still get help. Once again I thank you

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  • Yanuarizki    Dec 10, 2017

    I will pay my $ 100 purchase of my truck for this month ... so I can keep working, and I hope there will be investors willing to fund my loan.

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  • Yanuarizki    Oct 4, 2017

    Thanks to the investors who have been willing to finance my loan .... I feel very helpful with this loan, because with the approval of this loan I can finance the need for my garage trucking. I became lighter in terms of capital cost of repair my truck is because zidisha and investors willing to finance my loan, once again I thank you as much as possible for this trust. hopefully I can continue to be trusted and continue to get a loan. thank you

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  • Yanuarizki    Sep 30, 2017

    Thanks to investors who have been willing to finance my loan yesterday ..... from the results that I can fix my truck that must be repaired every month, this loan is very helpful in my efforts.thanks also to the zidisha who has become a container we are borrowers.

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  • Yanuarizki    Sep 29, 2017

    Thanks again again and again to investors and zidisha who still trust me and still want to fund my loan ..... hopefully the future of my business that I am developing growing and can change my life so much better, big hope I hope the loan I can continue to be funded. once again I thank the investors and zidisha

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  • Yanuarizki    Sep 29, 2017

    Thanks again again and again to investors and zidisha who still trust me and still want to fund my loan ..... hopefully the future of my business that I am developing growing and can change my life so much better, big hope I hope the loan I can continue to be funded. once again I thank the investors and zidisha

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  • Yanuarizki    Sep 29, 2017

    Thanks again again and again to investors and zidisha who still trust me and still want to fund my loan ..... hopefully the future of my business that I am developing growing and can change my life so much better, big hope I hope the loan I can continue to be funded. once again I thank the investors and zidisha

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  • Yanuarizki    Sep 29, 2017

    Thanks again again and again to investors and zidisha who still trust me and still want to fund my loan ..... hopefully the future of my business that I am developing growing and can change my life so much better, big hope I hope the loan I can continue to be funded. once again I thank the investors and zidisha

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  • Yanuarizki    Sep 29, 2017

    Thanks again again and again to investors and zidisha who still trust me and still want to fund my loan ..... hopefully the future of my business that I am developing growing and can change my life so much better, big hope I hope the loan I can continue to be funded. once again I thank the investors and zidisha

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  • Yanuarizki    Sep 29, 2017

    Thanks again again and again to investors and zidisha who still trust me and still want to fund my loan ..... hopefully the future of my business that I am developing growing and can change my life so much better, big hope I hope the loan I can continue to be funded. once again I thank the investors and zidisha

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  • Yanuarizki    Aug 6, 2017

    Thanks to investors who have been so confident that my loan application for this time is also still in finance. . . . I hope this trust can always be guarded, thanks again

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  • Yanuarizki    Aug 1, 2017

    Thanks to trusted investors and willing to fund my loan. . . . . I"ve already bought some equipment for my driving, I"m very grateful but the funds I need are still low. Therefore I beg for a loan again

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  • Yanuarizki    Jul 1, 2017

    Thanks again I say. . . . Loan disbursement is already in my account

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  • Yanuarizki    Jul 1, 2017

    Thanks to the donors who are willing to fund my loan. . . . . . . Hopefully I can keep the trust of donors to fund this bosa run smoothly

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  • Yanuarizki    May 20, 2017

    Thank you for your help and trust. . . Hopefully can be useful and can work together well

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