Costumes for giving traditional cultural performances in schools

Iman Hedi

Bandung, Indonesia

100% repaid



Iman Hedi

Member since

June 2017

On-time repayments

34 installments  •  56%

About Me

My name is faith hedi Guntara AMD I as an owner engaged in the field of Jada 3D education / Cv java Indo multimedia for learning elementary school media and smp ,, in the form of 3D movie clip show I pioneered This business since 2011 to now running I am very happy to provide Additional education for school students through audio-visual learning ,, and providing additional knowledge of primary and secondary level students,

My Business

my earnings are based on the number of educational tickets 3D / Average Day 300 tickets / 11K / tickets / schools And multiplied by several schools ,, Hallo All investors ,, This time I apply for a loan for the purchase of batik and custom clothing / cultural costumes for employees . I need financing for 24 pieces of batik clothes, and need. additional charges ,, I wish all zidisha lenders can help me to buy some custom / cultural costume to improve the procurement of goods and services in the field of entertainment, and as before I always pay on time for this loan ,, for all lenders I hope to help for this project, for investor and for zidisha ,, best wishes and prosperous ,, and thanks for attention and support .. best regards i faith hedi guntara Bandung Indonesia,

Loan Proposal

This loan I will buy a cultural dress / custom. . To simplify And reduce the cost of rental costumes,, And of course I will pay back fast As my loan before His time every week for this loan, please help him And support For my project All investors,, thanks a lot

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Nama saya iman hedi guntara AMD saya sebagai owner yang bergerak di bidang Jada 3D edukasi/Cv java Indo multimedia untuk pembelajaran media sekolah Dasar Dan Smp,, dalam bentuk penayangan klip 3D movie saya merintis Bisnis ini sejak tahun 2011 hingga sekarang berjalan saya sangat senang memberikan edukasi Tambahan untuk siswa sekolah melalui pembelajaran audio visual,,Dan memberikan Tambahan pengetahuan siswa tingkat sekolah Dasar Dan tingkat menengah pertama,,

My Business

penghasilan saya berdasarkan Dari Jumlah tiket penayangan 3D edukasi/ Rata-rata Perhari 300 tiket /11K/tiket/sekolah Dan dikalikan beberapa sekolah,,
Hallo Semua investor,, Kali ini saya mengajukan pinjaman untuk pembelian pembiayaan pakaian batik dan pakaian adat/budaya untuk karyawan. saya membutuhkan pembiayaan untuk 24 potong pakaian batik, dan membutuhkan. biaya tambahan,, saya Berharap semua pemberi pinjaman zidisha bisa membantu saya untuk membeli beberapa kostum pakaian adat/budaya untuk meningkatkan pengadaan barang dan jasa dibidang entertainment, dan seperti sebelumnya saya selalu membayar tepat waktu untuk pinjaman ini,, untuk semua pemberi pinjaman saya berharap bisa membantu untuk projek ini, terimakasi investors dan untuk zidisha,, salam sukses dan sejahtera,, dan thanks for attention and support..
salam saya
iman hedi guntara
Bandung Indonesia,

Loan Proposal

pinjaman ini Akan saya belikan pakaian kebudayaan/adat..untuk mempermudah Dan mengurangi Biaya sewa kostum,, Dan tentunya saya akan kembali membayar cepat Seperti pinjaman saya sebelum Nya waktu setiap minggu untuk pinjaman ini,, Mohon bantuanya Dan support Untuk project saya All investor,,thanks banyak





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 1, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months



Beaver Nation, United States


Ocoee, United States

Ask Iman Hedi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Sep 6, 2017


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Aug 8, 2017 $7.69 Aug 7, 2017 $7.69
Aug 15, 2017 $7.69 Aug 14, 2017 $7.69
Aug 22, 2017 $7.69 Aug 22, 2017 $7.69
Aug 29, 2017 $7.69 Aug 22, 2017 $7.69
Sep 5, 2017 $7.69 Sep 3, 2017 $7.69
Sep 12, 2017 $7.69 Sep 6, 2017 $7.69
Sep 19, 2017 $7.69 Sep 6, 2017 $7.69
Sep 26, 2017 $7.69 Sep 6, 2017 $7.69
Oct 3, 2017 $2.21 Sep 6, 2017 $2.21
