For business capital


Kendal, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

December 2017

On-time repayments

33 installments  •  97%

About Me

Hello My name is eka agustina I am a housewife by the age of 25th, and currently own 1 child by the age of 9 months. I just got married for 3 Years, and our finances really are still unstable, sometimes we have enough money but sometimes we are short of money, luckily my son does not drink formula.

My Business

my husband and I are currently pioneering Farms mushrooms, new 3 times harvest but because my husband there is a mistake in his treatment so that his mushrooms are not well developed, luckily yesterday the husband was willing to join mushroom training again so get the knowledge yg .. We hope the harvest next month can fit our expectations. oh yes we usually harvest mushrooms one month twice but because the weather is hot this late so we harvest three times in two months, the current weather inhibits the growth of our mushrooms. When the weather was nice yesterday, in 2 weeks we can get 200 kg of mushrooms but when the heat like this we can only get 150kg of mush in one harvest. its price is cheap, about 8000 / kg. In addition to breeding mushrooms, husband yesterday also bought tilapia seeds, he said to add additional income or can be for its own fish side. maybe he wants to earn income from fisheries as well but unfortunately our fish fish can only be harvested in 3 months.

Loan Proposal

loans from zidisha I will use for additional Capital opened a stall

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About Me

Halo Nama saya eka agustina saya seorang ibu rumah tangga dengan usia 25th, dan saat ini mempunyau 1 orang anak dengan usia 9 bulan. saya baru menikah selama 3 Tahun, dan keuangan kami benar benar masih belum stabil, terkadang kami memiliki cukup uang tapi terkadang kami kekurangan uang, untung saja anak saya tidak minum susu formula.

My Business

saya dan suami saat ini merintis Peternakan jamur, baru 3 kali panen tapi karena suami saya ada kesalahan dalam perawatannya sehingga jamur nya tidak berkembang dengan baik, untung saja kemarin suami bersedia ikut pelatihan jamur lagi sehingga mendapatkan ilmu yg sesuai.. Kami harap panen bulan Depan bisa sesuai harapan kami. oh ya biasanya kami panen jamur satu bulan dua kali tapi karena cuaca yg sedang panas akhir akhir ini jadi kami panen tiga kali dalam dua bulan, cuaca saat ini menghambat pertumbuhan jamur kami. Waktu cuaca sedang bagus kemarin,dalam 2 minggu kami bisa mendapatkan 200 kg jamur tapi ketika panas seperti ini kami hanya bisa mendapatkan 150kg jamur dalam satu kali panen. harga nya pun murah, sekitar 8000/kg.
Selain beternak jamur, suami kemarin juga membeli bibit ikan nila, katanya lumayan untuk tambah tambah penghasilan atau bisa untuk lauk sendiri ikannya. mungkin dia ingin mencari penghasilan dari perikanan juga tapi sayangnya ikan ikan kami baru bisa di panen 3 bulan lagi.

Loan Proposal

pinjaman dari zidisha akan saya gunakan untuk tambahan Modal membuka warung





  • Monika    Mar 7, 2018

    Great borrower. The loan was paid back before the expected repayment date.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 3, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

24 months


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Eka a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Eka    May 25, 2018

    harvest mushrooms We are not good enough

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  • Eka    May 25, 2018

    harvest mushrooms We are not good, because the weather is not supportive

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  • Eka    May 11, 2018

    we will have a second harvest and still need a fee to pay the labor that helps us to harvest

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  • Eka    May 2, 2018

    I have paid the installment as much as 2kali today but why not enter in zidisha huh ??

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  • Eka    Apr 30, 2018

    today the price of mushrooms is falling so we still have not gained any profit

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  • Jinab    Apr 30, 2018

    Hello mak please do not late pay yaa Tomorrow is mei lhoo

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  • Eka    Feb 21, 2018

    the profit I still use for Capital shopping

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  • Eka    Feb 4, 2018

    Thanks for the help, Hope You Always Healthy. Aamiin

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  • Eka    Jan 19, 2018

    Our catfish yet to harvest still need Capital again and now our business a little quiet

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  • Eka    Dec 28, 2017

    Thank you friends for help, really this is very meaningful to us, it"s nice to be able to help the husband to pioneer his new business, hopefully this will be a better start for us .. this loan will buy catfish seeds by my husband, then will be treated Lele until we are old enough to be sold and consumed, then dr the sale of catfish that we hope we can directly Repay the loan from friends or at least installments and also can to re-buy new seeds more than before

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  • Eka    Dec 28, 2017

    Thank you so much miss monika, for his prayers and help

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  • Monika    Dec 28, 2017

    Want to wish you good luck with the new business.

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  • Eka    Dec 13, 2017

    Because it is currently raining so Buyers in my stall slightly reduced

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  • Eka    Dec 13, 2017

    Thank you Zidisha, I have received a loan that has been given, and very helpful because I happen to run out of Capital for my business.

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  • Eka    Dec 5, 2017

    right now I am having more finances, so I want to pay off my installment immediately

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