To continue the family business


Tangerang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

21 installments  •  19%

About Me

My name is Mochammad Noval. I am the third child of four siblings, I have two older brothers and one sister. I lived in Ciledug Indah 2 since I was born. My father works for PT PLN Persero and my mother has a catering business for food and cafe.

My Business

I work in PT Jico Agung brand office since I graduated from high school. My salary has reached 3.8 - 4 million a month as a motorist sales. and I also do business side selling mobile phone online and I also attract motorcycle taxi online every holiday.

Loan Proposal

I really need funds to reproduce equipment distudio owned by my parents and I also was pursue side business opened cafe ice cream.

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About Me

Nama saya Mochammad Noval. Saya anak ketiga dari empat bersaudara, saya mempunyai dua kakak dan satu adik. Saya tinggal di Perumahan Ciledug Indah 2 sejak saya lahir. Ayah saya bekerja di PT PLN Persero dan Ibu saya mempunyai usaha catering makanan dan cafe.

My Business

Saya bekerja di brand office PT Jico Agung sejak saya lulus SMA. Gaji saya sudah mencapai 3,8 - 4 jut a perbulan sebagai sales motoris. dan saya juga berbisnis sampingan penjualan handphone secara online dan saya juga menarik ojek online setiap hari libur.

Loan Proposal

Saya sangat butuh dana untuk memperbanyak peralatan distudio milik orang tua saya dan saya juga sedang menekuni bisnis sampingan membuka cafe ice cream.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 8, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks



Paul Graham

United States

Ask Mochamad a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Sulissetiyowati    Mar 8, 2018

    I try to contact noval but not active, so I call his mother just wait for respond thank you

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  • Sulissetiyowati    Feb 7, 2018

    I was call him but the numbers not active so I call his mother, and his father hope he can pay again thank you

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  • Mochamad    Dec 9, 2017

    I was sick yesterday and will pay in time right now

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  • Mochamad    Nov 1, 2017

    thanks zidisha and lender

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  • Mochamad    Nov 1, 2017

    Work and smooth operations continue. Amin

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  • Mochamad    Oct 14, 2017

    best wishes for all

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