To increase stock sales

Ridha Eva

Tangerang, Indonesia

100% repaid



Ridha Eva

Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

16 installments  •  56%

About Me

Hi Zidisha and the Funder .. Introduce My Name Ridha, I live ditengerang Ciledug with my parents. I am the first child, and I have 3 younger brothers .. My first sister is married, my second sister is already working, and my third sister is still in second grade high school. My father is a retired PLN and now owns a car rental business and loves to buy land, houses and used motorcycles. My mother has a restaurant and catering for weddings or other occasions.

My Business

I work in PT Jico Agung with a salary of 3-4million every month as Sales Marketing. And I also have a side business selling and buying mobile phone accessories such as headsets, chargers, softcase, hardcase and others .. Sometimes I also credited Mobile, Camera, Tv and goods to people closest to me .. I also often help mothers me if the holidays at his restaurant .. I want to be like both my parents as a successful entrepreneur ..

Loan Proposal

My purpose is borrowing to enlarge my sideline business or for the capital turn of the business of buying and selling mobile phones that I built since I graduated from high school and I want to increase my savings even more.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Hai Zidisha dan Pemberi Dana..
Perkenalkan Nama saya Ridha, saya tinggal ditangerang Ciledug bersama kedua orang tua saya.
Saya anak pertama, dan saya mempunyai 3 adik..
Adik saya yang pertama sudah menikah, adik saya yang kedua sudah bekerja, dan adik saya yang ketiga sekarang masih sekolah SMA kelas dua.
Ayah saya seorang pensiunan PLN dan sekarang mempunyai usaha rental mobil dan suka jual beli tanah, rumah, dan motor-motor bekas.
Ibu saya mempunyai rumah makan dan catering untuk acara pernikahan ulangtahun atau dan lain-lain.

My Business

Saya bekerja di PT Jico Agung dengan gaji 3-4juta setiap bulan sebagai Sales Marketing.
Dan saya juga punya usaha sampingan jual beli accesoris handphone seperti headset, charger, softcase, hardcase dan lain-lain..
Kadang saya juga mengkreditkan Handphone, Camera, Tv serta barang-barang ke orang-orang terdekat saya..
Saya juga sering membantu ibu saya kalau libur dirumah makan nya..
Saya ingin menjadi seperti kedua orang tua saya sebagai pengusaha sukses..

Loan Proposal

Tujuan saya meminjam untuk memperbesar bisnis sampingan saya atau untuk perputaran modal bisnis jual beli handphone yang saya bangun sejak dari saya lulus sekolah SMA dan saya ingin menambah jumlah tabungan saya lebih besar lagi.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 27, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week



Paul Graham

United States


Brandon S

United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Ridha Eva a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Nov 2, 2017


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Nov 6, 2017 $3.78 Nov 2, 2017 $3.78
