To make food storage


Jakarta Barat, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

63 installments  •  22%

About Me

hi, i am febryan ramadhan i am a private employee in PT. ingenico international indonesia with permanent employee status, but i am trying to open a business. the business that I will build is interior design furniture, property and culinary, my childhood is less happy because when I was a kid my parents went bankrupt so I did not enjoy my childhood, but I still struggle to live my life to achieve the success I dreamed of how much trials I get I will remain tough and keep trying until I succeed.

My Business

my main source of income is a salary of 5.400.000 IDR, but I want to open a business that will increase my income, first I will open a business in the field of culinary, then in interior design and then in the property, for that I expect from investors to help me so that my dream can be realized.

Loan Proposal

I need this fund to make a storage place that I will sell later, the funds I need for approximately $ 47, so from that to my investors please can help me so that my dream can be realized, thank you.

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About Me

hi, saya febryan ramadhan saya seorang karyawan swasta di PT. ingenico international indonesia dengan status karyawan tetap, tapi saya sedang berusaha untuk membuka usaha. usaha yg saya akan bangun adalah di desain interior furniture, property dan kuliner, masa kecil saya kurang bahagia karena pada saat saya kecil orang tua saya mengalami bangkrut sehingga saya kurang menikmati masa kecil saya, tapi saya tetap berjuang menjalani hidup untuk mencapai kesuksesan yang saya mimpikan seberapa besar cobaan yang saya dapatkan saya akan tetap tegar dan terus mencoba sampai saya sukses.

My Business

sumber penghasilan utama saya adalah gaji sebesar 5,400,000 IDR, tapi saya sedang ingin membuka usaha yang akan menambah penghasilan saya, pertama saya akan membuka usaha di bidang kuliner, kemudian di desain interior lalu di property, untuk itu saya harapkan dari para investor untuk membantu saya agar mimpi saya dapat terwujudkan. saat ini saya sedang fokus usaha di bidang makanan dan yang saya jual adalah bahan pokok makanan seperti beras, minyak goreng, tepung dan gula. dalam sehari saya dapat menjual bahan makanan lebih dari 12kg dan rata-rata pendapatan harian saya sebesar 80,000 IDR, dan sekarang saya sedang menambah usaha saya di bidang furniture, awalnya saya hanya suka menggambar dan mengatur ruangan akhirnya hobi saya ini saya kembangkan dan akhirnya menjadi usaha tambahan saya, dari hasil penjualan di furniture memang belum terlalu signifikan tapi saya masih terus belajar dan terus berusaha menarik pelanggan dengan cara membuat barang-barang unik seperti hiasan lampu, hiasan dinding dan hiasan untuk mempercantik rumah, dalam 1 bulan saya dapat menjual sebanyak 10-15 barang dengan rata-rata harga 150,000 IDR dan saya mendapat keuntungan bersih sebesar 70,000 IDR, dalam satu bulan saya dapat mengumpulkan keuntungan sebesar 1,400,000 IDR /bulan dari menjual bahan pokok makanan, 2,100,000 IDR /bulan dari menjual peralatan rumah dan ditambah gaji bulanan sebagai karyawan sebesar 5,400,000 IDR penghasilan saya dalam 1 bulan sebesar 7,000,000 IDR, maka dari itu pinjaman dari zidisha ini sangat bermanfaat untuk penambahan barang dan juga untuk kemakmuran rakyat indonesia karena saya menjual barang untuk kemakmuran warga indonesia.

Loan Proposal

saya butuh dana ini untuk membuat tempat penyimpanan makanan yang akan saya jual nantinya, dana yang saya butuhkan sebesar kurang lebih 47$, maka dari itu kepada para investor saya mohon dapat membantu saya agar mimpi saya dapat terwujud, terima kasih.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 21, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks




United Kingdom


Paul Graham

United States

Craig Newmark

United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

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  • Febryan    Dec 12, 2017

    The lenders apologize I lowered my installment amount because I was on a sudden need, hopefully my future can pay even bigger. thank you

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  • Febryan    Nov 12, 2017

    my finances are back to normal and I can repay more in zidisha. thank you

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  • Febryan    Nov 6, 2017

    I apologize to the zidisha team and the lenders, at this time I have to reduce my payment because at this time I am in trouble of money and I have to save because my business is not smooth, but I promise to pass this month I will pay more in accordance with the ability I am next month. thank you

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  • Febryan    Oct 18, 2017

    Hi lenders, sorry for the payment that was supposed to be made on October 18, 2017 has not been paid, I have transferred on 17 October 2017 but the funds are returned on the same day and my loan status on the dashboard is still awaiting disbursement, I already asked in the help center of the first filing of funds has been fulfilled until now but still no one responds, hope someone can help me with this obstacle. Thank you very much

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  • Febryan    Oct 8, 2017

    The lenders, the funds I have received and I will use as well as possible. Thank you so much for your help

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  • Febryan    Oct 8, 2017

    Hi lenders, thank you very much for her trust by giving me a loan, I will use her with full responsibility. Thank you.

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  • Febryan    Sep 28, 2017

    hi, the lenders, the money I borrowed I managed to pay off on 27 september 2017, and I have used to buy storage of goods. thank you for trusting me for giving me loan money for the next loan I will pay on time and will keep on time

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  • Febryan    Sep 26, 2017

    hi, the lenders, the money I borrowed I managed to pay off on 27 september 2017, and I have used to buy storage of goods. thank you for trusting me for giving me loan money for the next loan I will pay on time and will keep on time.

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  • Febryan    Sep 26, 2017

    hi, my lenders are in need of a loan to buy a storage space for furniture manufacturing, the funds I need $ 100 then I hope to lenders to give me a loan.

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  • Febryan    Sep 26, 2017

    I need this loan to add a storage basket about 50pcs. Because the storage is now full and I have to add more. I use this storage for storing furniture making purposes.

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  • Febryan    Sep 22, 2017

    Hi thank you for lending me money, my money has been received and I will use as much as possible and I promise to pay it on time on every installment date that I have to pay. Thanks for success

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  • Febryan    Sep 11, 2017

    hi, thank you for giving me the trust by lending the funds to me and the funds I have received, I will use it well. I ask for your support so that my business is smooth and growing I promise to always pay on time. once again thank you very much. send regards for success

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