Money for the cost of continuing school midwifery


Surabaya, Indonesia

19% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

23 installments  •  30%

About Me

My name mei linda my last child my dad works as a junior high school teacher and my mother worked in kelurahan since childhood my parents hard worker work hard for the children and his family because he wishes his children can go to high school and manifest all expectations and ideals -but alhamdulillah I passed D3 midwifery in midwifery school in surabaya

My Business

Besides I work as a midwife at home maternal mother and child I also have a side job selling headscarves and Muslim clothes syar"i most of my merchandise taken by my friends there is a resale little by little profit I save and I use for the cost S1 midwifery course because I want to deepen the midwifery school again

Loan Proposal

Here I apply for a loan through zidisha for school fees continue midwifery again because for me midwife is a pregnant mother who is pregnant and the midwife"s services are also very big hope that my wishes and wishes can be realized my prayer here so that my loan application mendaptkan approval from zidisha and giver Funds anywhere

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About Me

nama saya mei linda saya anak terakhir ayah saya berprofesi sebagai guru SLTP dan ibu saya bekerja di kelurahan sejak kecil orang tua saya pekerja keras beliau bekerja mati-matian untuk anak dan keluarganya karena keinginan beliau anak-anaknya bisa sekolah tinggi dan terwujud semua harapan dan cita-citanya alhamdulillah saya lulus D3 kebidanan di sekolah kebidanan di surabaya

My Business

selain saya bekerja sebagai bidan di rumah bersalin ibu dan anak saya juga mempunyai pekerjaan sampingan berjualan jilbab dan baju muslim syar'i kebanyakn dagangan saya di ambil oleh teman-teman kerja ada yang di jual kembali sedikit demi sedikit keuntungan saya simpan dan saya pergunakan untuk biaya kuliah S1 kebidanan karena saya ingin memperdalam lagi sekolah kebidanan

Loan Proposal

di sini saya mengajukan pinjaman lewat zidisha untuk biaya sekolah melanjutkan kebidanan kembali karena bagi saya bidan adalah penolong ibu yang mengandung dan jasa bidan juga sangatlah besar semoga keinginan dan harapan saya bisa terwujud doa saya di sini supaya pengajuan pinjaman saya mendaptkan persetujuan dari pihak zidisha dan pemberi dana di mana saja





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 2, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

3 months

Other loans




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Takamatsu, Japan, Japan

Ask Mei a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Mei    Jul 2, 2017

    My loan amount is 787,500 IDR and I will use it for midwife fee and I thank for funding

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  • Mei    Jul 2, 2017

    Of this loan will I use for the cost of continuing school midwifery and do not forget I thank the funders and zidisha who have helped me

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  • Mei    May 22, 2017

    The loan is already liquid and I use for tuition and capital sales of clothes thank you for the borrower of funds

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  • Mei    May 19, 2017

    I will use this money for tuition __ thank you for the donors

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  • Mei    May 19, 2017

    I will use this additional capital for my tuition fees and the rest I will use for additional capital sales because many orders on the day of Ramadan and Lebaran

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