Tuition to continue studying at university


Gresik, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $130 goal


days left




Member since

June 2017

On-time repayments

22 installments  •  41%

About Me

hallo introduce my name is desi, i have a hobby of swimming and running i am currently working as a KOWAD (army) early i graduated from school i try to test kowad alhamdulilllah my final result is received and up to now i still serve i am proud to be kowad because for me serving the nation and state is a noble thing

My Business

besides me as a kowad on the other side I also have a laundry service business that can be called laundry services for every day that keep and manage my cousin"s sister when I holiday usually I plunge directly to the store from the laundry profit I set aside for the cost of college because I want to continue the officers school from the regular path hopefully my dreams can come true I thank you very much to the zidisha who has helped me so far

Loan Proposal

I say thank you to the zidisha and the funders who have helped me so much, my intention to go to college because I want to take the officer test for promotion through regular channels, hopefully this loan proposal is mendaptkan quick response from the funding party amen. ...

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About Me

hallo perkenalkan nama saya desi,saya mempunyai hobi berenang dan berlari saat ini saya bekerja sebagai KOWAD ( TNI AD) awal saya lulus sekolah saya mencoba mengikuti tes kowad alhamdulilllah hasil akhir saya di terima dan sampai sekarang saya masih berdinas saya bangga menjadi kowad karena bagi saya mengabdi kepada bangsa dan negara adalah hal yang mulia

My Business

selain saya sebagai kowad di sisi lain saya juga mempunyai bisnis jasa cuci yakni bisa di sebut jasa laundry untuk setiap hari yang jaga dan kelola adik sepupu saya bila saya libur dinas biasanya saya terjun langsung ke toko dari hasil keuntungan laundry saya sisihkan untuk biaya kuliah karena saya ingin melanjutkan sekolah perwira dari jalur reguler semoga cita-cita saya bisa terwujud saya berterima kasih banyak kepada zidisha yang sudah membantu saya selama ini

Loan Proposal

saya ucapkan beribu -ribu terima kasih kepada pihak zidisha dan pendana yang sudah banyak membantu saya selama ini,niat saya untuk kuliah karena saya ingin mengikuti tes perwira untuk kenaikan pangkat lewat jalur reguler,semoga pengajuan pinjaman saya ini mendaptkan respon cepat dari pihak pendana amin....





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 5, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

2 months



Paul Graham

United States

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  • Desi    Oct 5, 2017

    alhamdulillah my loan proposal is already in thank you to the fund, this fund will I use for tuition fee

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  • Desi    Oct 5, 2017

    first of which I will use from this loan fund that is for tuition fee because this month i time to pay semester and big hope this submission is approved because i want to try to follow officer test through regular line

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  • Desi    Aug 2, 2017

    Thanks to the lender I have received for 843,750 IDR and I will use for my tuition fee

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  • Desi    Aug 2, 2017

    Thank you to the donors who have helped me a lot and this loan will be used for my tuition

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  • Desi    Aug 1, 2017

    Hopefully the funding of the loan can reach 100% as soon as possible thanks to the funder who has entrusted the funds for me

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  • Desi    Aug 1, 2017

    Hopefully the funding of the loan can reach 100% as soon as possible thanks to the funder who has entrusted the funds for me

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  • David Alcott    Jul 29, 2017

    We wish you the best, God bless you and congratulations on your upcoming marriage.

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  • Desi    Jun 3, 2017

    I will use the funds from this loan for additional cost of home renovation because soon I will get married

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