Tuition for university degree


Eldoret, Kenya

22% repaid




Member since

February 2015

On-time repayments

24 installments  •  17%

About Me

Am a student currently am 5 months pregnant and my father disowned me am in my 3rd year of studies. Studying and pregnancy is one challenging hurdle and the fact i hve to feed and pay my own school fees. I had a privileged childhood as i did face normal childhood. I went to good schools bt my pregnancy led me to start business

My Business

I started selling perfumes which. enables me to go maintain myself. I want to expand the business so that i can save up and support my child. In a day i make a profit of 3k. Since i don't have expenses of paying rent for my business since i do online far my profits i do use them for daily upkeep n partially savings

Loan Proposal

Add stock of the perfumes and the profit i pay fees and buy baby clothes. I urgently need money as am about to start my exams ths coming week. Being pregnant and in school without parental help is very challenging





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 23, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

5 months



San Francisco, Ca, United States



United States

Johannes Duerk

Bochum, Germany

Ask Nicole a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Lawi    Aug 12, 2015

    I was able to speak with Nicole's sister and it seems Nicole delivered a baby and hence has not been able to work. She however promised to resume repayments as soon as she is able to start working again

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  • Lawi    Jul 6, 2015

    Nicole's Phone is switched off and hence I wasnt able to talk with her

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  • Lawi    May 8, 2015

    Dear Lenders,
    Nicole's V. Mentor here, I was able to speak with Nicole this morning and she promised that she will be making the overdue amount before the end of today Friday 8th of May. I hope you understand and once again I apologize for the inconvenience caused.

    Have a great weekend ahead

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  • Nicole    Apr 24, 2015

    thank you for the support i received the cash and in progress of paying .Thank you very much

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  • Lawi    Mar 23, 2015

    Dear Lenders,
    I hope this finds you well. After trying to reach Nicole for several days, I was able to make contact and she told me that she had problems making her paymemts. I was able to take her through the process and she assured me that she will be making the payment overdue.

    I am deeply sorry for any inconvinience caused.

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