
Dakar, Senegal

100% repaid




Member since

June 2010

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  40%

About Me

I am a Senegalese woman and I live in Pikine, a suburb of Dakar. I entered business to enhance my quality of life. In my neighborhood, there are often floods, poverty – to distance myself from these things I began a business for helping my familiy and its future. I am married and have seven children. The oldest is a seamstress and the others go to primay and secondary school. I do business to support the education of my children and also to help my husband with houshold expenses.

My Business

I sell improved fuel-efficient stoves to homes in order to compensate for the rising price of butane. Also I make and sell cleaning products like soap, household cleaner and detergent. My main clients are my friends and the people I work with. I’ve had practically no trouble with my loans in the past. I always succeed in repaying the loans that are given to me. I’ve received two loans from our mutual in Pikine – CADDTK.

Loan Proposal

The loan will help me with my operations and buying from the wholesaler. The soaps and stoves are much cheaper when bought in bulk. It’s more profitable.

Show original Français  

About Me

I am a Senegalese woman and I live in Pikine, a suburb of Dakar. I entered business to enhance my quality of life. In my neighborhood, there are often floods, poverty – to distance myself from these things I began a business for helping my familiy and its future.

I am married and have seven children. The oldest is a seamstress and the others go to primay and secondary school. I do business to support the education of my children and also to help my husband with houshold duties

(this is a translation of the original French below)

Je suis une femme Senegalaise et j'habite dans la banlieu Dakaroise de Pikine. Je suis lance dans la commerce pour developper le millieu ou je suis. Dans mon quartier il y a beaucoup d'inundations, pauvrete et pour ne pas baisser les bras je suis me lancer dans le commerce pour aider ma famille et mon prochain.

Je suis mariee et j'ai 7 enfants. L'ainee fait la couture et les autres vont a l'ecole primaire et secondaire. Je fait le commerce pour appuyer mes enfants dans leurs etudes et aussi aider mon mari dans la gestion de la maison.

My Business

I am a Senegalese woman and I live in Pikine, a suburb of Dakar. I entered business to enhance my quality of life. In my neighborhood, there are often floods, poverty – to distance myself from these things I began a business for helping my familiy and its future.

I am married and have seven children. The oldest is a seamstress and the others go to primay and secondary school. I do business to support the education of my children and also to help my husband with houshold duties

I sell small alternative stoves to homes in order to compensate for the rising price of butane.

Also I make and sell cleaning products like soap, household cleaner and detergent. My main clients are my friends and the people I work with.

I’ve had practically no trouble with my loans in the past. I always succeed in repaying the loans that are given to me. I’ve received two loans from our mutual in Pikine – CADDTK.

(this is a translation of the original French below)

Je suis une femme Senegalaise et j'habite dans la banlieu Dakaroise de Pikine. Je suis lance dans la commerce pour developper le millieu ou je suis. Dans mon quartier il y a beaucoup d'inundations, pauvrete et pour ne pas baisser les bras je suis me lancer dans le commerce pour aider ma famille et mon prochain.

Je suis mariee et j'ai 7 enfants. L'ainee fait la couture et les autres vont a l'ecole primaire et secondaire. Je fait le commerce pour appuyer mes enfants dans leurs etudes et aussi aider mon mari dans la gestion de la maison.

Je fait la commerce de foyer a ameliorer. Je les vends au menageres pour compenser le prix elevee du gas butane.

aussi je fait la transformation du savon pour le lavage du corps et du savon de menage aussi des detergents. Mes principaux clients sont mon entrourage et les gens avec lesquelles je travaille.

Practiquement j'ai pas eu de problemes avec la banque. Je toujours reussi a rembourser les prets qu'l me sont donnes. J'ai recu deux prets de notre mutuelle CADDTK a Pikine.

Loan Proposal

The loan will help me with my operations and buying from the wholesaler. The soaps and stoves are much cheaper when bought in bulk. It’s more profitable.

(this is a translation of the original French below)

Le prêt va m’aider avec mes operations et les achats au grossiste. Les savons et les fours sont beaucoup moins chers si on les achetes en gros. c plus rentable






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 7, 2010

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

10 months



Brussels, Belgium

Julia Kurnia

Sterling, Virginia, United States


Berlin, Germany



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Paris, France



Nijmegen, Afghanistan


James Broderick

Cobham, United Kingdom



Paris, France



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Plainfield, Vermont, United States

Ask Ndèye a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Ndèye    Jun 7, 2012

    I've already regularized the remainder of the loan since Tuesday and so far it is not updated on the payment schedule .Thank you and good reception.

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    • Julia Kurnia    Jun 7, 2012

      Bonjour Madame Niang,

      Merci pour votre message. En fait votre versement vient d'être crédité à notre compte aujourd'hui et c'est maintenant affiché sur le site web.

      Je vous félicite et remercie d'avoir fini de rembourser votre prêt.



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  • Admin    Jun 1, 2012

    je vous rapelle que j'ai tardé à payer parce que les problèmes que j'avais soulevé tant tôt, mais incha allah je vais régler cela d'ici mardi 05
    j'espère que cela ne va pas interférer sur une autre demande que j'aurais à introduire Bonne comppréhension

    [Ndeye was not able to access her account and so she posted this final comment from the Admin account]

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  • Ndèye    Feb 3, 2012

    Today Friday, February 3, 2012, I have been visited by Stéphane and
    Anicet from Zidisha to see how I am evolving in my environment, what I
    was doing and eventually, the prospects of my projects. We talked about the financial difficulties that I am going through to reimburse my loan and that maybe that, with their visit the circumstances will hopefully take a new direction and the remaining of the loan will be paid off.

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  • Julia Kurnia    Sep 21, 2011

    Dear lenders,

    Zidisha intern Issa Diop recently visited Ndeye Niang. He reported receiving a warm welcome from Madame Niang. She had fallen behind on her repayments since her participation in the World Social Forum, a large trade fair in Dakar. She invested the bulk of her savings in rental of a booth at the fair from which to retail her homemade soap products. Unfortunately, sales at the fair were weaker than expected and Madame Niang lost money in the venture. Since then, she has been short of working capital needed to purchase raw materials for her soap and ceramic oven production business. She currently has two monthly repayment installments remaining due on her loan, and she intends to make the repayments as soon as she is able.


    Julia Kurnia
    Director, Zidisha Inc.

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  • Ndèye    Jul 27, 2011

    Hello, for the participation of the best comment: With the Zidisha loan, I was able to buy ovens and make soap with local products. With the profits, I paid for my daughter's tuition, ameliorated the conditions of my life, and above all, supported my children in their studies, namely in their education, their clothes, transportation, and eating at the school, and this is thanks to Zidisha.

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  • Ndèye    Jul 13, 2011

    Hello, it has been a long time since I have told you of the progress of my work. I am in the middle of starting a project on soap and I am looking for funding to start a unit of saponification (method of turning fat into soap). At the same time I am looking into opportunities for exportation.

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  • Ndèye    Jun 11, 2011

    bonjour Madame julia, j'espère que tu n'as pas regardé mon profil car j'ai effectué deux paiements le 01 juin 2011. Cependant je ne pense pas que je puisse dans six jour effectuer un autre versement. je paierais le prêt jusqu'au dernier centime mais les message que vous m'envoyer me déplaise vraiment comme si je n'avais pas l'intention de payer ma dette.
    merci de votre compréhension et à bientôt car je pense solder les deux mois qui restent.

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  • Allen    Apr 19, 2011

    Hello from Dakar. I am currently interning at Zidisha in Senegal. My job is to meet beneficiaries of Zidisha loans and see the progress of their businesses and relay this information on our platform for all to view.

    Yesterday I met Ndeye at her office in Pikine. Pikine is on the outskirts of Dakar built on a low laying area. Consequently there are problems with constant flooding. Her association works with urbanists to help the neighborhood in the long run, transforming flooded homes into gardens and relocating families.

    Her principal activity however is selling low energy stoves as well has artisanal soaps. During the World Social Forum she attempted to market the stoves yet didn't have as much success as she hoped. This is why she has been late on her payment, but is working to get back on track.

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    • Daniel    Apr 19, 2011

      Hello Allen and welcome aboard! Look forward to reading your updates here on Zidisha. And while in Dakar, I hope you get to hear some terrific Mbalax!

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  • Ndèye    Apr 18, 2011

    I would like to let you know that I have once again been delayed in making my repayment. Thank you. I was delayed by [my attendance in] the World Social Forum. But I hope to make it up soon and that from now on I will not be delayed as I was these last two months. Thank you for your understanding.

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  • Ndèye    Mar 5, 2011

    I have now made my February repayment, and would have liked that you not pressure your clients as I know that I have undertaken an engagement and my duty is to respect it.

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  • Ndèye    Feb 12, 2011

    I was not able to make my repayment installment this month because I was at the World Social Forum, and because my business did not earn as much as I had expected. I have had enormous difficulties, which prevented me from keeping my engagement. I hope that within a week or a little more I will be able to make the payment. I apologize for this delay.

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  • Ndèye    Jan 19, 2011

    We are currently preparing for the Grand Magal pilgrimmage to the holy city of Touba in Senegal, which will be celebrated next Sunday. Touba will host all the religious seekers of the Mouride Islamic sect from Senegal and around the world.

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  • Ndèye    Jan 7, 2011

    I have not posted a comment for some time, but as you all know we are going through a lot of rebuilding in our neighborhood which has fallen victim to repeated flooding. Nevertheless, I have just made my fourth repayment installment and I hope that all will continue to go well!

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  • Ndèye    Dec 14, 2010

    This month I paid on the 8th because I had a seminar on the 7th and I didnt have time to go to the bank. Hope that this doesnt cause too much trouble

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  • Ndèye    Nov 15, 2010

    Here are other photos

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  • Ndèye    Nov 15, 2010

    Here are photos from our second order of stoves

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    • SkyWalker    Dec 18, 2012

      Hi Ndèye

      Thanks a lot for posting these pictures of the stoves they give a much better impression of what you are working on.

      As the saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words :-)

      I hope your business is going well

      Best of luck

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  • Ndèye    Nov 8, 2010

    I just made my second payment on Monday the 8th because the 7th was a Sunday, Thank you

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  • Ndèye    Oct 26, 2010

    I've already sold my first order of stoves, I am waiting for my second order to come in the next couple of days. With the Tabaski holiday coming up, stoves are in great demand because it is the holiday where we eat sheep. Here's a photo of my soaps that I also sell

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  • Ndèye    Oct 13, 2010

    We need these stoves because the cost of living is high here, anything that can help us save money is welcome. I've already made the first payment and I hope everything will pass through normally. Please send my regards to you and your familly

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  • tjm212003    Oct 5, 2010

    Hey Niang, my name is Tiphaine and I am a college student in Canada. Though i didn't finance you, I think selling sustainable ovens is amazing - a great way to protect the environment and help people save money. good luck!

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