Additional capital expenditure


Kota Bandung, Indonesia

4% repaid




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

11 installments  •  27%

About Me

hy I am a housewife who also sells to help my family"s financial life. because I have a small child sd. I sell wet and dry cakes. I used to sell in the market near the house and to the afternoon selling at office kiosks. While my husband selling chicken.crispy every afternoon until afternoon.kami help each other to sell business to cover the economic needs of the family

My Business

I am very happy to be selling wet cakes because most of the cakes I sell are my own produce. Especially if there are ordering cake wet.karena will result in greater profits but sometimes often constrained in the gutters if the order exceeds the capital funds available. I would like to have my own booth sort of rent a kiosk paid monthly. Zidisha was enough to help me in yesterday"s ordering cake gutters. So that I can pay off faster. Hopefully I can get trust again for the next loan because my plan would like to make a stand tent box for my business since the rainy season comes and is often lying on a wet tent.

Loan Proposal

I want to add capital so that many types of food that I can sell again

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About Me

hy saya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga yang juga berjualan demi membantu kehidupan keuangan keluarga saya.karena saya punya anak kecil sd. saya berjualan kue basah dan kering. biasa saya jualan pagi di pasar dekat rumah dan menuju siang jualan di kios perkantoran. Sedangkan suami saya jualan ayam.crispy setiap siang sampai sore.kami saling bantu membantu usaha berjualan demi menutupi kebutuhan ekonomi keluarga

My Business

saya sangat senang bisa jualan kue basah karena kebanyakan kue yang saya jual adalah hasil produksi saya sendiri. Terlebih jika ada yang memesan kue basah.karena akan menghasilkan laba yang lebih besar namun kadang seringkali terkendala di dana talang jika pemesanan melebihi dari dana modal yang tersedia. Saya ingin mempunyai stand sendiri semacam menyewa kios yang dibayar bulanan. Zidisha cukup membantu saya dalam dana talang pemesanan kue kemarin.maka itu saya bisa melunasi lebih cepat. Berharap semoga saya bisa medapat kepercayaan lagi untuk pinjaman berikutnya karena rencana saya ingin membuat box tenda stand untuk usaha saya karena berhubung musim hujan sidah datang dan sering terkedala pada tenda yang basah.

Loan Proposal

Saya mau nambahin modal biar banyak jenis makanan yg bisa saya jual lagi





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 20, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

2 months

Other loans


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Ai a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Ai    Jan 28, 2018

    I will save funds for my weekly routine, which is spending more money. Because every week I find a lot more orders. And the order is paid 2 days later. then I need it for capital

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  • Su    Jan 4, 2018

    Dear lenders The telephon ai number is not active and the reference number is not included. I have tried to contact him but the phone number failed to be contacted

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  • Su    Dec 8, 2017

    Dear lender. I tried to contact this member but the phone number was inactive, I found it difficult to find out what the delay payment liability

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  • Su    Dec 7, 2017

    Loans are. I can contact ainsuryati. But it is constrained because all the numbers of auryati are inactive and not listed in the reference phone number.

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  • Su    Dec 7, 2017

    Dear lender. This account has no activity. Number can not be contacted

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  • Su    Dec 3, 2017

    Dear lender. I"ve been trying to contact ainsuryati. But it is constrained because all the numbers of auryati are inactive and not listed in the reference phone number. Thank you

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  • Su    Nov 27, 2017

    Timely payments will build the creditor"s confidence and make it easy for subsequent loans

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  • Ai    Nov 19, 2017

    Alhamdulillah thank goodness I was able to pay off early loan faster than expected even though I had fallen ill. Hopefully the next zidisha is able to give me another chance to give another loan to make a permanent tent because it has entered the rainy season and I am often hampered by a wet tent

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    • Su    Nov 27, 2017

      Timely payments will increase your credit limit

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  • Ai    Nov 19, 2017

    Alhamdulillah thank goodness I was able to pay off early loan faster than expected even though I had fallen ill. Hopefully the next zidisha is able to give me another chance to give another loan to make a permanent tent because it has entered the rainy season and I am often hampered by wet tents.

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  • Ai    Nov 19, 2017

    Alhamdulillah thank goodness I was able to pay off early loan faster than expected even though I had fallen ill. Hopefully the next zidisha is able to give me another chance to give another loan to make a permanent tent because it has entered the rainy season and I am often hampered by wet tents

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  • Ai    Nov 19, 2017

    Alhamdulillah thank goodness I was able to pay off early loan faster than expected even though I had fallen ill. Hopefully the next zidisha is able to give me another chance to give another loan to make the tent permanent because it has entered the rainy season and I am often hampered by wet tents. Hopefully zidisha loans can help soon

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  • Ai    Nov 19, 2017

    Alhamdulillah thank goodness I was able to pay off early loan faster than expected even though I had fallen ill. Hopefully the next zidisha is able to give me another chance to give another loan to make a permanent tent because it has entered the rainy season and I am often hampered by wet tents

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  • Ai    Nov 19, 2017

    Alhamdulillah thank goodness I was able to pay off early loan faster than expected even though I had fallen ill. Hopefully the next zidisha is able to give me another chance to give another loan to make the tent permanent because it has entered the rainy season and I am often hampered by wet tents. Hopefully zidisha can quickly help ya

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  • Ai    Nov 19, 2017

    Alhamdulillah thank goodness I was able to pay off early loan faster than expected even though I had fallen ill. Hopefully the next zidisha is able to give me another chance to give another loan to make a permanent tent because it has entered the rainy season and I am often hampered by wet tents

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